PC Errata/Table

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Remember that the below table doesn't show certain commonly errata'd stats, such as whether the card is unique or twilight cost, etc. Hover over the card name to see the full card image for all such changes.

Portrait Original Errata Current Culture Game Text
Portrait Original Errata Current Culture Game Text
Dwarf Guard (1C7) Dwarf Guard (1C7) Yes Dwarven To play, spot a Dwarf.
Dwarven Axe (1C9) Dwarven Axe (1C9) Yes Dwarven Bearer must be a Dwarf. Each time a minion loses a skirmish to bearer, that minion's owner must exert a minion or discard the bottom card of their draw deck.
Dwarven Axe (1C9) Dwarven Axe (1C9) Yes Dwarven Bearer must be a Dwarf. Each time a minion loses a skirmish to bearer, you may make a minion strength -1 until the regroup phase. The Shadow player may discard 2 cards from the bottom of their draw deck to prevent this.
Farin, Dwarven Emissary (1C11) Farin, Dwarven Emissary (1C11) Yes Dwarven To play, spot a Dwarf. While skirmishing an Orc, Farin is strength +2.
Gimli, Dwarf of Erebor (1U12) Gimli, Dwarf of Erebor (1U12) Yes Dwarven Damage +1. Fellowship: If the twilight pool has fewer than 2 twilight tokens, add and place a card from hand beneath your draw deck to draw a card.
Greatest Kingdom of My People (1R16) Greatest Kingdom of My People (1R16) Yes Dwarven Tale. To play, exert a Dwarf. The first time your opponent plays an Orc each turn, you may take a card into hand from your discard pile. The Shadow player may discard the bottom 2 cards of their draw deck to prevent this.
Grimir, Dwarven Elder (1U17) Grimir, Dwarven Elder (1U17) Yes Dwarven Fellowship: Exert Grimir and discard the top card of your draw deck to place a event from your discard pile on top of your draw deck.
Nobody Tosses a Dwarf (1R23) Nobody Tosses a Dwarf (1R23) Yes Dwarven If a Dwarf wins a skirmish, discard a Shadow card. Its owner may discard 3 cards from the bottom of their draw deck to prevent this.
Ancient Enmity (1U29) Ancient Enmity (1U29) Yes Elven Make an Elf strength +1. If a minion loses this skirmish to that Elf, you may heal an Elf; any shadow player may discard a card from hand to prevent this.
Curse Their Foul Feet! (1R36) Curse Their Foul Feet! (1R36) Yes Elven Exert an Elf to reveal 4 cards at random from an opponent's hand. Make the fellowship archery total +X until the regroup phase, where X is the number of Orcs revealed. That player may discard X cards from hand to prevent this.
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (1R40) Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (1R40) Yes Elven To play, spot Gandalf or an Elf.

At the start of each of your turns, heal up to 3 allies whose home is site 3.

Fellowship: Exert Elrond twice (or once if you can spot 2 other Elven allies) to draw a card.
Galadriel, Lady of Light (1R45) Galadriel, Lady of Light (1R45) Yes Elven At the start of each of your turns, heal up to 3 allies whose home is site 6. Fellowship: Exert Galadriel to play an Elf; that Elf's twilight cost is -1.
Legolas, Greenleaf (1R50) Legolas, Greenleaf (1R50) Yes Elven Archer. Archery: Exert Legolas to wound a minion. Exert him again unless he bears a ranged weapon or you can spot more minions than companions.
Lórien Elf (1C53) Lórien Elf (1C53) Yes Elven To play, spot an Elf.
The Mirror of Galadriel (1R55) The Mirror of Galadriel (1R55) Yes Elven Plays to your support area. Each Elf ally whose home is site 6 is strength +1. Maneuever: Exert Galadriel to reveal 3 cards at random from an opponent's hand. Place one on top of that player's draw deck.
Shoulder to Shoulder (1C59) Shoulder to Shoulder (1C59) Yes Elven Fellowship: Add and exert a Dwarf to heal an Elf, or add and exert an Elf to heal a Dwarf.
Stand Against Darkness (1U63) Stand Against Darkness (1U63) Yes Elven Maneuver: Exert an Elf to wound a minion twice or discard a condition or possession.
The White Arrows of Lórien (1C68) The White Arrows of Lórien (1C68) Yes Elven Tale. Bearer must be an Elf companion. Archery: If bearer is an archer, exert bearer to exert a minion. An opponent may discard a card from hand to prevent this.
Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor (1U70) Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor (1U70) Yes Gandalf Fellowship: Exert Barliman Butterbur to take a spell into hand from your discard pile.
Ottar, Man of Laketown (1R80) Ottar, Man of Laketown (1R80) No Gandalf To play, spot Gandalf. Fellowship: Exert Ottar and discard a card from hand to draw a card.
Ottar, Man of Laketown (1R80) Ottar, Man of Laketown (1R80) Yes Gandalf To play, spot Gandalf. Fellowship: Exert Ottar and discard a card from hand to draw a card.
A Wizard Is Never Late (1R87) A Wizard Is Never Late (1R87) Yes Gandalf Play a Wizard or ally from your draw deck.
Armor (1C92) Armor (1C92) Yes Gondor Bearer must be a Man or companion. Bearer takes no more than 1 wound during each skirmish phase.
Coat of Mail (1C101) Coat of Mail (1C101) Yes Gondor Bearer must be a Man or companion. Bearer may not be overwhelmed unless his or her strength is tripled.
Great Shield (1C107) Great Shield (1C107) Yes Gondor Bearer must be a Man or companion. The minion archery total is -1.
No Stranger to the Shadows (1U108) No Stranger to the Shadows (1U108) Yes Gondor Stealth. Bearer must be a ranger. Each site's Shadow number is -1.
Strength of Kings (1R115) Strength of Kings (1R115) Yes Gondor If a skirmish event is played during a skirmish involving a companion, cancel that event.
Hunt Them Down! (1U126) Hunt Them Down! (1U126) Yes Isengard Maneuver: Make an Uruk-hai fierce until the regroup phase.
Saruman's Snows (1C138) Saruman's Snows (1C138) Yes Isengard Spell. Weather. To play, exert a minion. Plays on a site. No player may play skirmish events or use skirmish special abilities during skirmishes involving an minion at this site. Discard this condition at the end of the turn.
Savagery to Match Their Numbers (1R139) Savagery to Match Their Numbers (1R139) No Isengard Skirmish: Make an Uruk-hai strength +2, or spot 5 companions to make an Uruk-hai strength +3 (and fierce until the regroup phase).
Savagery to Match Their Numbers (1R139) Savagery to Match Their Numbers (1R139) Yes Isengard Skirmish: Make an Uruk-hai strength +2. If you can spot 5 companions, also make it fierce and an additional strength +2 until the regroup phase.
Uruk Rager (1C150) Uruk Rager (1C150) Yes Isengard Damage +1. Each time this minion wins a skirmish, the Free Peoples player must exert a companion or discard the top 3 cards of their draw deck.
Uruk Soldier (1C154) Uruk Soldier (1C154) Yes Isengard Damage +1. When you play this minion, exert a companion. The Free Peoples player may discard the top 2 cards of their draw deck to prevent this.
Uruk-hai Sword (1C160) Uruk-hai Sword (1C160) Yes Isengard Bearer must be an Uruk-hai. Each time bearer wins a skirmish, the Free Peoples player must exert a companion or discard the top 2 cards of their draw deck.
Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177) Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177) Yes Moria Shadow: Exert a Orc to draw a card.
Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177) Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177) Yes Moria Shadow: Exert this minion or a unique Orc to draw a card.
Relics of Moria (1R195) Relics of Moria (1R195) Yes Moria Shadow: Remove to play a possession from your discard pile.
Through the Misty Mountains (1U198) Through the Misty Mountains (1U198) Yes Moria Search. To play, exert a minion. Each time the fellowship moves to any site 4, 5, or 6 and contains a Dwarf or Elf, draw a card. The Free Peoples player may discard 1 card at random from hand to prevent this.
Úlairë Nertëa, Messenger of Dol Guldur (1U234) Úlairë Nertëa, Messenger of Dol Guldur (1U234) Yes Ringwraith When you play Úlairë Nertëa, for each companion over 4, you may play a unique minion from your discard pile.
Band of the Eye (1R240) Band of the Eye (1R240) Yes Sauron Each time this minion wins a skirmish, you may remove to add 2 burdens. The Free Peoples player may discard 2 cards at random from hand to prevent this.
Desperate Measures (1R245) Desperate Measures (1R245) Yes Sauron Spot a Orc and remove a burden to take a card into hand from your discard pile. The Free Peoples player may discard the top 8 cards of their draw deck to prevent this.
Forces of Mordor (1C248) Forces of Mordor (1C248) Yes Sauron Shadow: Exert a minion to add for each Orc you can spot (limit ).
The Irresistible Shadow (1R252) The Irresistible Shadow (1R252) Yes Sauron To play, exert a Orc.

The Ring-bearer is strength +1 for each burden you can spot.

If you cannot spot another companion, the Ring-bearer is resistance -2 for each burden you can spot.
Mordor Enraged (1R254) Mordor Enraged (1R254) Yes Sauron To play, exert a minion. Plays on an archer companion. Each time the Free Peoples player uses an archery special ability, bearer must exert.
The Number Must Be Few (1U260) The Number Must Be Few (1U260) Yes Sauron Search. While you can spot 7 companions, the move limit for this turn is -1 (to a minimum of 1). When you can no longer spot 7 companions or this card leaves play, this penalty is immediately lost.
Orc Butchery (1R265) Orc Butchery (1R265) Yes Sauron If a companion is killed by a Orc, then for each card in the dead pile the Free Peoples player must choose to add a burden or discard 4 cards from the top of their draw deck.
Orc Inquisitor (1C268) Orc Inquisitor (1C268) Yes Sauron When you play this minion, you may draw a card. The Free Peoples player may discard 1 card at random from hand to prevent this.
Tower Lieutenant (1U280) Tower Lieutenant (1U280) Yes Sauron Each time this minion wins a skirmish, you may exhaust a companion (except the Ring-bearer). The Free Peoples player may discard 2 cards at random from hand to prevent this.
The Weight of a Legacy (1R282) The Weight of a Legacy (1R282) Yes Sauron To play, exert a Orc. Plays on a companion. Limit 1 per bearer. While you can spot 2 tales, bearer is strength -2.
Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (1C303) Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (1C303) Yes Shire While Merry bears a weapon, he is strength +2. Skirmish: Exert Merry to make him strength +1 for each hand weapon you can spot (limit +3).
Sam, Faithful Companion (1R310) Sam, Faithful Companion (1R310) Yes Shire Fellowship: Exert Sam to take a item into hand from your draw deck (limit once per turn). Response: If Frodo dies, make Sam the Ring-bearer (resistance 5).
Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311) Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311) No Shire Fellowship: Exert Sam and another companion to remove a burden. Response: If Frodo dies, make Sam the Ring-bearer (resistance 5).
Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311) Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311) Yes Shire Fellowship: Exert Sam and another companion to remove a burden. Then, exert Sam again unless you can spot 2 allies (or Rosie Cotton). Response: If Frodo dies, make Sam the Ring-bearer (resistance 5).
Sting (1R313) Sting (1R313) Yes Shire Bearer must be Frodo. Fellowship: or Regroup: Exert Frodo to reveal 4 cards at random from an opponent's hand. Remove for each Orc revealed (limit ).
A Talent for Not Being Seen (1U316) A Talent for Not Being Seen (1U316) Yes Shire Stealth. Bearer must be Merry or Pippin. Limit 1 per character. Each site's Shadow number is -1
Ettenmoors (1C331) Ettenmoors (1C331) No Site Plains. Skirmish: Exert your character (except an enduring character), to make it strength +2.
Midgewater Moors (1U333) Midgewater Moors (1U333) Yes Site Plains. Each time a minion is played, the Free Peoples player must exert a companion or discard a card from hand.
Beneath the Mountains (2R1) Beneath the Mountains (2R1) Yes Dwarven Tale.

Fellowship: Discard the top 3 cards from your draw deck to play a weapon from your discard pile.

Fellowship: Spot a Dwarf to discard the top 3 cards from your draw deck.
Frór, Gimli's Kinsman (2C6) Frór, Gimli's Kinsman (2C6) Yes Dwarven To play, spot a Dwarf. While skirmishing an Uruk-hai, Frór is strength +3.
Glóin, Friend to Thorin (2R7) Glóin, Friend to Thorin (2R7) Yes Dwarven For each tale you can spot, Glóin is strength +1 (limit +4).
Realm of Dwarrowdelf (2R12) Realm of Dwarrowdelf (2R12) Yes Dwarven Skirmish: Discard the top 3 cards from your draw deck to make a Dwarf strength +1 (limit +3) and, if underground, damage +1 (limit +3). You may then discard up to 30 cards from your draw deck 3 at a time.
Secret Sentinels (2R20) Secret Sentinels (2R20) Yes Elven Exert an Elf ally to discard a condition. If you can spot an Orc, you may exert another Elf ally to discard another condition.
Flaming Brand (2R32) Flaming Brand (2R32) No Gondor Bearer must be a Man.

This weapon may be borne in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Skirmish: If bearer is skirmishing a Nazgûl, discard this possession to make bearer strength +3 and damage +2.
Flaming Brand (2R32) Flaming Brand (2R32) Yes Gondor Bearer must be a ranger. This weapon may be borne in addition to 1 other hand weapon. Skirmish: Make bearer strength +2 and damage +1 while bearing this item and skirmishing a Nazgûl until the regroup phase (limit once per turn). Discard this possession at the start of the regroup phase.
Lurtz's Sword (2R43) Lurtz's Sword (2R43) Yes Isengard Bearer must be a unique Uruk-hai.

If bearer is Lurtz, he is damage +1.

Each time bearer wins a skirmish, the Free Peoples player must wound a companion or discard the top 3 cards of their draw deck.
No Business of Ours (2C44) No Business of Ours (2C44) Yes Isengard While you can spot an minion, this card is twilight cost -3. The Free Peoples player may not look at or reveal cards in any Shadow player’s hand.
Too Much Attention (2R45) Too Much Attention (2R45) Yes Isengard If the Ring-bearer puts on The One Ring, spot an minion to take a minion into hand from your draw deck. The Free Peoples player may discard the top 5 cards of their draw deck to prevent this.
Foul Things (2U59) Foul Things (2U59) Yes Moria Shadow: Play a card from your discard pile.
Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow (2R75) Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow (2R75) Yes Ringwraith Nazgûl are not roaming. While you can spot a Hobbit, the Free Peoples player may not assign a character to skirmish Bill Ferny. Discard Bill Ferny if underground.
Helpless (2U76) Helpless (2U76) Yes Ringwraith Bearer's special abilities cannot be used.

Maneuver: Exert a non-enduring Nazgul to transfer this <thin>to a Ring-bound companion.</thin>

Response: If a burden is removed, spot or reveal a Nazgul from hand to transfer this to a Ring-bound companion.
Helpless (2U76) Helpless (2U76) Yes Ringwraith To play, spot a Nazgûl.

Plays on Sam.

Bearer's special abilities may not be used.
Helpless (2U76) Helpless (2U76) Yes Ringwraith Bearer's special abilities cannot be used. Maneuver: If this is in your support area, exert a Nazgul to transfer this to a Ring-bound companion.
The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (2R85) The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (2R85) Yes Ringwraith Twilight.

Return to Its Master cannot be played. Skirmishes involving The Witch-king cannot be canceled.

Each time The Witch-king wins a skirmish, you may exert him to wound the Ring-bearer twice.
Southern Spies (2C91) Southern Spies (2C91) Yes Sauron If the Ring-bearer puts on The One Ring, spot a minion to add a burden for each card in the Free Peoples player's hand. The Free Peoples player may discard their hand to prevent this.
Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal (2C101) Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal (2C101) Yes Shire Skirmish: Exert a Hobbit companion twice (except the Ring-bearer) to cancel a fierce skirmish involving that Hobbit.
Merry, Horticulturalist (2C104) Merry, Horticulturalist (2C104) Yes Shire Fellowship: Exert Merry to take a ally into hand from your draw deck (limit once per turn).
Not Feared in Sunlight (2U107) Not Feared in Sunlight (2U107) Yes Shire To play, spot 2 Hobbits. Fellowship: Discard this condition to make each Nazgûl strength -4 until the regroup phase.
O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! (2R108) O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! (2R108) Yes Shire Tale. Bearer must be the Ring-bearer. Skirmish: Discard this condition to make the Ring-bearer strength +4 if skirmishing a Nazgûl or to take off The One Ring.
Pippin, Mr. Took (2C110) Pippin, Mr. Took (2C110) Yes Shire Each time you play a companion, you may play an item on them from your discard pile (at twilight cost -2 if that companion is Gandalf or Aragorn).
Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121) Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121) Yes Dwarven Damage +1. Each underground site's Shadow number is -1. While the fellowship is at an underground site, Gimli is strength +1.
A Royal Welcome (3U4) A Royal Welcome (3U4) Yes Dwarven Fellowship: Exert a companion to heal a ally.

Skirmish: Spot a companion skirmishing a minion of strength 10 or more and exert a ally to make that companion strength +2.

Regroup: Exert a ally to heal a companion.
Arwen, Elven Rider (3U7) Arwen, Elven Rider (3U7) Yes Elven Ranger. Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, discard X cards from hand to prevent that wound, where X is the current region number.
Arwen, Lady Undomiel (3R8) Arwen, Lady Undomiel (3R8) Yes Elven Each minion skirmishing Arwen is strength -1 for each home 3 ally you can spot (limit -4).
Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad (3R13) Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad (3R13) Yes Elven At the start of each of your turns, you may spot an ally whose home is site 3 to heal that ally up to 2 times. Add per wound healed. Regroup: Exert Elrond twice to heal a companion.
Erestor, Chief Advisor to Elrond (3C14) Erestor, Chief Advisor to Elrond (3C14) Yes Elven To play, spot an Elf. Response: If an Elf is about to take a wound from a or card, exert Erestor to prevent that wound.
Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood (3R17) Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood (3R17) No Elven At the start of each of your turns, you may heal another Elf. Fellowship: Exert Galadriel twice to play the fellowship's next site if it is a forest (replacing opponent's site if necessary).
Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood (3R17) Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood (3R17) Yes Elven At the start of each of your turns, you may heal another Elf. Each time the fellowship is about to move to an opponent's site during the Fellowship phase, you may exert Galadriel to replace that site with a forest of the same site number from your adventure deck.
Golradir, Councilor of Imladris (3U20) Golradir, Councilor of Imladris (3U20) Yes Elven To play, spot an Elf. Skirmish: Exert Golradir to make a minion strength -1 (or -1 for each Elf you can spot if that minion is an Orc).
Phial of Galadriel (3U24) Phial of Galadriel (3U24) Yes Elven To play, exert an Elf. Bearer must be the Ring-bearer. Bearer’s resistance is +2.
Saelbeth, Elven Councilor (3U25) Saelbeth, Elven Councilor (3U25) Yes Elven To play, spot an Elf.

Skirmish: Exert Saelbeth to make a minion strength -1 (or -1 for each Elf you can spot if that minion is an

Vilya (3R27) Vilya (3R27) Yes Elven Bearer must be Elrond. Maneuver: Spot a Shadow condition to return that condition to its owner's hand. That player may discard a card from hand. Return Vilya to your hand.
Vilya (3R27) Vilya (3R27) Yes Elven Bearer must be Elrond. Maneuver: Exert bearer twice and spot a Shadow condition to return that condition to its owner's hand. That player may discard a card from hand.
Aragorn, Heir to the White City (3R38) Aragorn, Heir to the White City (3R38) Yes Gondor Ranger. Each time the fellowship moves during the fellowship phase, remove .
Gondor Bowmen (3R41) Gondor Bowmen (3R41) Yes Gondor Tale. Archery: Exert a companion and discard this condition to make the fellowship archery total +2.
Horn of Boromir (3R42) Horn of Boromir (3R42) Yes Gondor Bearer must be Boromir. Maneuver: Exert Boromir and discard this possession to spot an ally. Until the regroup phase, that ally is strength +3 and participates in archery fire and skirmishes.
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50) Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50) Yes Isengard Bearer must be a companion or ally.

Each time bearer wins a skirmish against an minion, add a burden.

At the start of the regroup phase, the Free Peoples player may exert bearer twice to discard this condition.
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50) Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50) Yes Isengard Spot an minion to exhaust Aragorn. The Free Peoples player may add 2 burdens to prevent this.
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50) Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50) Yes Isengard Bearer must be a companion or ally. Limit 1 per bearer.

Each time bearer wins a skirmish against an minion, add a burden.

At the start of the regroup phase, the Free Peoples player may exert bearer twice to discard this condition.
Hollowing of Isengard (3R54) Hollowing of Isengard (3R54) Yes Isengard To play, spot an minion. At the start of your Shadow phase, you may discard an card from hand to add (or if that card was an Orc).
The Palantír of Orthanc (3R67) The Palantír of Orthanc (3R67) Yes Isengard To play, spot an minion. Shadow: Spot 2 minions and remove to reveal a card at random from the Free Peoples player’s hand. Place that card on top of that player's draw deck.
Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68) Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68) No Isengard Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Maneuver: Exert Saruman to make an Uruk-hai fierce until the regroup phase.

Response: If an Uruk-hai is about to take a wound, exert Saruman to prevent that wound.
Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68) Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68) Yes Isengard Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Maneuver: Exert Saruman to make an Uruk-hai fierce until the regroup phase.

Response: If an Uruk-hai is about to take a wound, discard (or exert) Saruman to prevent that wound.
Malice (3U79) Malice (3U79) Yes Moria Spot a Orc and a Orc to play up to 2 or items from your discard pile. Wound a Free Peoples archer for each item played.
Such a Little Thing (3R80) Such a Little Thing (3R80) Yes Moria Bearer must be an unbound companion. Limit 1 per bearer. At the start of each skirmish involving bearer and a minion, discard a possession borne by bearer. The Free Peoples player may exert bearer or discard another Free Peoples item to prevent that.
Such a Little Thing (3R80) Such a Little Thing (3R80) Yes Moria Spot a minion to wound Boromir three times (or exhaust him if Boromir is the Ring-bearer). The Free Peoples player may discard two possessions to prevent this.
Such a Little Thing (3R80) Such a Little Thing (3R80) Yes Moria Bearer must be an unbound companion. Limit 1 per bearer. At the start of each skirmish involving bearer and a minion, discard a possession borne by bearer. The Free Peoples player may exert bearer or discard another Free Peoples item to prevent that.
News of Mordor (3U82) News of Mordor (3U82) Yes Ringwraith Choose one: exert an minion to make a Nazgul damage +1 until the regroup phase, or exert a Nazgul to make an minion unable to take wounds until the regroup phase.
Too Great and Terrible (3R85) Too Great and Terrible (3R85) Yes Ringwraith To play, exert a minion. Bearer must

be a companion or ally. Bearer cannot be exerted by Free Peoples cards.

At the start of the regroup phase, the Free Peoples player may discard 1 card of bearer's culture from hand to discard this condition.
Too Great and Terrible (3R85) Too Great and Terrible (3R85) Yes Ringwraith Spot a Nazgûl to wound Gandalf twice. The Free Peoples player may discard 2 cards from hand to prevent this.
Too Great and Terrible (3R85) Too Great and Terrible (3R85) Yes Ringwraith To play, exert a minion. Bearer must be a companion or ally. Limit 1 per bearer. Each time bearer exerts, exhaust bearer unless the Free Peoples player discards a card from hand of bearer's culture.
The Dark Lord Advances (3C87) The Dark Lord Advances (3C87) Yes Sauron Exert a minion to reveal a card at random from the Free Peoples player’s hand. You may take a minion into hand from your draw deck costing up to X, where X is the twilight cost of the card revealed. The Free Peoples player may discard X cards from hand to prevent this.
Get Off the Road! (3U88) Get Off the Road! (3U88) Yes Sauron Search. Spot a card and a Nazgul to make the Free Peoples player exert a companion for each burden you can spot. The Free Peoples player may make the move limit -1 to prevent this.
Hand of Sauron (3C90) Hand of Sauron (3C90) No Sauron Exert a unique minion to exhaust a companion (except the Ring-bearer). The Free Peoples player may discard 2 cards at random from their hand to prevent this.
Hand of Sauron (3C90) Hand of Sauron (3C90) Yes Sauron Exert a unique minion to exert a companion (except the Ring-bearer) and discard a possession attached to that companion. The Free Peoples player may discard 1 card at random from their hand to prevent this.
His Cruelty and Malice (3R91) His Cruelty and Malice (3R91) Yes Sauron Regroup: Discard a minion to reveal the top 2 cards of your opponent's draw deck. If at least 1 is a Free Peoples card, exert a companion (except the Ring-bearer). Your opponent may discard all revealed Free Peoples cards to prevent this.
Massing in the East (3U92) Massing in the East (3U92) Yes Sauron To play, discard a minion. Return up to X minions to hand, where X is the number of races you can spot in the fellowship. The Free Peoples player may discard X cards from hand to prevent this.
Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Yes Sauron Spot a minion to wound Galadriel 3 times. The Free Peoples player may discard 2 Elves to prevent this. If Galadriel is Ring-bound, 2 burdens may be added instead.
Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Yes Sauron To play, exert a Orc. Bearer must be a companion or ally. Each time one of bearer's special abilities are used, the Free Peoples player must discard a Free Peoples character or wound bearer.
Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Yes Sauron Spot a minion to wound Galadriel three times (or exhaust her if Galadriel is the Ring-bearer). The Free Peoples player may discard two elves to prevent this.
Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Terrible as the Dawn (3R103) Yes Sauron If a companion or ally's special ability is used, you may spot a card to wound that character. The Free Peoples player may discard another companion to prevent this.
Tower of Barad-dûr (3R104) Tower of Barad-dûr (3R104) Yes Sauron To play, exert a minion. Each time the fellowship moves, draw 2 cards. The Free Peoples player may discard a card from hand to prevent this.
Why Shouldn't I Keep It? (3R105) Why Shouldn't I Keep It? (3R105) Yes Sauron Spot a minion to discard Bilbo. The Free Peoples player may discard 2 Free Peoples conditions to prevent this.
Why Shouldn't I Keep It? (3R105) Why Shouldn't I Keep It? (3R105) Yes Sauron Spot a minion to discard Bilbo. The Free Peoples player may discard 2 Free Peoples conditions to prevent this.
Bill the Pony (3U106) Bill the Pony (3U106) Yes Shire Stealth. Bearer must be Sam.

Each site's Shadow number is -1.

Discard this possession when at an underground site.
Frying Pan (3C108) Frying Pan (3C108) Yes Shire Bearer must be a Hobbit. Skirmish: Exert bearer to wound an Orc he or she is skirmishing.
The Shire Countryside (3R113) The Shire Countryside (3R113) Yes Shire To play, spot 2 companions. Each time you remove a burden (except by a Hobbit's game text), you may heal up to 2 companions (limit once per phase).
Wastes of Emyn Muil (3U120) Wastes of Emyn Muil (3U120) Yes Site Maneuver: Exert your Orc to make the Free Peoples player wound a companion (or 2 companions if you spot 6 companions).
Ever My Heart Rises (4R46) Ever My Heart Rises (4R46) Yes Dwarven Tale. When you play this condition, reveal the top 6 cards of your draw deck and stack them here.

Fellowship: Spot a Dwarf and discard the top card of your draw deck to take a Free Peoples card stacked here into hand.

Fellowship: Spot a Dwarf to discard the top 5 cards of your draw deck.
Erethón, Naith Lieutenant (4R65) Erethon, Naith Lieutenant (4R65) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

While Erethón bears a ranged weapon, he is strength +1 and damage +1, and he does not add to the fellowship archery total.
Fereveldir, Son of Thandronen (4C67) Fereveldir, Son of Thandronen (4C67) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

Skirmish: Exert Fereveldir and discard an token from your condition to wound a minion Fereveldir is skirmishing.
Ferevellon, Son of Thandronen (4C68) Ferevellon, Son of Thandronen (4C68) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

Skirmish: Exert Ferevellon to make a minion skirmishing him strength -2.
Haldir, Emissary of the Galadhrim (4C71) Haldir, Emissary of the Galadhrim (4C71) Yes Elven Valiant.

While no opponent controls a site, Haldir is strength +2.

Regroup: Exert Haldir at a battleground and exert another Elf to liberate a site.
Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4R73) Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4R73) No Elven Archer. The twilight cost of each Shadow event and Shadow condition is +1 for each unbound Hobbit you can spot (limit +2).
Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4R73) Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4R73) Yes Elven Archer. Each time a Shadow event or Shadow condition is played, remove for each unbound Hobbit you can spot (limit ).
Lórien Guardian (4C76) Lorien Guardian (4C76) Yes Elven Valiant. Regroup: Exert this companion to make a Shadow player wound a minion.
Lórien Swordsman (4C78) Lorien Swordsman (4C78) Yes Elven Valiant. Each minion skirmishing this companion is strength -2 for each wound on that minion.
Ordulus, Young Warrior (4U80) Ordulus, Young Warrior (4U80) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

The twilight cost of each ranged weapon played on Ordulus is -1.
Pengedhel, Naith Warrior (4U81) Pengedhel, Naith Warrior (4U81) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

While Pengedhel bears a ranged weapon, he is strength +2 and he does not add to the fellowship archery total.
Thandronen, Veteran Protector (4C85) Thandronen, Veteran Protector (4C85) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

Regroup: Exert Thandronen to discard a minion stacked on a condition or stacked on a site.
Thónnas, Naith Captain (4U86) Thonnas, Naith Captain (4U86) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

While Thónnas bears a ranged weapon, each minion skirmishing him is strength -2 and Thónnas does not add to the fellowship archery total.
Come Down (4R146) Come Down (4R146) Yes Isengard Maneuver: If you can spot an minion, spot a fortification. Make the Free Peoples player distribute X + 1 wounds among your minions, where X is its twilight cost. Discard that fortification. Archery: Spot 2 archers to make allies take wounds from archery fire instead of companions.
Uruk Regular (4C192) Uruk Regular (4C192) Yes Isengard Damage +1. Shadow: Exert this minion to play an Uruk-hai; its twilight cost is -1 for each other Uruk-hai you can spot (limit -2).
Southron Archer (4R245) Southron Archer (4R245) Yes Raider Southron. Archer. While you can spot another Southron, the minion archery total is +1 for each site you control (limit +2).
Fortress Never Fallen (4U276) Fortress Never Fallen (4U276) Yes Rohan Each time a Man wins a skirmish, you may place a token on this card. Regroup: Discard a Shadow condition for each token here (limit 4). Discard this condition.
Fortress Never Fallen (4U276) Fortress Never Fallen (4U276) Yes Rohan Fortification.

Each time a Man wins a skirmish, you may place a token on this card.

Regroup: Discard a Shadow condition

for each token here (limit 4).

Discard this condition.
Herugrim (4U280) Herugrim (4U280) Yes Rohan Bearer must be Théoden. He is damage +1.
Simbelmynë (4R289) Simbelmyne (4R289) Yes Rohan Spot 2 Men (or 1 valiant Man) to play a character or item from your draw deck.
Get On and Get Away (4R304) Get On and Get Away (4R304) Yes Shire Fellowship: Spot 2 Ring-bound Hobbits (or Sméagol) and add 2 burdens to play the fellowship’s next 2 sites (replacing opponent’s sites if necessary).
Cavern Entrance (4U355) Cavern Entrance (4U355) Yes Site At the start of each skirmish, you may exert your character in that skirmish to prevent special abilities being used.
Gimli, Skilled Defender (5R7) Gimli, Skilled Defender (5R7) Yes Dwarven Damage +1. Valiant. Each time Gimli wins a skirmish, you may wound a minion assigned to skirmish an unbound companion.
Balglin, Elven Warrior (5U10) Balglin, Elven Warrior (5U10) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

While skirmishing a wounded minion, Balglin takes no more than 1 wound during each skirmish phase.
Taurnil, Sharp-eyed Bowman (5U13) Taurnil, Sharp-eyed Bowman (5U13) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

While Taurnil bears a ranged weapon, the twilight cost of each Shadow possession is +2, and he does not add to the fellowship archery total.
Foul Horde (5R50) Foul Horde (5R50) Yes Isengard Warg-rider.

While Foul Horde is not exhausted, it is fierce.

While Foul Horde has at least 3 vitality, it is ambush .

While Foul Horde has at least 4 vitality, it is damage +1.
Scaling Ladder (5U57) Scaling Ladder (5U57) Yes Isengard Machine.

Shadow: Exert an Uruk-hai to place an

token here (limit 2 per phase).

Skirmish: For each token here, heal an Uruk-hai. Discard this condition.
Let Us Be Swift (5C85) Let Us Be Swift (5C85) Yes Rohan Spot 3 valiant companions to discard up to 2 conditions and liberate a site.
No Rest for the Weary (5R86) No Rest for the Weary (5R86) Yes Rohan Spot 3 valiant companions to make one of those companions defender +1 until the regroup phase.
Sigewulf, Brave Volunteer (5U92) Sigewulf, Brave Volunteer (5U92) Yes Rohan Villager. Regroup: Exert Sigewulf and spot 5 valiant companions to discard a minion.
Legolas, Archer of Mirkwood (5P121) Legolas, Archer of Mirkwood (5P121) Yes Elven Archer. Valiant. Each time Legolas wins a skirmish, you may heal a Dwarf companion or another Elf companion.
Forearmed (6U16) Forearmed (6U16) Yes Elven Reveal the top card of your draw deck to make a minion skirmishing an Elf strength –X, where X is the twilight cost of the revealed card. If that minion is now 4 strength or less, discard the revealed card.
Naith Troop (6U22) Naith Troop (6U22) Yes Elven Valiant. To play, spot 3 Elf companions. Skirmish: Exert Naith Troop to discard the top card of your draw deck. If it is an card, make a minion skirmishing Naith Troop strength –2.
Naith Warband (6R23) Naith Warband (6R23) Yes Elven Valiant. To play, spot 3 Elf companions. While Naith Warband bears a ranged weapon, it takes no more than 1 wound during each skirmish phase and does not add to the fellowship archery total.
Steadfast Champion (7U49) Steadfast Champion (7U49) Yes Gandalf Bearer must be Gandalf. Each minion gains this ability: “Assignment: Assign this minion to Gandalf.” At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard this condition to discard a minion and heal a companion 3 times.
Gondorian Captain (7C96) Gondorian Captain (7C96) Yes Gondor Knight. Maneuver: Discard a fortification to remove a threat.
Morgul Destroyer (7U190) Morgul Destroyer (7U190) Yes Ringwraith When you play this minion, you may spot a Nazgûl to add a threat. The

Free Peoples player may make you wound a companion to prevent this.

Skirmish: Remove a threat to make this minion strength +3.
Herugrim, Sword of the Mark (7R236) Herugrim, Sword of the Mark (7R236) Yes Rohan Bearer must be Théoden.

He is damage +1.

Response: If Théoden is about to take a wound and you cannot spot 3 threats, add 2 threats to prevent that wound.
They Sang as They Slew (7C256) They Sang as They Slew (7C256) Yes Rohan Exert X mounted companions to wound X minions and remove X burdens.
Rohirrim Road (7U332) Rohirrim Road (7U332) Yes Site Fellowship: Exert a Man to make the twilight cost of each Shadow condition and possession +2 until the regroup phase.
Northern Ithilien (7U359) Northern Ithilien (7U359) Yes Site Shadow: Remove 2 threats and play Gollum from your discard pile to add 2 burdens (limit once per phase).
Aggression (8C1) Aggression (8C1) Yes Dwarven While you have initiative, each Dwarf is damage +1. Fellowship: Spot a Dwarf and discard this condition to draw a card.
Saved From the Fire (8R20) Saved From the Fire (8R20) No Gandalf Spot Gandalf and place a companion (except the Ring-bearer) in the dead pile to take up to X cards from that companion's culture into hand from your draw deck, where X is the current region number +1.
Promise Keeping (8R24) Promise Keeping (8R24) Yes Gollum Each time a companion skirmishing a minion takes a wound, exert a companion.
Shadow Host (8R43) Shadow Host (8R43) Yes Gondor Enduring. To play, spot 2 Wraiths and add 2 threats. While Shadow Host is exhausted, it is defender +1.
Swept Away (8C48) Swept Away (8C48) Yes Gondor Each time the fellowship moves, add a threat or discard this condition.

While you have initiative, exhausted Wraiths cannot take wounds.

Response: If a Shadow card is about to discard this condition, discard 2 cards from hand to prevent that.
Castamir of Umbar (8R51) Castamir of Umbar (8R51) Yes Raider Corsair. Enduring. Shadow: Exert Castamir of Umbar and play a corsair to add 2 tokens to a card that already has a token on it.
Castamir of Umbar (8R51) Castamir of Umbar (8R51) Yes Raider Corsair. Enduring.

While in region 2 or 3, this minion is fierce.

Shadow: Exert Castamir of Umbar and play a corsair to reinforce a card twice.
Corsair Marauder (8R57) Corsair Marauder (8R57) No Raider Corsair. Each time this minion is assigned to a skirmish, if you can spot another corsair, you may discard a possession to add 2 tokens to a card that already has a token on it.
Corsair Marauder (8R57) Corsair Marauder (8R57) Yes Raider Corsair. When you play this minion, if you can spot another corsair, you may choose 1: discard a Shadow possession to reinforce a token twice; or remove 2 tokens to discard a possession.
Corsair War Galley (8U59) Corsair War Galley (8U59) Yes Raider When you play this possession, you may add a token here. While you can spot 4 tokens here and a Man, the Shadow has initiative, regardless of the Free Peoples player’s hand. Regroup: Add for each token you can spot. Discard this possession.
Corsair War Galley (8U59) Corsair War Galley (8U59) Yes Raider When you play this possession, you may add a token here.

While you can spot 6 tokens and a Man, the Shadow has initiative, regardless of the Free Peoples player’s hand.

Regroup: Add for each token you can spot. Discard this possession.
Rohirrim Army (8R91) Rohirrim Army (8R91) Yes Rohan To play, spot 2 companions.

You may play Rohirrim Army any time you could play a regroup event.

When you play Rohirrim Army, you may discard a minion.
Great Hill Troll (8C102) Great Hill Troll (8C102) Yes Sauron Besieger. Fierce.

The twilight cost of this minion is –1 for each engine you can spot (limit -5).

When you play this minion at any site 5 or higher, you may discard an engine to discard a Free Peoples condition.
Grond, Hammer of the Underworld (8R103) Grond, Hammer of the Underworld (8R103) Yes Sauron Engine. Shadow: Play a minion to add a token here. Regroup: Discard a minion and remove X tokens here to discard a Free Peoples card (except a companion) with a twilight cost of X. If that card is not in the support area, discard this possession.
Gimli, Bearer of Grudges (9R+4) Gimli, Bearer of Grudges (9R+4) Yes Dwarven Damage +1.

While Gimli is the Ring-bearer, at the start of each skirmish involving him, add 2 burdens or 2 threats.

While Gimli is damage +X, he is resistance +X.
Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom (9R+14) Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom (9R+14) Yes Elven While Galadriel bears an artifact or The One Ring, she is resistance +1 for each companion you can spot.
Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (9R+16) Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (9R+16) Yes Elven Skirmish: Reveal the top card of your draw deck. You may exert Glorfindel to make a Nazgûl he is skirmishing strength –X, where X is the twilight cost of the card revealed.
Radagast, The Brown (9R+26) Radagast, The Brown (9R+26) Yes Gandalf The move limit is +1. When Radagast leaves play, this bonus is immediately lost. Each time the fellowship moves, each opponent may discard 2 cards from hand to draw 2 cards.
Sent Back (9R27) Sent Back (9R27) Yes Gandalf Skirmish: Discard this condition to discard each minion skirmishing your Wizard. Place that Wizard in your dead pile. Fellowship: Play a Wizard (even if another copy of that Wizard is in your dead pile).
Sméagol, Bearer of Great Secrets (9R+30) Smeagol, Bearer of Great Secrets (9R+30) Yes Gollum Ring-bound. To play, add a burden.

Each time the fellowship moves, place an unbound companion in the dead pile.

Regroup: If Sméagol is the Ring-bearer, add 2 burdens to discard each minion.
Boromir, Bearer of Council (9R+31) Boromir, Bearer of Council (9R+31) Yes Gondor While Boromir is the Ring-bearer, at the start of each skirmish involving him, add 2 burdens or wound him twice. Each time Boromir wins a skirmish, discard each minion he is skirmishing.
Elendil, The Tall (9R+32) Elendil, The Tall (9R+32) Yes Gondor To play, spot 2 Men.

Fellowship: Play an artifact on Elendil to make the move limit +1 for this turn.

Regroup: Discard a artifact borne by a companion to liberate a site.
Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms (9R+33) Isildur, Bearer of Heirlooms (9R+33) Yes Gondor While Isildur is the Ring-bearer, at the start of each skirmish involving him, add 2 burdens or exert 3 companions. While Isildur bears The One Ring or an artifact, each knight is strength +1.
Sapling of the White Tree (9R35) Sapling of the White Tree (9R35) Yes Gondor To play, spot an unbound Man. Response: If a Man is about to take a wound, discard this artifact to prevent that wound and heal that Man.
Bilbo, Bearer of Things Burgled (9R+49) Bilbo, Bearer of Things Burgled (9R+49) Yes Shire Ring-bound.

Each time the fellowship moves, if the twilight pool has 2 or fewer twilight tokens, add 2 burdens or add .

Regroup: Add a burden to play a tale.
Memories of Darkness (10U2) Memories of Darkness (10U2) Yes Dwarven To play, spot a Dwarf. Each time you lose initiative (except during the fellowship phase), you may play a condition or possession from hand.
Círdan, The Shipwright (10R8) Círdan, The Shipwright (10R8) Yes Elven To play, spot 2 Elves. Skirmish: Exert Círdan to make a minion he is skirmishing strength –1 for each event in your discard pile. If that minion is now strength 6 or less, remove 3 events in your discard pile from the game.
Círdan, The Shipwright (10R8) Cirdan, The Shipwright (10R8) Yes Elven To play, spot 2 Elves. Skirmish: Exert Cirdan to make a minion he is skirmishing strength -1 for each event in your discard pile. If that minion is overwhelmed, remove half of the events in your discard pile from the game.
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11) Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11) Yes Elven When Galadriel is in your starting fellowship, her twilight cost is –3. At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard an event from hand to discard a Shadow condition or Shadow possession.
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11) Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11) Yes Elven When Galadriel is in your starting fellowship, her twilight cost is –2. Fellowship or Regroup: Exert Galadriel and discard an event from hand to discard a Shadow condition or Shadow possession.
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11) Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11) Yes Elven When Galadriel is in your starting fellowship, her twilight cost is –3. Regroup: Discard an event from hand to discard a Shadow condition or Shadow possession (limit once per phase).
Glimpse of Fate (10U12) Glimpse of Fate (10U12) Yes Elven To play, spot 2 Elves. When you lose initiative, you may make a minion strength –3 until the regroup phase (limit once per turn).
Out of the High Airs (10R17) Out of the High Airs (10R17) Yes Gandalf If the fellowship moves during the regroup phase, exert your Wizard twice to discard up to 3 minions.
Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith (10R28) Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith (10R28) Yes Gondor To play, spot 2 Men. Fellowship: If at a sanctuary, exert Denethor to take a item or condition into hand from your draw deck. Choose an opponent who may draw a card.
Under Foot (10C52) Under Foot (10C52) Yes Raider Shadow: If you have initiative, spot a Man to reconcile your hand (limit once per phase). At the start of the regroup phase, discard this condition. Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Man strength +2.
Úlairë Enquëa, Thrall of the One (10R68) Úlairë Enquëa, Thrall of the One (10R68) Yes Ringwraith Enduring.

Shadow cards cannot exert Ulaire Enquea during a skirmish phase.

Skirmish: If Ulaire Enquea is skirmishing, remove and heal him to add a burden.
Éowyn, Lady of Ithilien (10R72) Éowyn, Lady of Ithilien (10R72) Yes Rohan Skirmish: Exert Eowyn to choose an opponent. That opponent must wound a minion for each wound on each minion skirmishing Eowyn (limit once per turn unless you can spot another Man).
Mordor Fiend (10C91) Mordor Fiend (10C91) Yes Sauron When you play this minion, if you cannot spot another minion and there are 3 or fewer twilight tokens, add (or if this minion is roaming).
Final Account (11C31) Final Account (11C31) Yes Gandalf To play, exert a Wizard. Discard a card from hand to take a Shadow card from your discard pile into hand.
Strange-looking Men (11R100) Strange-looking Men (11R100) Yes Men At the start of the maneuver phase, you may exert this minion to transfer a possession or condition borne by a character to another eligible bearer.
Demoralized (11U114) Demoralized (11U114) Yes Orc To play, spot an minion. Each time a companion exerts, you may add (or if you can spot 6 companions).
Orkish Smith (11C132) Orkish Smith (11C132) Yes Orc When you play this minion, you may shuffle up to 2 conditions from your discard pile into your draw deck.
Anduin Banks (11U227) Anduin Banks (11U227) Yes Site River. The minion archery total is +X for each companion you can spot over 5, where X is the current region number.
Cavern Entrance (11S232) Cavern Entrance (11S232) Yes Site Underground. At the start of each skirmish, you may exert your character in that skirmish to prevent special abilities being used.
Cavern Entrance (11S232) Cavern Entrance (11S232) Yes Site At the start of each skirmish, you may exert your character in that skirmish to prevent special abilities being used.
Neekerbreekers’ Bog (11S249) Neekerbreekers’ Bog (11S249) Yes Site Marsh. When the fellowship moves here in region 1 or 2, heal each character who has resistance 5 or more and exert all others.
Lórien Protector (13S20) Lorien Protector (13S20) Yes Elven Valiant. While another companion is assigned to a skirmish, during each skirmish, prevent all wounds to this companion after the first wound.
Shrouded Elf (13C23) Shrouded Elf (13C23) Yes Elven Valiant. Response: If you play an event during a skirmish involving this companion, exert this companion to place that event on top of your draw deck.
Courtyard Parapet (13U188) Courtyard Parapet (13U188) Yes Site Dwelling. When the fellowship moves to this site in region 2, the first Shadow player may discard 2 cards from hand to add a burden.
Elven Warrior (15C14) Elven Warrior (15C14) Yes Elven Valiant.

While this companion is bearing a possession, he is strength +2.

Maneuver: Exert this companion to place an card from your discard pile on the bottom of your draw deck.
Focus (15C15) Focus (15C15) Yes Elven Each time Legolas wins a skirmish, you may heal a hunter Dwarf or hunter Man. Skirmish: Discard this condition to make an Elf strength +2.
Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (15U17) Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (15U17) Yes Elven Valiant.

To play, spot an Elf.

While the fellowship is at a battleground site, Haldir is strength +2.

While the fellowship is at a forest site, Haldir is an archer.
Ithilien Blade (15C62) Ithilien Blade (15C62) Yes Gondor Bearer must be a Man.

While you can spot a roaming minion, bearer is strength +1.

Maneuver: Exert bearer twice to wound a roaming minion twice.
Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (15R64) Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (15R64) No Gondor Ranger. Hunter 1.

While you can spot 2 rangers, Madril is twilight cost –2.

At the start of the maneuver phase, you may spot a threat to make each minion's site number +1 until the regroup phase.
Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (15R64) Madril, Defender of Osgiliath (15R64) Yes Gondor Ranger. Hunter 1.

While you can spot 2 rangers, Madril is twilight cost –2.

At the start of the Maneuver phase, for each threat you can spot, make a minion's site number +1 until the start of the regroup phase.
Mountain-troll (15R112) Mountain-troll (15R112) Yes Orc When you play this minion, you may discard 5 minions from play to make it strength +10 and fierce until the end of the turn. Shadow: Remove to play an Orc from your discard pile. It comes into play exhausted.
Little Golden Flower (15R148) Little Golden Flower (15R148) Yes Shire Each Hobbit bearing a hand weapon takes no more than 1 wound per skirmish.

Each Hobbit bearing a follower is resistance +1.

Each unwounded Hobbit is strength +1.
Elven Guardian (17S7) Elven Guardian (17S7) Yes Elven Valiant. Hunter 1.

While this companion is skirmishing a wounded minion, he is strength +2.

Maneuver: Exert this companion to heal another hunter.
Namárië (17U10) Namárië (17U10) Yes Elven When you play this, add an token here for each hunter you can spot (limit 3). Maneuver: Discard this condition (or remove a token from here) and discard a card from hand to discard a condition.
A New Light (17U15) A New Light (17U15) Yes Gandalf Spell. Spot a Wizard to search a Shadow player's discard pile and choose 2 minions, then return those minions to their owner's hand. If you do, reveal that hand and discard a revealed minion.
Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (17R24) Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (17R24) Yes Gandalf Bearer must be a Wizard.

When you play this, discard all other possessions and weapons on bearer. Bearer may not bear a hand weapon.

Each time the fellowship moves, you may exert bearer and add a threat to remove a burden.
Elven Defender (18C9) Elven Defender (18C9) Yes Elven Valiant. While you can spot an token, this companion is strength +2.
Galadriel's Silver Ewer (18R11) Galadriel's Silver Ewer (18R11) Yes Elven To play, spot Galadriel or Celeborn.

While Galadriel is the Ring-bearer, she is strength +1 and resistance +2.

Each time you play an skirmish event, you may exert Galadriel to reinforce an token.
Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor (18R12) Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor (18R12) Yes Elven To play, spot 2 companions.

Maneuver: Add a threat to take an skirmish event into hand from your discard pile.

Regroup: Remove an token to take an condition into hand from your discard pile.
Haldir, Warrior Messenger (18R14) Haldir, Warrior Messenger (18R14) Yes Elven Valiant. Skirmish: Exert Haldir or discard a card from hand to make a minion skirmishing Haldir strength -2.
Beorning Axe (18R18) Beorning Axe (18R18) Yes Gandalf Bearer must be a Man. While bearer is Grimbeorn, each time he wins a skirmish you may take a event into hand from your discard pile (limit once per turn).
Deceit (18R29) Deceit (18R29) Yes Gollum Response: If a Free Peoples player's card is about to discard your other condition, remove to prevent that.
The Faithful Stone (18R50) The Faithful Stone (18R50) Yes Gondor Tale.

Each time a non- minion is played, you may spot a Man to put a token here.

Maneuver: Remove 3 tokens from here to spot a minion. That minion cannot be assigned to a skirmish until the regroup phase.
Frenzy of Arrows (18U79) Frenzy of Arrows (18U79) Yes Orc Make 2 Orcs gain archer until the regroup phase. Then add 1 to the minion archery total for each follower you can spot.
Erkenbrand's Horn (18R96) Erkenbrand's Horn (18R96) Yes Rohan Bearer must be a Man.

Fellowship: Exert bearer to play a follower from your draw deck.

Skirmish: Discard your follower to make bearer strength +4 (or +5 if bearer is Erkenbrand).
Prized Lagan (18U110) Prized Lagan (18U110) Yes Shire At the start of each turn, you may add to heal a companion. Maneuver: Add a threat to spot a minion. That minion loses fierce and cannot gain fierce until the regroup phase. Any Shadow player may remove to prevent this.
Robin Smallburrow, Shirriff Cock-Robin (18U111) Robin Smallburrow, Shirriff Cock-Robin (18U111) Yes Shire Aid - . (At the start of the maneuver phase, you may add to transfer this to a companion.) Each time you attach this follower to a companion, you may discard up to 3 cards from hand to draw an equal amount.
Scouring of the Shire (18R112) Scouring of the Shire (18R112) Yes Shire Tale.

When there are 3 tokens here, discard this condition from play.

Response: If a condition or possession is about to be discarded from play by a Shadow card, add a token here to prevent that.
Final Triumph (18R115) Final Triumph (18R115) Yes Uruk-hai Spot your Uruk-hai skirmishing a companion to use vitality to resolve that skirmish instead of strength. Characters in this skirmish cannot be overwhelmed.
Doorway to Doom (18U134) Doorway to Doom (18U134) Yes Site Mountain. When the fellowship moves to this site, each player wounds 2 of their characters. This site cannot be replaced.
Mithlond (18U136) Mithlond (18U136) Yes Site River. When the fellowship moves to this site in region 3, each player heals each of their characters.
Steward's Tomb (18U139) Steward's Tomb (18U139) Yes Site If this site is not a sanctuary, wounds cannot be prevented or healed, and burdens cannot be removed.
The One Ring, The Great Ring (19P1) The One Ring, The Great Ring (19P1) Yes The One Ring While wearing The One Ring, burdens may not be removed and each time bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.
Maneuver: Wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.
Skirmish: If wearing the One Ring, add a burden to make bearer strength +3.
Brought Down from Inside (19P24) Brought Down from Inside (19P24) Yes Rohan Bearer must be a Man.

At the start of each skirmish you may transfer this condition to a Man.

At the end of each turn, if bearer did not win a skirmish this turn, return this condition to hand.
Pippin, Steadfast Friend (19P30) Pippin, Steadfast Friend (19P30) Yes Shire Fellowship. Pippin is strength +1 for each tale you can spot (limit X, where X is the number of companions you can spot).
Úlairë Lemenya, Dark Enemy (19P37) Úlairë Lemenya, Dark Enemy (19P37) Yes Ringwraith Fierce. Úlairë Lemenya is strength +1 for each possession in your discard pile (limit +9).
Úlairë Nertëa, Dark Horseman (19P38) Úlairë Nertëa, Dark Horseman (19P38) Yes Ringwraith Fierce. When you play Úlairë Nertëa, name a race. The Free Peoples player must add a burden to assign Úlairë Nertëa to skirmish a companion of the named race.
Legolas, Keen-eyed (V1_9) Legolas, Keen-eyed (V1_9) Yes Elven Archer. Each time a minion takes a wound during the archery phase, make Legolas strength +1 until the regroup phase.
Gandalf, Olorin (V1_14) Gandalf, Olorin (V1_14) Yes Gandalf At the start of your fellowship phase, you may spot 3 allies and exert Gandalf to take a or event from your discard pile into your hand. Gandalf is strength +1 for each of these characters you can spot: Celeborn, Elrond, Galadriel, Saruman.
Aragorn, Estel (V1_19) Aragorn, Estel (V1_19) Yes Gondor When you play Aragorn, you may take an Elf with a twilight cost of 2 or less into hand from your draw deck. Maneuver: Discard an card from hand to make Aragorn damage +1, archer, or strength +2 until the regroup phase.
Aragorn, Estel (V1_19) Aragorn, Estel (V1_19) Yes Gondor When you play Aragorn (except in your starting fellowship), you may play an Elf with a twilight cost of 2 or less from your draw deck. Skirmish: Discard an card from hand to <thin>make Aragorn strength +2 or</thin> <thin>damage +1</thin>.
Boromir, Redeemed (V1_20) Boromir, Redeemed (V1_20) Yes Gondor Boromir is strength +2 for each minion he is skirmishing. At the start of each assignment phase, make Boromir defender +1 if you can spot an unbound Hobbit or another companion with the Aragorn signet.
Crebain Flock (V1_25) Crebain Flock (V1_25) Yes Isengard This minion is twilight cost -1 for each companion you can spot over 3. Shadow: Spot 2 wounded companions (or spot Saruman) to take an weather into hand from your draw deck or discard pile (limit once per phase).
Crows of Isengard (V1_26) Crows of Isengard (V1_26) Yes Isengard When you play this minion, spot a companion to add for each Free Peoples card borne by that companion. Shadow: Spot 2 Free Peoples items (or spot Saruman) to take an item into hand from your draw deck or discard pile (limit once per phase).
Just a Wisp of Cloud (V1_28) Just a Wisp of Cloud (V1_28) Yes Isengard Spell. Weather. Discard a Free Peoples card from hand to play Saruman from your draw deck or discard pile; his twilight cost is -1 for each Crow you can spot.
Murder of Crows (V1_29) Murder of Crows (V1_29) Yes Isengard While you can spot 3 Free Peoples conditions, this minion is twilight cost -3. Shadow: Spot 3 Free Peoples conditions (or spot Saruman) to take an condition into hand from your draw deck or discard pile (limit once per phase).
Guided by One Purpose (V1_31) Guided by One Purpose (V1_31) Yes Moria Spot 3 tentacles to add a burden. Then you may make the Free Peoples player discard a tentacle to shuffle a card from your discard pile into your draw deck.
Thrashing Tentacle (V1_33) Thrashing Tentacle (V1_33) Yes Moria Tentacle. Fierce. This minion may not bear possessions and is discarded if not at a marsh. Each time this minion loses a skirmish, add a burden (or 2 burdens if you cannot spot a burden).
Out of Dark Waters (V1_34) Out of Dark Waters (V1_34) Yes Moria Each time a tentacle takes a wound, you may stack that tentacle here.

Shadow: Play a tentacle from here as if from hand.

Response: If this condition is about to be discarded, discard 2 tentacles stacked here to prevent that.
Merry, Of Buckland (V1_52) Merry, Of Buckland (V1_52) Yes Shire Assignment: Exert Merry twice to prevent a minion from being assigned to a skirmish until the regroup phase. The Shadow player may exhaust that minion to prevent this.
Sam, Of Bagshot Row (V1_54) Sam, Of Bagshot Row (V1_54) Yes Shire Each time a companion with the Frodo signet wins a skirmish, heal that companion. Response: If Frodo is killed, make Sam the Ring-bearer (resistance 5).
Lorien Throne Room (V1_61) Lorien Throne Room (V1_61) Yes Site Forest. Sanctuary. Each time a companion exerts here, you may exert an ally to heal that companion (limit once per phase).

Sets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 16 19
Historical Decipher Formats Fellowship Block Towers Block King Block War of the Ring Block Hunters Block
Towers Standard
King Standard
Movie Block
War of the Ring Standard
Player's Council Formats (including PC Errata) 1 2 3 V1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Unofficial Formats 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 16 19
French French
Austrian (Movie)
Austrian (Shadows)
Other Variants
SealedBooster DraftCube DraftCulture ShockHighlanderPoor Man'sPC Errata