French format includes sets 1-6, Reflections, sets 11-14, and The Weta Collection. Like Movie Block, War of the Ring Standard, and Standard, it consists of three blocks, though unlike any of them King Block is excluded. It is similar in spirit to King Standard, created under the belief that the game is better without cards from King Block. It also allows some often-banned cards that aren't a problem in that format and removes others, with offenders falling in three broad categories: meta-defining (simply too strong), self-recurring site manipulation, and Negative Play Experiences.
French format is supported in GEMP and mLOTRO. More info is available in this Last Homely House forum thread.
The X-list for French format is based on the Expanded X- and R-lists, with differences noted with the reason:
- Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (1R40)
- Galadriel, Lady of Light (1R45)
- Ottar, Man of Laketown (1R80)
- No Stranger to the Shadows (1U108)
- Úlairë Nertëa, Messenger of Dol Guldur (1U234)
- Forces of Mordor (1C248)
- Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311)
- Sting (1R313)
- A Talent for Not Being Seen (1U316)
- Till Durin Wakes Again (2C14)
- abusive healing with underground sites and Unforgiving Depths (13C120)
- Flaming Brand (2R32)
- Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow (2R75)
- Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
- Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood (3R17)
- Aragorn, Heir to the White City (3R38)
- Horn of Boromir (3R42)
- Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68)
- Frying Pan (3C108)
- The Palantír of Orthanc (3R67)
- Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4R73)
- Get On and Get Away (4R304)
- Follow Sméagol (5U23)
- too much site path control
- Sapling of the White Tree (9R35)
- easy healing and provides too much utility with the site liberation of Elendil, The Tall (9R+32)
, preventing any Shadow culture except
Dunland from playing a strategy based on site controlling
- Final Account (11C31)
- One Good Turn Deserves Another (11U49)
- too much site path control
- Strange-looking Men (11R100)
- Demoralized (11U114)
- Orkish Smith (11C132)
- Úlairë Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (11S222)
- too much site path control
- The Witch-king, Captain of the Nine Riders (11R226)
- provides too power to
Ringwraith decks
- Caras Galadhon (3U115)
- easy to replace the current site with Traveled Leader against a swarm
- Cavern Entrance (4U355)
- NPE which also kept Hobbit Free Peoples from being playable
- Celeborn, The Wise (13R11)
- enabled double moves too easily for the already-strong Telepathy deck
- Pallando, Far-travelling One (13R37)
- weak cultural enforcement and no way for Shadow players to discard
- Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (13R64)
- too strong with Aragorn's Bow and Greenleaf
- Courtyard Parapet (13U188)
- Grimbeorn, Beorning Chieftain (14R6)
- too strong with no cultural enforcement
In addition, the following cards are restricted or banned in Expanded but not in French format: