Ents of Fangorn

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Ents of Fangorn
NameEnts of Fangorn
Release Date2003-07-02
Is Officialyes
PlatformsPaper LotR-O GEMP mLOTRO Tabletop Simulator Lackey gccg

Ents of Fangorn (or EOF) is the second expansion of Towers Block and the sixth set overall. It was released on July 2, 2003. The set contained 122 cards (40 commons, 40 uncommons, 40 rares, and 2 premium cards that only appeared in starter decks), all of which could appear in foil versions. One rare from the set had a Tengwar version produced and six rares from the set were printed in starter decks with alternate art (three per deck).

Themes and Mechanics[edit]

Ents of Fangorn continued introducing cards to support the strategies and cultures from The Two Towers and Battle of Helm's Deep, but also broke new ground in a number of small ways. Wraiths (not Ringwraiths) were introduced to the Sauron culture, as were Trolls. Neither of those first attempts ended up more than novelties, but later in King Block the Sauron Troll Swarm would being to be a thing of terror.

Ents completed their arc, and for the first time had companions released that were not hampered by the Unhasty keyword.

Ringwraith makes their first showing in Towers Block, including a very important cycling staple in the form of Fell Beast (6U83) .

The Balrog also makes his final Movie Block appearance, in a form that is no longer required to be played Underground.

Starter Decks[edit]

This set continues the experiment begun in Battle of Helm's Deep, where the 3 random Rare cards that normally came in a Starter Deck are replaced with fixed Alternate Image "rares" which thematically suited the deck. This was the last set that followed this pattern, and with The Return of the King random rares would be restored to the starter decks once more.

The Witch-king Starter is notable for being the first starter deck themed around a Shadow premium card.


Free Peoples Cycles
Cycle Name Dwarven Elven Gandalf Gondor Rohan Shire
Banners Banner of Elbereth (6U14) N/A N/A Banner of Westernesse (6U51) Banner of the Mark (6U90) N/A
Hand weapons with an ability that triggers each time bearer wins a skirmish, as well as the ability "Response: If bearer wins a skirmish, discard this possession to liberate a site."
Two token conditions Suspended Palaces (6C10) Agility (6C12) N/A Garrison of Osgiliath (6C52) We Left None Alive (6C97) Kept Safe (6C111)
Common support area conditions that enter with two culture tokens if you can spot a companion of the appropriate culture (except for Kept Safe, which assumes you have a Shire companion since at the time Frodo was the only ring-bearer). The conditions have an ability with a cost of removing a token or discarding the condition.

Notable Cards[edit]

Official Decipher Sets Promotional Promotional
Fellowship Block The Fellowship of the RingMines of MoriaRealms of the Elf-lords
Towers Block The Two TowersBattle of Helm's DeepEnts of Fangorn
King Block The Return of the KingSiege of GondorMount Doom
War of the Ring Block ShadowsBlack RiderBloodlines
Hunters Block The HuntersRise of SarumanTreachery & Deceit
Non-Block Sets ReflectionsExpanded Middle-earthThe Wraith CollectionAge's End
Unreleased Sets The Great EyeShelob's Lair
Unofficial Fan Sets Player's Council PC Kitchen Sink (V0)Shadow of the Past (V1)King of the Golden Hall (V2)
Hobbit Draft Game Main DeckShadow PacksSupplementary Packs
mLOTRO MLOTRO Promo CardsMLOTRO Reflections II
The Journey Continues The Journey Begins