The White Arrows of Lorien (1C68)

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The White Arrows of Lorien (1C68) is a Elven Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title The White Arrows of Lórien
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 68
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Elven
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Tale. Bearer must be an Elf companion.

Archery: If bearer is an archer, exert bearer to make an opponent discard 2 cards at random from hand.

Lore Straight and true, the arrows of the Golden Wood are known to leave a deadly mark.
DE - German
Card Name Die weissen Pfeile von Lórien
Game Text Erzählung.Muss auf einen Elbengefährten gespielt werden. Fernkampf: Wenn der Träger Bogenschütze ist, kannst du ihn anstrengen, um einen Gegenspieler 2 zufällig bestimmte Karten von seiner Hand ablegen zu lassen.
Lore Gradlinig und zielsicher, sind die Pfeile des goldenen Waldes bekannt für ihre Tödlichkeit.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Las Flechas Blancas de Lórien
Game Text Cuento.El portador ha de ser un compañero Elfo. Arquería: Si el portador es arquero, esfuerza al portador para que un oponente descarte 2 cartas al azar de su mano.
Lore Rectas y certeras, las flechas del Bosque Dorado son conocidas por dejar una señal mortífera.
FR - French
Card Name Les Flèches Blanches de Lórien
Game Text Récit.

Le détenteur doit être un compagnon Elfe. Archerie : Si le détenteur est un archer, affaiblissez le détenteur pour obliger un adversaire à défausser au hasard 2 cartes de sa main.

Lore Droites et solides, les flèches de la Forêt Dorée sont connues pour laisser une marque mortelle.
IT - Italian
Card Name Le Bianche Frecce di Lórien
Game Text Racconto. Il possessore deve essere un compagno Elfo.

Arcieri: Se il possessore è un arciere, sforza il possessore per far scartare a un avversario 2 carte a caso dalla mano.

Lore Dritte e precise, le frecce del Bosco d'oro è risaputo che lascino un segno mortale.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S068.0
GEMP ID 1_68
LOTRO Hex ID 44 28 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_068


The power card of the Elven discarding strategy, the White Arrows of Lorien is a condition playable on any Elven companion. For the cost of an exertion, the card discards 2 cards at random from an opponent's hand during the archery phase, potentially discarding a key event or free peoples card. It can easily be used multiple times through vitality boosters such as The Tale of Gil-Galad, Aiglos or Nenya (or Strength of Spirit in collaboration with Gandalf).

As an Elven tale, this condition is searchable with The Council of Elrond, can remove a burden with Songs of the Blessed Realm, can draw a card with Red Book of Westmarch, or can be discarded with Bilbo, Well-Spoken Gentle Hobbit to discard a support area Shadow condition.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Pre-skirmish discarding
  • As an [Elven] tale, The White Arrows of Lorien can be pulled with The Council of Elrond and remove burdens with Songs of the Blessed Realm. Additionally, the card can be discarded with Bilbo, Well-Spoken Gentle Hobbit to discard conditions.

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Condition Discarding
  • Cards that skip the archery phase (The Balrog Durin's Bane, Fill With Fear, Spies of Saruman, Hillman Horde) or prevent archery special actions (Isengard Warrior, Final Strike)
  • Possession and Ranged Weapon discard (Fill With Fear, Isengard Smith, Stricken Dumb, Corsair Marauder)

See Also[edit]


Fellowship Block Deck by Kralik

Ring and Bearer: Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer The One Ring, Isildur's Bane

Adventure Deck: 1 The Prancing Pony* 2 Trollshaw Forest* 3 Rivendell Waterfall 4 Eregion Hills 5 The Bridge of Khazad-dum* 6 Valley of the Silverlode* 7 The Great River 8 Gates of Argonath 9 Tol Brandir

Free Peoples (35 cards): 1x Arwen, Daughter Of Elrond (starting) 1x Legolas, Son of Thranduil (starting) 1x Aragorn, King in Exile 3x Haldir, Elf Of The Golden Wood

3x Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad

1x Gwemegil 1x Long-knives of Legolas 1x Ranger's Sword 2x Aragorn's Bow 1x Bow of the Galadhrim 3x Elven Bow

2x Gift of Boats 2x Songs of the Blessed Realm 1x The Choice of Luthien 1x The Last Alliance of Elves and Men 3x The White Arrows of Lorien

2x Hobbit Stealth 2x Might of Numenor 2x Secret Sentinels 2x The Council of Elrond

Shadow (35 cards): 3x Morgul Hunter 4x Orc Ambusher 4x Orc Inquisitor 4x Orc Warrior 2x Tower Assassin

3x Desperate Defense of the Ring 3x His Cruelty and Malice 2x Thin and Stretched 3x Tower of Barad-dur

3x Desperate Measures 2x Enduring Evil 2x Shadow's Reach