Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor (1U70)

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Barliman Butterbur, Prancing Pony Proprietor (1U70) is a Gandalf Ally from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Barliman Butterbur
Subtitle Prancing Pony Proprietor
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 70
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Gandalf
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Ally
Race Man
Twilight Cost 0
Strength 1
Vitality 2
Site Number 1
Game Text Fellowship: Exert Barliman Butterbur to take a event into hand from your discard pile.
Lore “‘You don't know much even about them, if you think old Barliman is stupid,' said Gandalf. ‘He is wise enough on his own ground.'”
DE - German
Card Name Gerstenmann Butterblume, Wirt des Tänzelnden Pony
Game Text Gemeinschaft. Strenge Gerstenmann Butterblume an, um ein Ereignis aus deinem Ablagestapel auf deine Hand zu nehmen.
Lore "Nicht einmal über sie wisst ihr viel, wenn du den alten Gerstenmann für dumm hälst“, sagte Gandalf. "Auf seinem Gebiet ist er weise genug.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Cebadilla Mantecona, Propietario del Poney Pisador
Game Text Comunidad: Esfuerza a Cebadilla Mantecona para poner un evento de la pila de descartes en tu mano.
Lore “Sabes de veras muy poco si crees que el viejo Cebadilla es estúpido – dijo Gandalf –. Es bastante sagaz en su propio terreno.”
FR - French
Card Name Prosper Poiredebeurré, Propriétaire du Poney Fringant
Game Text Compagnie : Affaiblissez Prosper Poiredebeurré pour prendre en main un événement de votre pile de défausse.
Lore “‘Vous ne connaissez même pas grand-chose de ceux-là, si vous pensez que le vieux Prosper est bête,' dit Gandalf. ‘Il est assez sagace dans son domaine propre.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Omorzo Cactaceo, Oste del Puledro Impennato
Game Text Compagnia: Sforza Omorzo Cactaceo per aggiungere alla tua mano un evento preso dalla tua pila degli scarti.
Lore “‘Nemmeno su di loro sai molto, se credi che il vecchio Cactaceo sia sciocco', disse Gandalf. ‘Nel suo campo è assai saggio.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S070.0
GEMP ID 1_70
LOTRO Hex ID 46 28 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_070


Barliman is a key support piece in most Gandalf-based decks. With his ability to grab a Grown Suddenly Tall (4R92) or Servant of the Secret Fire (1R83) the exact turn it is needed, Barliman's usefulness is nearly universal, potentially allowing a player to discard a card drawn too early with hopes of retrieving it later.

This ally found even more cause for play with the introduction of Ent companions in the Battle of Helm's Deep set. With his ability to retrieve A Wizard Is Never Late (1R87) , a Shadow player could conceivably work a much quicker set-up of his or her fellowship.

Barliman can only be drawn into assignment and skirmish phases via the Horn of Boromir (3R42) or One Whom Men Would Follow (1U109) . That said, Barliman is largely ineffective in skirmishes as, even with the Horn of Boromir's bonus, would only feature a strength of 4.

In Expanded format, Barliman benefits from both Mithlond (18U136) and Beorning Axe (18R18) , making him even more versatile and allowing him to repeatedly fetch discarded cards if Mithlond is played multiple times. Grimbeorn, Beorning Chieftain (14R6) can help achieve this, as they can both fetch cards such as Speak “Friend” and Enter (2C26) or Traveled Leader (12C34) to switch Mithlond out and back in.

Barliman Butterbur (and Albert Dreary, Entertainer From Bree (1R69) ) is nearly the only Man ally with a home site of 1. Barliman is also something of an anomaly among allies and characters in general, as one of the few characters with a twilight cost of 0 (alongside most copies of Frodo and Smeagol, Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (13R15) , and White Hand Sieger (18C129) ).

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • A Mr. Fixit-type ally, Barliman Butterbur can retrieve a key Gandalf event at the right time
  • Particularly powerful in concordance with A Wizard Is Never Late in Ent decks

Weak Versus...[edit]

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Barliman Butterbur, Red-faced Landlord (17U16) Barliman Butterbur is strength +1 for each attached follower.

Maneuver: Exert Barliman Butterbur to reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Take any cards into hand and discard the rest. ​