The Two Towers/Index
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Battle of Helm's Deep ![]() |
Anger (4C3)
Band of Wild Men (4C4)
Burn Every Village (4C5)
Constantly Threatening (4R6)
Dark Fury (4C7)
Death to the Strawheads (4U8)
Dunlending Arsonist (4U9)
Dunlending Brigand (4C10)
Dunlending Looter (4U11)
Dunlending Madman (4C12)
Dunlending Pillager (4U13)
Dunlending Ransacker (4C14)
Dunlending Ravager (4C15)
Dunlending Robber (4C16)
Dunlending Savage (4C17)
Dunlending Warrior (4C18)
Hides (4R19)
Hill Chief (4R20)
Hillman Band (4C21)
Hillman Horde (4R22)
Hillman Mob (4R23)
Hillman Rabble (4U24)
Hillman Tribe (4C25)
Iron Axe (4C26)
Living Off Rock (4U27)
No Defense (4U28)
No Refuge (4R29)
No Retreat (4R30)
Over the Isen (4U31)
Ravage the Defeated (4R32)
Saruman, Rabble-rouser (4R33)
Secret Folk (4U34)
Wake of Destruction (4R35)
War Club (4U36)
War Cry of Dunland (4C37)
Wild Man of Dunland (4U38)
Wild Man Raid (4R39)
Wulf, Dunlending Chieftain (4R40)
Axe of Erebor (4R41)
Best Company (4C42)
Come Here Lad (4U43)
Courtesy of My Hall (4C44)
Dwarven Foresight (4R45)
Ever My Heart Rises (4R46)
From the Armory (4U47)
Gimli, Lockbearer (4R48)
Gimli, Unbidden Guest (4C49)
Here Is Good Rock (4C50)
Khazâd Ai-mênu (4C51)
My Axe Is Notched (4R52)
Quick As May Be (4U53)
Rest by Blind Night (4R54)
Restless Axe (4R55)
Search Far and Wide (4C56)
Stout and Strong (4U57)
Alliance Reforged (4R58)
Arrow and Blade (4U59)
Blades Drawn (4U60)
Company of Archers (4R61)
Elven Bow (4U62)
Elven Brooch (4U63)
Elven Sword (4C64)
Erethón, Naith Lieutenant (4R65)
Feathered (4U66)
Fereveldir, Son of Thandronen (4C67)
Ferevellon, Son of Thandronen (4C68)
Final Count (4R69)
Flashing Steel (4C70)
Haldir, Emissary of the Galadhrim (4C71)
Killing Field (4R72)
Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4R73)
Legolas, Elven Comrade (4C74)
Lembas (4R75)
Lórien Guardian (4C76)
Lórien Is Most Welcome (4U77)
Lórien Swordsman (4C78)
Night Without End (4R79)
Ordulus, Young Warrior (4U80)
Pengedhel, Naith Warrior (4U81)
Strength of Arms (4U82)
Supporting Fire (4C83)
Sword-wall (4R84)
Thandronen, Veteran Protector (4C85)
Thónnas, Naith Captain (4U86)
Valor (4C87)
Legolas, Dauntless Hunter (4M2)
Behold the White Rider (4U88)
Gandalf, Greyhame (4R89)
Gandalf, The White Wizard (4C90)
Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (4R91)
Grown Suddenly Tall (4R92)
Have Patience (4C93)
Hearken to Me (4R94)
Into Dark Tunnels (4R95)
Keep Your Forked Tongue (4U96)
Long I Fell (4C97)
Mithrandir, Mithrandir! (4C98)
Roll of Thunder (4U99)
Shadowfax (4R100)
Stump and Bramble (4U101)
Task Was Not Done (4C102)
Treebeard, Earthborn (4R103)
Treebeard, Oldest Living Thing (4C104)
Under the Living Earth (4C105)
Well Met Indeed (4R106)
Windows in a Stone Wall (4R107)
Wizardry Indeed (4U108)
No results
Aragorn, Heir of Elendil (4C109)
Arrows Thick in the Air (4U110)
Boromir, My Brother (4R111)
Boromir's Gauntlets (4C112)
Curse Them (4C113)
Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien (4U114)
Defend It and Hope (4C115)
Faramir, Captain of Gondor (4R116)
Faramir, Son of Denethor (4C117)
Faramir's Bow (4R118)
Faramir's Cloak (4R119)
Forbidden Pool (4R120)
Forests of Ithilien (4R121)
Gondorian Ranger (4C122)
Hard Choice (4U123)
Help in Doubt and Need (4R124)
Henneth Annûn (4R125)
Ithilien Trap (4U126)
Mablung, Soldier of Gondor (4U127)
New Errand (4C128)
Pathfinder (4C129)
Ranger of Ithilien (4C130)
Ranger's Bow (4C131)
Ranger's Sword, Blade of Aragorn (4U132)
Ruins of Osgiliath (4R133)
Sword of Gondor (4C134)
War and Valor (4C135)
Aragorn, Wingfoot (4P364)
Advance Uruk Patrol (4U136)
Attack on Helm's Deep (4C137)
Band of Uruk Bowmen (4U138)
Banished (4R139)
Beyond All Hope (4R140)
Beyond Dark Mountains (4C141)
Broad-bladed Sword (4C142)
Brought Back Alive (4U143)
Burning of Westfold (4R144)
Cloud of Arrows (4C145)
Come Down (4R146)
Covering Fire (4U147)
Down to the Last Child (4U148)
Driven Back (4R149)
Elite Crossbowmen (4R150)
Ferocity (4C151)
Get Back (4U152)
Gríma, Son of Galmod (4C153)
Gríma, Wormtongue (4R154)
Haunting Her Steps (4U155)
Kill Them Now (4C156)
Leechcraft (4R157)
Lieutenant of Orthanc (4R158)
Many Riddles (4U159)
Mauhúr, Patrol Leader (4R160)
Men Will Fall (4U161)
New Power Rising (4R162)
No Dawn for Men (4R163)
Orthanc Champion (4R164)
Orthanc Warrior (4C165)
The Palantír of Orthanc, Seventh Seeing-stone (4R166)
Pillage of Rohan (4R167)
Race Across the Mark (4R168)
Ranged Commander (4R169)
Ranks Without Number (4U170)
Rest While You Can (4R171)
Rohan Is Mine (4R172)
Saruman, Black Traitor (4R173)
Saruman's Staff, Wizard's Device (4R174)
Still They Came (4C175)
Uglúk, Servant of Saruman (4R176)
Uglúk's Sword (4R177)
Unferth, Grima's Bodyguard (4C178)
Uruk Assault Band (4R179)
Uruk Besieger (4C180)
Uruk Chaser (4C181)
Uruk Crossbow Troop (4U182)
Uruk Crossbowman (4C183)
Uruk Defender (4C184)
Uruk Fanatic (4C185)
Uruk Follower (4R186)
Uruk Foot Soldier (4C187)
Uruk Hunter (4U188)
Uruk Plains Runner (4C189)
Uruk Pursuer (4C190)
Uruk Rear Guard (4C191)
Uruk Regular (4C192)
Uruk Runner (4C193)
Uruk Searcher (4U194)
Uruk Seeker (4C195)
Uruk Spear (4C196)
Uruk Stalker (4C197)
Uruk Stormer (4C198)
Uruk Trooper (4R199)
Uruk Vanguard (4R200)
Uruk Veteran (4U201)
Uruk-hai Band (4U202)
Uruk-hai Horde (4R203)
Uruk-hai Marauder (4C204)
Uruk-hai Mob (4U205)
Uruk-hai Patrol (4C206)
Uruk-hai Raiding Party (4C207)
Vengeance (4U208)
Volley Fire (4R209)
We Are the Fighting Uruk-hai (4C210)
Weapons of Isengard (4R211)
Weary (4C212)
What Did You Discover? (4R213)
Where Has Gríma Stowed It? (4R214)
Wounded (4R215)
No results
Arrow From the South (4U216)
Desert Lancers (4U217)
Desert Legion (4R218)
Desert Lord (4R219)
Desert Soldier (4U220)
Desert Spearman (4C221)
Desert Warrior (4C222)
Discovered (4R223)
Easterling Axeman (4C224)
Easterling Captain (4R225)
Easterling Guard (4C226)
Easterling Infantry (4C227)
Easterling Lieutenant (4C228)
Easterling Skirmisher (4R229)
Easterling Trooper (4U230)
Eastern Emyn Muil (4R231)
Elite Archer (4U232)
Fearless (4U233)
Flanking Attack (4U234)
Gathering to the Summons (4C235)
Howl of Harad (4U236)
Ithilien Wilderness (4R237)
Men of Harad (4R238)
Men of Rhûn (4C239)
New Fear (4R240)
On the March (4C241)
Raiders From the East (4U242)
Rapid Fire (4R243)
Regiment of Haradrim (4R244)
Southron Archer (4R245)
Southron Assassin (4R246)
Southron Bow (4R247)
Southron Bowman (4C248)
Southron Commander (4U249)
Southron Explorer (4U250)
Southron Fighter (4R251)
Southron Scout (4C252)
Southron Sentry (4U253)
Southron Soldier (4C254)
Southron Spear (4C255)
Southron Troop (4R256)
Southron Veterans (4R257)
Southron Wanderer (4C258)
Vision From Afar (4R259)
Whirling Strike (4C260)
Wrath of Harad (4R261)
No results
Aldor, Soldier of Edoras (4R262)
Brego (4U263)
Ceorl, Weary Horseman (4U264)
Elite Rider (4C265)
Éomer, Sister-son of Theoden (4C266)
Éomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (4R267)
Éomer's Spear (4U268)
Éothain, Scout of the Mark (4R269)
Éowyn, Lady of Rohan (4C270)
Éowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden (4R271)
Éowyn's Sword (4R272)
Fight for the Villagers (4C273)
Firefoot (4R274)
Forth Eorlingas! (4U275)
Fortress Never Fallen (4U276)
Guma, Plains Farmer (4C277)
Heavy Chain (4C278)
Helm! Helm! (4R279)
Herugrim (4U280)
Hlafwine, Village Farmhand (4C281)
An Honorable Charge (4U282)
Horse of Rohan (4C283)
King's Mail (4R284)
Léod, Westfold Herdsman (4U285)
Rider of Rohan (4C286)
Rider's Mount (4C287)
Rider's Spear (4C288)
Simbelmynë (4R289)
Supplies of the Mark (4R290)
Sword of Rohan (4C291)
Théoden, Son of Thengel (4C292)
Valleys of the Mark (4R293)
Weapon Store (4R294)
Weland, Smith of the Riddermark (4U295)
Well Stored (4U296)
Work for the Sword (4C297)
Théoden, Lord of the Mark (4P365)
No results
Brace of Coneys (4C298)
Cliffs of Emyn Muil (4R299)
Escape (4R300)
Frodo, Courteous Halfling (4R301)
Frodo, Tired Traveller (4C302)
Frodo's Cloak (4R303)
Get On and Get Away (4R304)
Good Work (4U305)
Hobbit Sword (4C306)
Impatient and Angry (4R307)
Knocked on the Head (4C308)
Light Shining Faintly (4U309)
Merry, Learned Guide (4C310)
Merry, Unquenchable Hobbit (4R311)
Mind Your Own Affairs (4U312)
Pippin, Just a Nuisance (4R313)
Pippin, Woolly-footed Rascal (4C314)
Sam, Frodo's Gardener (4R315)
Sam, Samwise the Brave (4C316)
Sam's Pack (4R317)
Seven We Had (4U318)
Severed His Bonds (4C319)
Store-room (4U320)
Swiftly and Softly (4C321)
Warmed Up a Bit (4C322)
East Wall of Rohan (4U323)
Eastemnet Downs (4U324)
Eastemnet Gullies (4U325)
Horse-country (4U326)
Plains of Rohan (4U327)
The Riddermark (4U328)
Western Emyn Muil (4U329)
Derndingle (4U330)
Eastfold (4U331)
Fangorn Forest (4U332)
Plains of Rohan Camp (4U333)
Rohirrim Village (4U334)
Uruk Camp (4U335)
Wold of Rohan (4U336)
Barrows of Edoras (4U337)
Golden Hall (4U338)
Stables (4U339)
Streets of Edoras (4U340)
Throne Room (4U341)
Westemnet Plains (4U342)
Ered Nimrais (4U343)
Westemnet Hills (4U344)
White Mountains (4U345)
White Rocks (4U346)
Deep of Helm (4U347)
Deeping Wall (4U348)
Helm's Gate (4U349)
Hornburg Courtyard (4U350)
Hornburg Parapet (4U351)
Caves of Aglarond (4U352)
Great Hall (4U353)
Hornburg Armory (4U354)
Cavern Entrance (4U355)
Hornburg Causeway (4U356)
King's Room (4U357)
Ring of Isengard (4U358)
Wizard's Vale (4U359)
Fortress of Orthanc (4U360)
Orthanc Balcony (4U361)
Orthanc Library (4U362)
Palantír Chamber (4U363)