Western Emyn Muil (4U329)

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Western Emyn Muil (4U329) is a Towers Block Site from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Western Emyn Muil
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 329
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Site
Side None
Card Type Site
Site Style Standard
Site Number 1
Block Towers
Arrow Direction Left
Sanctuary No
Game Text When the Fellowship moves from Western Emyn Muil, each Ring-bound companion must exert.
DE - German
Card Name Westlicher Emyn Muil
Game Text Wenn sich die Gemeinschaft aus dem westlichen Emyn Muil fort-bewegt, muss jeder Ring-verbundene Gefährte angestrengt werden.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Emyn Muil Occidental
Game Text Cuando la comunidad se mueve de Emyn Muil Occidental, cada compañero Vinculado al Anillo debe esforzarse.
FR - French
Card Name Emyn Muil Occidental
Game Text Lorsque la compagnie quitte Emyn Muil Occidental, vous devez affaiblir chaque compagnon Associé à l’Anneau.
IT - Italian
Card Name Emyn Muil Occidentale
Game Text Quando la Compagnia si muove da Emyn Muil Occidentale, ogni compagno Legato all’Anello deve sforzarsi.

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S329.0
GEMP ID 4_329
LOTRO Hex ID 69 A4 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_329


Gameplay Strategy[edit]

In this section, describe:

  • General usage
  • Unorthodox or subtle usage
  • Common pitfalls of using this card

Deckbuilding Strategy[edit]

In this section, describe:

  • Cards and strategies this card works well with
  • Cards and strategies this card works particularly well or poorly against
  • Alternate cards you might consider picking instead of this one, depending on the situation, including alternate version of characters

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

  • List friendly cards that work well with this card

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • List enemy cards this card does well against

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • List enemy or friendly cards to avoid playing this card with


In this section:

  • Put quotes from the CRDs and Comprehensive Rules here that reference this card specifically by name
  • Also put quotes if a particular rule commonly affects the outcome of a card in a subtle manner (such as quoting the Rule of 4 for Saved From the Fire (8R20) )
  • Link to rules discussions on TLHH

See Also[edit]

  • Add links to the wayback machine (or wiki archival links) for official Decipher articles regarding the card
  • Link to decks that use this card