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Search is an unloaded keyword that appears on Shadow conditions and events in Fellowship Block and The Two Towers. The cards appear in Isengard, Ringwraith and Sauron cultures, and often exert companions, cancel out Stealth cards, or make it difficult to play many companions. Search cards are often associated with Tracker minions, especially with the Isengard conditions in The Two Towers.

List of Cards with the Search Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Saruman's Reach (1R137) Isengard Event Search.

Maneuver: Exert an Uruk-hai to make the opponent choose to either exert 2 companions or make the Ring-bearer put on The One Ring until the regroup phase.

Traitor's Voice (1U142) Isengard Condition Search. To play, spot an Uruk-hai.

While the Ring-bearer is exhausted or you can spot 5 burdens, the move limit for this turn is -1 (to a minimum of 1).

Wariness (1U161) Isengard Event Search.

Response: If a stealth event is played, exert or discard your Uruk-hai to cancel that event.

Brought Back Alive (4U143) Isengard Event Search.

Assignment: Exert an tracker to assign it to an unbound companion. That companion may exert to prevent this (unless that companion is a Hobbit).

Many Riddles (4U159) Isengard Condition Search. To play, exert an tracker.

Plays on a companion (except the Ring-bearer).

Assignment: Exert an tracker and remove to assign that tracker to bearer.

Bearer may exert to prevent this.

Rest While You Can (4R171) Isengard Condition Search. To play, spot an tracker.

Plays on a companion. Limit 1 per companion.If bearer is killed, reveal the top 10 cards of opponent’s draw deck and discard 1 Shadow card and 1 Free Peoples card. Your opponent reshuffles that deck.

Weary (4C212) Isengard Condition Search. Plays on a companion or ally.

Limit 1 per character.

Each time the Free Peoples player assigns bearer to skirmish an tracker, bearer must exert.

What Did You Discover? (4R213) Isengard Condition Search.

Each time the fellowship moves during the regroup phase, you may discard 2 cards from hand to take an tracker from your discard pile into hand.

Goblin Domain (1R175) Moria Condition Search. To play, spot a minion.

Each time a companion is played to site 4 or higher, that companion comes into play exhausted.

Relentless (1U194) Moria Event Search.

Response: If a stealth event is played, spot 3 minions to cancel that event.

Through the Misty Mountains (1U198) Moria Condition Search. To play, exert a minion.

Each time the fellowship moves to site 4, 5, or 6 and contains a Dwarf or Elf, the Free Peoples player discards 2 cards at random from hand.

What Is This New Devilry? (1U202) Moria Condition Search. To play, exert a Orc.

While the fellowship is at site 5 or higher, each companion’s twilight cost is +2.

Hide and Seek (3C78) Moria Event Search.

Skirmish: Spot 2 companions to make a minion damage +1.

Bent on Discovery (1R206) Ringwraith Condition Search.

At the beginning of each of your Shadow phases, draw 1 card.

At the end of each of your Shadow phases, exert a Nazgûl or discard this condition.

Fear (1R212) Ringwraith Event Search.

Maneuver: Exert your Nazgûl to discard an ally.

The Master's Will (1U215) Ringwraith Event Search.

Shadow: Spot X Nazgûl to reveal the top X cards of your draw deck. Take into your hand all cards revealed and discard the rest.

The Nine Servants of Sauron (1U219) Ringwraith Condition Search.

Each time you play a Nazgûl, you may exert a Hobbit (except the Ring-bearer).

Paths Seldom Trodden (1U222) Ringwraith Condition Search. To play, spot a Nazgûl.

Shadow: Remove to replace the fellowship’s site with your version of the same site.

All Thought Bent on It (1U239) Sauron Event Search.


Spot a Orc and 5 companions to make the Free Peoples player exert a companion for each companion over 4.

The Dark Lord's Summons (1U242) Sauron Condition Search. To play, spot a Orc.

Shadow: Remove to reveal the top card of your draw deck. If it is a card, take it into hand. Otherwise, discard it and one other card from hand.

A Host Avails Little (1U251) Sauron Event Search.

Maneuver: Spot a Orc and 6 companions to wound a companion (except the Ring-bearer). Do this once for each companion over 5.

Journey Into Danger (1R253) Sauron Condition Search. To play, exert a Orc. Plays to your support area.

While you can spot 5 companions, each companion’s twilight cost is +2.

The Number Must Be Few (1U260) Sauron Condition Search. Plays to your support area. While you can spot 7 companions, the move limit for this turn is -1 (to a minimum of 1).
Seeking It Always (1U275) Sauron Condition Search. Plays to your support area.

Response: If a stealth event is played, exert a tracker to cancel that event.

Under the Watching Eye (1C281) Sauron Condition Search. To play, exert a tracker. Plays to your support area.

Each time the fellowship moves, the Free Peoples player must exert a companion.

Spies of Mordor (2U92) Sauron Condition Search. To play, spot a Orc.

Each time the fellowship moves during the regroup phase, you may draw a card (or 2 cards if you spot a tracker).

Get Off the Road! (3U88) Sauron Event Search.

Shadow: Spot a minion and a Nazgûl to make the Free Peoples player discard a card from the top of his or her deck for each burden you can spot. ​

List of Cards That Interact With the Search Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Fearing the Worst (2R100) Shire Condition Stealth. To play, exert 2 Hobbits.

The twilight cost of each search card and each tracker is +2.

Kill Them Now (4C156) Isengard Event Skirmish: Make an tracker strength +2 (or +4 if skirmishing a character bearing a search card).
Uruk Searcher (4U194) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Tracker. Fierce.

While skirmishing a character bearing a search card, this minion is strength +2 and damage +1.

Uruk Seeker (4C195) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Tracker. Fierce.

While skirmishing a character bearing a search card, this minion is strength +2 and damage +1.

Unloaded Keywords
Race Decipher [Raceless] • BalrogCreatureDwarfElfEntHalf-trollHobbitMaiaManNazgûlOrcSpiderTreeTrollUruk-haiWizardWraith
Player's Council CrowEagle
Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
Player's Council Pony
Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise