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Dwelling is an Unloaded Keyword appearing on Sites.

List of Cards with the Dwelling Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Buckland Homestead (11S230) Site Site Dwelling. Shadow: Play a Nazgûl to discard a condition from play.
Green Dragon Inn (11S242) Site Site Dwelling. At the start of your fellowship phase, you may exert 2 Hobbits to play a Hobbit from your draw deck.
The Prancing Pony (11S256) Site Site Dwelling. At the start of your fellowship phase, you may add a burden to play a ranger from your draw deck.
Valley of the Silverlode (11S261) Site Site Dwelling. River. When your fellowship moves to this site, you may heal each Hobbit companion.
Westemnet Village (11S264) Site Site Dwelling. When the fellowship moves to this site, the Free Peoples player wounds a companion for each ally.
Hobbiton Market (12S189) Site Site Dwelling. When the fellowship moves from this site, wound each minion that is not a lurker.
Courtyard Parapet (13U188) Site Site Dwelling. When the fellowship moves to this site, the first Shadow player may discard 2 cards from hand to add a burden.
Streets of Bree (18U140) Site Site Dwelling. While the fellowship is at this site, followers cannot be transferred to a character.

List of Cards that Interact with the Dwelling Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Ease the Burden (11U29) Gandalf Event • Fellowship Exert a Wizard to remove a burden (or 2 burdens if the fellowship is at a dwelling site).
The Terror of His Coming (12C33) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Make a companion strength +2. Then, if that companion is at a battleground or dwelling site, you may take a condition from your discard pile into hand.
Concerning Hobbits (11S161) Shire Event • Skirmish For each dwelling and forest site on the adventure path, make a Hobbit strength +1.
Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (11U163) Shire Companion • Hobbit While Farmer Maggot is at a dwelling or forest site, he is strength +4.
Habits of Home (11R165) Shire Condition Toil 2. (For each character you exert when playing this, its twilight cost is –2.)

Bearer must be a Hobbit. Limit 1 per bearer. Each time the fellowship moves from a dwelling or forest site, remove .

Incognito (11C167) Shire Event • Skirmish Stealth. If the fellowship is at a dwelling site, exert 2 Hobbits to cancel a skirmish involving a Hobbit. At any other site, exert 2 Hobbits to make a Hobbit strength +3.
Home and Hearth (12C122) Shire Condition • Support Area Each time you play a Hobbit, you may remove a burden. Then, if the fellowship is at dwelling site, heal the Ring-bearer.
No Worse for Wear (12S126) Shire Event • Skirmish Prevent a Hobbit from being overwhelmed unless his or her strength is tripled. Then, if the fellowship is at a dwelling site, you may discard 2 cards from hand to return this event to your hand.
Don’t Let Go (13C145) Shire Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Hobbit strength +1 for each of the following that is true: he or she is participating in a fierce skirmish; he or she has resistance 7 or more; he or she is at a dwelling site; you can spot an unwounded Hobbit.
Everything but My Bones (13U146) Shire Event • Skirmish You may remove from the game 4 other cards in your discard pile to play this event from your discard pile. Then remove this event from the game.

Make your Hobbit at a dwelling or forest site strength +3.

The Gaffer, Master Gardener (13U151) Shire Follower Aid – Add a burden. (At the start of the maneuver phase, you may add a burden to transfer this to a companion.)

When you transfer The Gaffer to a companion, heal bearer (or heal bearer twice if he or she is at a dwelling site.)

Humble Homestead (13R152) Shire Condition • Support Area To play, spot 2 Hobbits.

When you play this, add a token here for each forest site and each dwelling site on the adventure path.

Skirmish: Discard this from play or remove 3 tokens from here to cancel a skirmish involving a Hobbit.

Úlairë Cantëa, Fourth of the Nine Riders (11S220) Ringwraith Minion • Nazgul While Úlairë Cantëa is at a forest or dwelling site, he is strength +2 and Fierce.

Unloaded Keywords
Race Decipher [Raceless] • BalrogCreatureDwarfElfEntHalf-trollHobbitMaiaManNazgûlOrcSpiderTreeTrollUruk-haiWizardWraith
Player's Council CrowEagle
Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
Player's Council Pony
Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise