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Villager is an unloaded keyword appearing only on allies from the Rohan culture. All villagers are Rohan man allies with a home site of 3 or 4 on the Towers Block site path, and except for Aldor, Soldier of Edoras (4R262) , all Rohan allies are villagers.

As in most cultures, Rohan allies generally exert to support your Fellowship in a variety of ways. The most common one is granting strength pumps to your companions.

Villager cards[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Guma, Plains Farmer (4C277) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Discard Guma if an opponent controls his home site.

Fellowship: Exert Guma to heal a Man.

Hlafwine, Village Farmhand (4C281) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Discard Hlafwine if an opponent controls his home site.

Skirmish: Exert Hlafwine to make a Man strength +2.

Léod, Westfold Herdsman (4U285) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Discard Léod if an opponent controls his home site.

Skirmish: Exert Léod to make a mounted companion strength +2.

Weland, Smith of the Riddermark (4U295) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Discard Weland if an opponent controls his home site.

Fellowship: Exert Weland to heal a mounted companion.

Ecglaf, Courageous Farmer (5C81) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Fellowship: Exert Ecglaf and spot 2 valiant Men to play a possession from your discard pile.

Sigewulf, Brave Volunteer (5U92) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Regroup: Exert Sigewulf and spot 5 valiant Men to discard a minion.

Déor (7C222) Rohan Ally • Home 3 • Man Villager.

Skirmish: If you have initiative, discard a card from hand to make a Man strength +1.

Léowyn (7R239) Rohan Ally • Home 3 • Man Villager.

Fellowship: If you have initiative, discard 2 cards from hand to heal a Man.

Rohirrim Herdsman (7C247) Rohan Ally • Home 3 • Man Villager. To play, spot 2 Men.

Regroup: Discard 3 cards from hand to remove a threat. ​

Cards that interact with Villagers[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Aldor, Soldier of Edoras (4R262) Rohan Ally • Home 3 • Man Archery: Exert Aldor and spot a villager to make the fellowship archery total +1.
Ceorl, Weary Horseman (4U264) Rohan Companion • Man Response: If your opponent is about to take control of a site, exert Ceorl and a villager to prevent this.
Éowyn's Sword (4R272) Rohan Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be Éowyn.

While you can spot a villager, Éowyn is damage +1.

Fight for the Villagers (4C273) Rohan Event Skirmish: Make a Man strength +2 (or +3 if you spot a villager).
Supplies of the Mark (4R290) Rohan Condition Fellowship: Add and place a villager from hand beneath your draw deck to heal a ally.
Valleys of the Mark (4R293) Rohan Condition Each time your opponent plays a roaming minion, you may spot a villager to exert that minion.
Well Stored (4U296) Rohan Condition At the start of each fellowship phase, you may heal a villager.

Cards that interact with Rohan Allies[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Éomer, Sister-son of Theoden (4C266) Rohan Companion • Man While you can spot a Man, Éomer’s twilight cost is -1.

At the start of each turn, you may heal a ally.

Supplies of the Mark (4R290) Rohan Condition Fellowship: Add and place a villager from hand beneath your draw deck to heal a ally.
Théoden, Son of Thengel (4C292) Rohan Companion • Man Regroup: Spot a ally and exert Théoden to liberate a site.
Théoden, King of the Golden Hall (5C93) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Maneuver: Play a possession on Théoden to heal a ally.

Guarded Fastness (7U234) Rohan Event • Maneuver If you have initiative, discard 2 cards from hand to heal all allies.
Now for Wrath (V2_51) Rohan Condition • Support Area,Support Area Each time a item or ally is discarded or killed, add a token here.

Each time a minion is exerted by a Free Peoples card, you may remove a token here and exert a valiant companion to wound that minion.

Streets of Edoras (4U340) Site Site Sanctuary. Each ally may not participate in archery fire or skirmishes at Streets of Edoras.
Great Hall (4U353) Site Site Sanctuary. Battleground.Each ally may participate in archery fire and skirmishes at Great Hall.

Unloaded Keywords
Race Decipher [Raceless] • BalrogCreatureDwarfElfEntHalf-trollHobbitMaiaManNazgûlOrcSpiderTreeTrollUruk-haiWizardWraith
Player's Council CrowEagle
Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
Player's Council Pony
Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise