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Spell is an unloaded keyword appearing on cards from the Gandalf and Isengard culture.

List of Cards with the Spell Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Intimidate (1C76) Gandalf Event Spell.

Response: If a companion is about to take a wound, spot Gandalf to prevent that wound.

Mysterious Wizard (1C78) Gandalf Event Spell.

Skirmish: Make Gandalf strength +2 (or +4 if there are 4 or fewer burdens on the Ring-bearer).

Questions That Need Answering (1R81) Gandalf Event Spell.

Fellowship: If the twilight pool has fewer than 3 twilight tokens, spot Gandalf to look at the top 4 cards of your draw deck. Take 2 of those cards into hand and discard the rest.

Risk a Little Light (1C82) Gandalf Event Spell.

Fellowship: If the twilight pool has fewer than 2 twilight tokens, spot Gandalf to look at the top 2 cards of your draw deck. Take one into hand and discard the other.

Servant of the Secret Fire (1R83) Gandalf Event Spell.

Skirmish: Spot Gandalf to make a minion strength -3.

Sleep, Caradhras (1C84) Gandalf Event Spell.

Fellowship: Exert Gandalf to discard every condition.

Strength of Spirit (1C85) Gandalf Event Spell.

Response: If a companion is about to exert, spot Gandalf to place no token for that exertion.

Treachery Deeper Than You Know (1C86) Gandalf Event Spell.

Fellowship: Spot Gandalf to reveal an opponent’s hand.

Staff Asunder (2R27) Gandalf Event Spell.

Skirmish: Discard a staff Gandalf is bearing and then exert him twice to discard a minion he is skirmishing.

Wielder of the Flame (2U28) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Spot Gandalf to make a companion defender +1 until the regroup phase.

Any Shadow player may remove to prevent this.

You Cannot Pass! (2U30) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Spot Gandalf bearing a staff to prevent a minion from being fierce until the regroup phase.

Deep in Thought (3C30) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Spot Gandalf and 4 twilight tokens to discard all Shadow conditions.

Fireworks (3C32) Gandalf Event Spell.

Fellowship: Spot Gandalf to shuffle up to 2 or up to 2 cards from your discard pile into your draw deck.

Grown Suddenly Tall (4R92) Gandalf Event Spell.

Fellowship: Spot Gandalf to discard all conditions.

Hearken to Me (4R94) Gandalf Condition Spell. To play, spot Gandalf. Bearer must be Théoden.

Discard all Shadow conditions on Théoden. Shadow conditions may not be played on Théoden.

Into Dark Tunnels (4R95) Gandalf Event Spell.

Response: If you play a event, exert Gandalf twice to place that event in your hand instead of your discard pile.

Long I Fell (4C97) Gandalf Event Spell.

Skirmish: Spot Gandalf to prevent all wounds to him. Any Shadow player may make you wound a minion to prevent this.

Mithrandir, Mithrandir! (4C98) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Exert Gandalf to wound each minion who has strength of 6 or less.

Task Was Not Done (4C102) Gandalf Event Spell.

Regroup: Exert Gandalf to discard up to 2 wounded minions.

Down From the Hills (5R16) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Exert Gandalf 3 times to make an unbound companion with the Gandalf signet strength +5, defender +1, damage +2, and unable to take wounds until the regroup phase.

Fury of the White Rider (5R18) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Spot 3 twilight tokens and exert Gandalf to wound a minion twice.

Turn of the Tide (5U20) Gandalf Event Spell.

Maneuver: Exert Gandalf to discard up to 2 Shadow possessions. Any Shadow player may discard a minion to prevent this.

Threw Down My Enemy (6U36) Gandalf Event Spell. Skirmish: Make a minion skirmishing Gandalf strength –1 for each wound on each character in the skirmish.
The Board Is Set (7R32) Gandalf Event • Response Spell.

If an event is played, exert Gandalf to make that opponent remove or cancel that event.

Intimidate (7C41) Gandalf Event • Response Spell.

If a companion is about to take a wound, spot Gandalf to prevent that wound.

Terrible and Evil (7R50) Gandalf Event • Maneuver Spell.

Exert Gandalf X times to wound a minion X times. If that minion is a Nazgûl, wound it again.

New-awakened (11U38) Gandalf Event • Fellowship Spell. Toil 2. (For each character you exert when playing this, its twilight cost is –2.) Spot a Wizard to discard 2 conditions from play.
Introspection (12U29) Gandalf Event • Fellowship Spell. Choose one: Spot a Wizard to choose an opponent who must discard one of his or her conditions from play; or spot a Wizard at a battleground site to discard a condition from play.
Mysterious Wizard (12C31) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spell. Make Gandalf strength +2 (or +4 if you cannot spot 5 burdens).
Salve (12C32) Gandalf Condition Spell. To play, spot a Wizard.

Bearer must be a companion. Limit 1 per bearer.

Response: If bearer is about to take a wound that would kill him or her, discard this condition to prevent that wound.

The Flame of Anor (13U31) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spell.

Spot 3 companions to make a minion skirmishing a companion strength –3.

For a While Less Dark (13C32) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spell.

Make a companion strength +2 (or +4 if that companion bears a follower).

Be Gone! (15U27) Gandalf Event • Maneuver Spell. Exert your companion X times to make a minion strength -2 until the regroup phase, for each time that companion exerted.
One Last Surprise (15R33) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spell. Spot Gandalf and an unbound companion skirmishing a minion to use Gandalf’s resistance to resolve that skirmish instead of that companion’s strength.
A New Light (17U15) Gandalf Event • Fellowship Spell.

Spot a Wizard to return a minion to its owner's hand from its owner's discard pile. Reveal that Shadow player's hand and discard a minion from his or her hand.

Scintillating Bird (17R23) Gandalf Condition • Support Area Spell.

Fellowship: Exert your Wizard and choose an opponent to name either Free Peoples or Shadow. Reveal the top three cards of your deck. If you revealed at least two of the chosen card type, take those cards into hand, otherwise, discard those cards.

Drawn to Full Height (18C19) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spell. Spot a Wizard to make a minion lose all strength bonuses from possessions.
One-Upsmanship (18U23) Gandalf Event • Maneuver Spell. Spot 2 pipeweed cards to remove a burden for each Wizard you can spot.
Our Time (18R24) Gandalf Condition • Support Area Spell. To play, exert Gandalf.

When you play this condition, remove .

At the start of the maneuver phase, add and remove this condition from the game.

Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us (1R123) Isengard Event Spell. Weather.

Maneuver: Exert a minion and spot 5 companions to discard an exhausted companion (except the Ring-bearer).

Cruel Caradhras (1R124) Isengard Event Spell. Weather.

Maneuver: Exert a minion to make the opponent choose to either exert the Ring-bearer or add a burden.

Saruman's Chill (1C134) Isengard Condition Spell. Weather. To play, exert a minion. Plays on a site. Limit 1 per site.

Each Hobbit who moves from this site must exert. Discard this condition at the end of the turn.

Saruman's Frost (1U135) Isengard Condition Spell. Weather. To play, exert a minion. Plays on a site. Limit 1 per site.

Each Hobbit at this site is strength -2. Discard this condition at the end of the turn.

Saruman's Power (1U136) Isengard Event Spell.

Shadow: Exert a minion to discard all conditions.

Saruman's Snows (1C138) Isengard Condition Spell. Weather. To play, exert a minion. Plays on a site.

No player may play skirmish events or use skirmish special abilities at this site. Discard this condition at the end of the turn.

Wizard Storm (2U48) Isengard Condition Spell. Weather. To play, exert an minion. Plays on a site. Limit 1 per site.

When the fellowship moves from this site, every companion must exert. Discard this condition at the end of the turn.

Leechcraft (4R157) Isengard Condition Spell. To play, exert Saruman or an Man.

Plays on a Free Peoples Man.

Special abilities in bearer’s game text may not be used.

Just a Wisp of Cloud (V1_28) Isengard Event • Maneuver Spell. Weather.

Place Saruman from your draw deck or discard pile on top of your draw deck. You may discard up to X cards from hand, where X is the number of Crows you can spot. ​

List of Cards that Interact with the Spell Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Gandalf's Staff (2R22) Gandalf Artifact • Staff Bearer must be Gandalf.

The twilight cost of each spell is -1.

Skirmish: Exert Gandalf twice to cancel a skirmish involving him.

Glamdring, Lightning Brand (6R31) Gandalf Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be Gandalf. He is damage +1. Each time you play a spell during a skirmish, you may make Gandalf damage +1 until the end of that skirmish.
The Art of Gandalf (11U28) Gandalf Possession • Support Area To play, spot a Wizard.

Regroup: Stack a spell from hand here.

Fellowship: Discard a card from hand to take a card stacked here into hand.

Gandalf, Powerful Guide (15R29) Gandalf Companion • Wizard To play, spot 2 Hobbits.

Each time you play a spell, you may add a burden to wound a minion.

At the start of each skirmish involving Gandalf, you may draw a card and then discard a card from your hand.

Radagast's Herb Bag (18R26) Gandalf Possession Bearer must be a Wizard.

Each time you play a spell, you may exert bearer to wound a minion. ​

Unloaded Keywords
Race Decipher [Raceless] • BalrogCreatureDwarfElfEntHalf-trollHobbitMaiaManNazgûlOrcSpiderTreeTrollUruk-haiWizardWraith
Player's Council CrowEagle
Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
Player's Council Pony
Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise