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Battleground is an Unloaded Keyword appearing on Sites. Initially, Battlegrounds predominantly provided bonuses for Uruk-hai, but this was expanded to other cultures, good and evil, later on.

List of Battleground Sites[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Uruk Camp (4U335) Site Site Plains. Battleground. Each time an Uruk-hai is played, that minion must exert.
White Rocks (4U346) Site Site Battleground. The Shadow number of this site is +1 for each mounted companion.
Deep of Helm (4U347) Site Site Plains. Battleground. The twilight cost of the first Uruk-hai played at Deep of Helm each turn is -3.
Deeping Wall (4U348) Site Site Battleground. Shadow: Play Saruman from your draw deck.
Helm's Gate (4U349) Site Site Battleground. Each companion and minion bearing a hand weapon is strength +2.
Hornburg Courtyard (4U350) Site Site Battleground. While you can spot Aragorn, the Shadow number of Hornburg Courtyard is -2.
Hornburg Parapet (4U351) Site Site Battleground. The fellowship archery total is +1. The minion archery total is ?-1.
Great Hall (4U353) Site Site Sanctuary. Battleground.Each ally may participate in archery fire and skirmishes at Great Hall.
Hornburg Causeway (4U356) Site Site Battleground. The minion archery total is +2 for each unbound companion over 3.
Fortress of Orthanc (4U360) Site Site Battleground. The Shadow number of Fortress of Orthanc is +2 for each companion over 4.
Orthanc Balcony (4U361) Site Site Battleground. Shadow: Play Saruman from your discard pile; his twilight cost is -2.
Fortress of Orthanc (11S241) Site Site Battleground. When the fellowship moves to the site, add for each companion over 5.
Heights of Isengard (11U244) Site Site Battleground. Each time a companion wins a skirmish, the Free Peoples player may discard a condition from play.
Helm's Gate (11S245) Site Site Battleground. Each character bearing a hand weapon is strength +2.
Osgiliath Reclaimed (11S252) Site Site Battleground. When the fellowship moves from this site, the Free Peoples player may spot 3 burdens to remove a burden.
Slag Mounds (11S258) Site Site Battleground. Each time a companion is killed, add a burden.
The Bridge of Khazad-dûm (12U186) Site Site Battleground. Underground. The Balrog is twilight cost –3.
Hill of Sight (12S188) Site Site Battleground. Forest. While you can spot 3 minions (or 6 companions), each unbound companion is resistance –2.
Northern Pelennor (12S190) Site Site Battleground. Plains. Shadow: Make your lurker minion lose lurker until the regroup phase.
City of Kings (13U187) Site Site Battleground. When the fellowship moves to this site during the regroup phase, the Free Peoples player may draw a card.
The Great Gates (13S192) Site Site Battleground. While a player can spot more companions than minions, each minion is strength +1.
Isenwash (13U193) Site Site Battleground. Plains. At the start of the regroup phase, each Shadow player may exert a minion to exert a companion.
Gate of Mordor (15S191) Site Site Battleground. Each time the fellowship moves to this site, add for each culture you can spot.
Isengard Ruined (15U192) Site Site Battleground. Each time a follower is transfered to a character, the first Shadow player may exert a companion twice.
Mount Doom (15R193) Site Site Battleground. Mountain. Underground. Until the end of the game, sites in this region cannot be replaced.
Morannon Plains (18U137) Site Site Battleground. Plains. When the fellowship moves to this site, each player may reinforce a culture token.
Breached Wall (V2_70) Site Site Battleground. The count of sites each Shadow player controls
is +1.
Helm's Tower (V2_71) Site Site Battleground. While you can spot 6 companions, each character is damage +1.

Cards That Interact with the Battleground Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Best Company (4C42) Dwarven Event Skirmish: Make a Dwarf strength +2 (or +4 if at a battleground).
Horn of Helm (5U8) Dwarven Possession Plays to your support area.

Maneuver: Exert a Dwarf companion to make each minion at a battleground lose all damage bonuses until the regroup phase.

Farin, Emissary of Erebor (11C7) Dwarven Companion • Dwarf While Farin is at a battleground or underground site, he gains muster. (At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard a card from hand to draw a card.)
Gimli's Battle Axe, Vicious Weapon (11R9) Dwarven Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Dwarf.

Bearer gains muster. (At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard a card from hand to draw a card.)

Skirmish: If bearer is Gimli and he is at a battleground site, exert him to wound a minion he is skirmishing.

Durability (12C4) Dwarven Event • Skirmish Make a Dwarf strength +2. Then, if that Dwarf is at a battleground or mountain site, draw a card.
Haldir, Emissary of the Galadhrim (4C71) Elven Companion • Elf While no opponent controls a site, Haldir is strength +2.

Regroup: Exert Haldir at a battleground and exert another Elf to liberate a site.

Legolas, Companion of the Ring (11S21) Elven Companion • Elf While Legolas is at a battleground or forest site, he is strength +2 and resistance +2.
Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (15U17) Elven Companion • Elf To play, spot an Elf.

While the fellowship is at a battleground site, Haldir is strength +2.

While the fellowship is at a forest site, Haldir is an archer.

Inspiration (11C36) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spot a Wizard to reveal your hand and make a minion strength –3 for each companion in your hand (or –4 for each if the fellowship is at a battleground site).
Gandalf’s Hat (12R28) Gandalf Possession Bearer must be Gandalf.

Each time the fellowship moves from a battleground site, add a burden.

Regroup: Add 2 burdens to remove all twilight tokens from the twilight pool.

Introspection (12U29) Gandalf Event • Fellowship Spell. Choose one: Spot a Wizard to choose an opponent who must discard one of his or her conditions from play; or spot a Wizard at a battleground site to discard a condition from play.
The Terror of His Coming (12C33) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Make a companion strength +2. Then, if that companion is at a battleground or dwelling site, you may take a condition from your discard pile into hand.
With Doom We Come (12U36) Gandalf Condition • Support Area While Gandalf is at an underground site, he gains muster. (At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard a card from hand to draw a card.)

While the fellowship is at a battleground site, each character gains muster.

Armor of the Citadel (11U55) Gondor Possession • Armor Bearer must be a Man.

Each minion skirmishing bearer loses all damage bonuses. While bearer is at a battleground site and unwounded, he or she is defender +1.

Bow of Minas Tirith (11U58) Gondor Possession • Ranged Weapon Bearer must be a Man.

At the start of the archery phase, if bearer is at a battleground site, you may exert him or her to make the fellowship archery total +1.

Faramir's Sword (12R48) Gondor Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be Faramir.

He is damage +1.

Each minion skirmishing Faramir at a battleground or forest site is roaming.

Tireless (12C52) Gondor Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Man strength +1 for each of the following that is true: he or she is at a battleground site; he or she has resistance 4 or more; he or she is bearing a hand weapon; he or she is skirmishing a roaming minion.
Théoden, King of the Eorlingas (11U159) Rohan Companion • Man While you can spot a companion, Théoden gains muster. (At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard a card from hand to draw a card.) While Théoden is at a battleground or plains site each Man is strength +1.
Éored Warrior (12S113) Rohan Companion • Man While this companion is at a battleground or plains site, he is strength +3.
Wind-swept Homestead (13R139) Rohan Condition • Support Area To play, spot 2 companions.

When you play this, add a token here for each plains site and each battleground site on the adventure path.

At the start of each regroup phase, add a token here for each of your companions that has muster.

Diversion (12R120) Shire Event • Regroup Discard a Hobbit not assigned to a skirmish from play to discard a minion from play. If the fellowship is at a battleground site, you may add 2 burdens to play this event during a skirmish involving a Hobbit.
Advance Uruk Patrol (4U136) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

While at a battleground, this minion is fierce.

While you control a battleground, this minion is strength +4.

Ferocity (4C151) Isengard Event Skirmish: Make an Uruk-hai strength +2 (or +3 if at a battleground).
Uruk Assault Band (4R179) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. To play, spot an Uruk-hai. While at a battleground, this minion is fierce.

While you control a battleground, this minion is strength +6.

While you control 2 battlegrounds, this minion may not take wounds.

Uruk Defender (4C184) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

Skirmish: Exert this minion at a battleground to make another Uruk-hai strength +2.

Uruk Rear Guard (4C191) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

Skirmish: Exert this minion at a battleground to make another Uruk-hai strength +1.

Uruk Vanguard (4R200) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. (or damage +2 if at a battleground). To play, spot an Uruk-hai.

While at a battleground, this minion is fierce.

Suffered Much Loss (10U35) Isengard Condition • Support Area Each site on the adventure path is a battleground. While you have initiative, each Uruk-hai is strength +1.
Legion of Isengard (V2_27) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

While you control a battleground, this minion is damage +1.

While at a battleground, skirmish special abilities cannot be used during skirmishes involving this minion.

Trail of Savagery (V2_31) Isengard Condition • Support Area,Support Area Each site you control gains battleground.

Skirmish: Remove 2 tokens to cancel a skirmish involving an Uruk-hai.

Uruk Occupier (V2_34) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

This minion is strength +1 for each battleground you control.

Shadow: If you control 3 battlegrounds, discard a card from hand to play this minion from your discard pile.

Corps of Harad (11C73) Men Minion • Man While this minion is at a battleground site, it is Fierce.
Horde of Harad (11C85) Men Minion • Man While this minion is at a battleground site, it is Fierce.
Overrun (11S92) Men Event • Skirmish Make a minion strength +2 (or +4 if that minion is at a battleground or plains site).
Whistling Death (11U104) Men Event • Skirmish Wound a character skirmishing a minion. If the fellowship is at a battleground site, you may remove to wound that character again.
Dunlending Zealot (12U62) Men Minion • Man While this minion is exhausted, each unbound companion is resistance –1 (or –2 if the fellowship is at a battleground site).
Goaded to War (12C67) Men Condition • Support Area To play, spot a minion.

Each time the fellowship moves to a battleground or plains site, add .

Mûmak Rider (12R74) Men Minion • Man Archer.

When you play this minion to a battleground or plains site, you may spot another minion to discard a possession from play.

Mûmakil Commander, Bold and Grim (18R71) Men Minion • Man While at a battleground, this minion is strength +2.

Each mounted Man is strength +1.

Regroup: Shuffle any number of your mounts in play into your draw deck.

Armed for Battle (11U106) Orc Event • Shadow Spot your minion to play an possession from your discard pile (or, if that minion is at a battleground site, from your draw deck or discard pile).
Orc Artisan (12R91) Orc Minion • Orc Each time you play an possession on an Orc, you may add (or if that Orc is at a battleground or underground site).
Rallying Orc (12R100) Orc Minion • Orc Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.)

Each time you play another lurker at a battleground or underground site, you may make the Free Peoples player exert a companion.

Taunt (12U104) Orc Event • Skirmish Reveal the top 5 cards of your draw deck (or, if the fellowship is at a battleground site, the top 7 cards) to make an minion strength +1 for each card revealed.
Destroyers and Usurpers (18U78) Orc Condition • Support Area Each companion loses all defender bonuses and cannot gain defender bonuses.

Maneuver: Spot 2 minions to make the fellowship's current site gain battleground until the regroup phase.

Orkish Aggressor (18C85) Orc Minion • Orc While at a battleground, this minion is strength +2.
Orkish Defender (18C88) Orc Minion • Orc While the fellowship is at a battleground or underground site, this minion cannot take wounds in the archery phase.
Echo of Hooves (12C164) Ringwraith Event • Shadow Toil 2. (For each character you exert when playing this, its twilight cost is –2.)

Spot your Nazgûl at a battleground or forest site to play a mount on him from your draw deck.

Nazgûl Blade (12C168) Ringwraith Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Nazgûl.

While bearer is at a battleground or forest site, he is strength +1.

Shadowy Mount (12R171) Ringwraith Possession • Mount Bearer must be a Nazgûl.

While bearer is at a battleground or forest site, he is fierce.

Assignment: Make the Free Peoples player assign bearer to an unbound companion bearing a condition.

Unimpeded (12C182) Ringwraith Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Nazgûl strength +1 for each of the following that is true: he is at a battleground or forest site; he is skirmishing a companion who has resistance 4 or less; he is bearing a possession; he is in a fierce skirmish
Brutality (11S180) Uruk-hai Event • Skirmish Make an minion strength +1 for each battleground site you can spot.
Feral Uruk (11S183) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai While this minion is at a battleground site, it is strength +1 and Damage +1.
Force of Uruk-hai (11R184) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. Each time this minion is about to take a wound at a battleground site, you may spot another card to make the Free Peoples player draw a card instead.
Intimidating Uruk (11U189) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. When you play this minion at a battleground site, spot an unbound companion to make that companion resistance –2 until the end of the turn.
Invincible Uruk (11S190) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. While this minion is at a battleground site, it cannot take wounds. While you can spot 6 companions, each minion cannot take wounds.
Isengard Siege Bow (11U191) Uruk-hai Possession • Ranged Weapon Bearer must be a minion.

While bearer is at a battleground site, it is an Archer.

Lookout Uruk (11S193) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. The fellowship's current site gains battleground.
Watchman Uruk (11C206) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. When you play this minion at a battleground site, you may draw a card.
Uruk Common (12C149) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

Each time this minion is assigned to a skirmish, if it is not at a battleground site, remove or discard this minion.

Uruk Decimator (12R150) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai While this minion is at a battleground site, it is strength +2.

While this minion is bearing a possession, it is damage +1.

Endless Assault (13C161) Uruk-hai Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make an minion strength +1 for each of the following that is true: it is at a battleground site; it is skirmishing a companion who has resistance 4 or less; it is bearing a possession; you can spot an minion not assigned to a skirmish.
Fearless Approach (13C164) Uruk-hai Condition • Support Area To play, spot an minion.

When you play this, if you spot a battleground site on the adventure path, reinforce 3 tokens.

Each time the Free Peoples player plays the fellowship’s next site, you may discard a condition from play.

Uruk-hai Scout (14R15) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

When you play this, choose one of the following keywords: battleground, mountain, plains, or underground. The fellowship’s current site gains that keyword until the end of the turn.

Hunting Uruk (15C161) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai While this minion is at a battleground site, he gains hunter 1 (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +1.)
White Hand Attacker (18C124) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

While at a battleground, this minion is strength +2. ​

Unloaded Keywords
Race Decipher [Raceless] • BalrogCreatureDwarfElfEntHalf-trollHobbitMaiaManNazgûlOrcSpiderTreeTrollUruk-haiWizardWraith
Player's Council CrowEagle
Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
Player's Council Pony
Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise