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Valiant is an Unloaded Keyword appearing on cards from the Rohan culture. Valiant companions tend to be more lone-wolf types rather than about the masses, but this is not a hard-and-fast rule. In general the keyword is very vague, unlike its counterpart Knight in the Gondor culture that it was a mirror to.

List of Cards with the Valiant Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Éowyn, Lady of Rohan (4C270) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Response: If an unbound companion is about to take a wound, exert Éowyn and add to prevent that wound.

Éowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden (4R271) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Response: If Éowyn is exhausted and about to take a wound in a skirmish, discard 2 cards from hand to prevent that wound.

Gamling, Warrior of Rohan (5R82) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. To play, spot a Man.

Skirmish: Play a possession on Gamling to make him strength +2 and damage +1.

Household Guard (5C83) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.
Rohirrim Scout (5C90) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Regroup: Exert this companion and spot a possession to return that possession to hand.

Théoden, King of the Golden Hall (5C93) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Maneuver: Play a possession on Théoden to heal a ally.

Éowyn, Daughter of Eomund (5P122) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Maneuver: Play a possession on Éowyn to heal her.

Éomer, Rohirrim Captain (6R92) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. While you can spot a Man, Éomer’s twilight cost is –1. Skirmish: Discard 3 cards from hand to make a Man strength +2 for each wound on each minion in his or her skirmish.
Elfhelm, Marshal of Rohan (7U224) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Skirmish: Exert Elfhelm to make him strength +1 for each uncontrolled plains site you can spot.

Éomer, Skilled Tactician (7R227) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. While you can spot a Man, Éomer’s twilight cost is –1.

Fellowship: Play a companion to take a possession or skirmish event into hand from your discard pile.

Éowyn, Dernhelm (7R228) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

While skirmishing a mounted minion, Éowyn is strength +2.

While skirmishing a fierce minion, Éowyn is strength +2.

Grimbold, Marshal of Rohan (7R233) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Skirmish: Replace the fellowship’s site with your plains site of the same number to discard a card from hand.

Théoden, Leader of Spears (7U254) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. While you can spot a Man, Théoden’s twilight cost is –1.

Each time the fellowship moves, you may exert a companion to exert a minion.

Éomer, Valiant Warchief (7P365) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. While you can spot a Man, Éomer’s twilight cost is –1.

Skirmish: If you have initiative, discard 3 cards from hand to make Éomer strength +1 for each valiant companion you spot.

Éomer, Keeper of Oaths (8C87) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. When you play Éomer (except in your starting fellowship), you may reveal the top 10 cards of your draw deck and play all possessions revealed. Shuffle your draw deck.
Théoden, Tall and Proud (8R92) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

While you can spot a Man, Théoden’s twilight cost is –1.

If Théoden is killed, you may play a companion from your discard pile or draw deck.

Éomer, Horsemaster (15R123) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. Hunter 2. (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +2.)

While you can spot a Man, Éomer’s twilight cost is -1.

Skirmish: Discard a card from hand to make Éomer strength +2.

Éowyn, Willing Fighter (15C125) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Response: If a hunter companion or valiant Man is about to take a wound, exert Éowyn to prevent that wound.

Gamling, The Old (15S126) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. Hunter 1. (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +1.) To play, spot a Man.

While you can spot 3 hunters, Gamling is strength +3.

Rohirrim Soldier (15S138) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. While you can spot a Man, this companion’s twilight cost is -1.

This companion is strength +1 for each hunter minion you can spot.

Rohirrim Warrior (15U139) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

At the start of the maneuver phase, you may spot a hunter minion (or exert 2 valiant Men) to make this companion defender +1 until the regroup phase.

Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (17R93) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

While the Ring-bearer is assigned to a skirmish, each companion gains hunter 1.

Gamling, Dutiful Marshal (18R99) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Skirmish: Transfer a possession that Gamling can bear to him.

Rohirrim Recruit (18C103) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

While you can spot a token, this companion is strength +2.

Éomer, Eored Captain (19P25) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Éomer is strength +2 for each wound on each minion he is skirmishing.

Éowyn, Lady of the Mark (19P26) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Fellowship: Play a companion with a twilight cost of 3 or more; his or her twilight cost is –1.

Eomer, Forthwith Banished (0P66) Rohan Companion • Man Damage +1. Valiant. While you can spot a [ROHAN] Man, Eomer's twilight cost is -1.

List of Cards that Interact with the Valiant Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Simbelmynë (4R289) Rohan Event Fellowship: Spot 2 Men (or 1 valiant Man) to play a character or possession from your draw deck.
Ecglaf, Courageous Farmer (5C81) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Fellowship: Exert Ecglaf and spot 2 valiant Men to play a possession from your discard pile.

Let Us Be Swift (5C85) Rohan Event Regroup: Spot 3 valiant Men to discard up to 2 conditions and liberate a site.
No Rest for the Weary (5R86) Rohan Event Maneuver: Spot 3 valiant Men to make one of those Men defender +1 until the regroup phase.
Sigewulf, Brave Volunteer (5U92) Rohan Ally • Home 4 • Man Villager.

Regroup: Exert Sigewulf and spot 5 valiant Men to discard a minion.

Éomer, Valiant Warchief (7P365) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant. While you can spot a Man, Éomer’s twilight cost is –1.

Skirmish: If you have initiative, discard 3 cards from hand to make Éomer strength +1 for each valiant companion you spot.

Éowyn, Willing Fighter (15C125) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

Response: If a hunter companion or valiant Man is about to take a wound, exert Éowyn to prevent that wound.

Grim Trophy (15C127) Rohan Event • Skirmish Make a Man strength +1 for each hunter you can spot (or if you can spot more valiant Men than hunters, make a Man strength +1 for each valiant Man you can spot).
Horseman of the North (15C130) Rohan Companion • Man While you can spot a valiant Man, this companion’s twilight cost is -1.

This companion is strength +2 while no opponent controls a site.

Rohirrim Warrior (15U139) Rohan Companion • Man Valiant.

At the start of the maneuver phase, you may spot a hunter minion (or exert 2 valiant Men) to make this companion defender +1 until the regroup phase. ​

Unloaded Keywords
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Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
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Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise