Fellowship Draft Pack

The Fellowship Draft Pack was a 29-card semi-random pack released in October 2002[1], just before the release of The Two Towers in the waning days of Fellowship Block. Unlike Booster Packs, Draft Packs were mostly useful for the Booster Draft mode that they were built to enable, as their contents were too consistent to appeal to collectors.
The Fellowship Draft Pack contained entirely reprinted material, meaning that every card included was non-First Edition and represented either the second or third Print Run of a particular card (depending on whether the card was also included in the reprint of the FOTR Starter Decks
Individual draft packs retailed for $4.50. The Fellowship Draft Pack Display Box came with 12 packs, and would retail for $54 (i.e. exactly 12 times as much as a single pack).
Booster Draft[edit]
In Booster Draft, players would each open a single Draft Pack, whose contents would form the bulk of a deck. After inspecting the contents, players would then open standard booster packs from Fellowship Block and select one card to include in their deck, after which each pack would be passed to other players, everyone drafting in a circle. The cards selected would be combined with a skeleton of cards provided by the player (sites, Frodo, and the One Ring), and would form a deck that followed relaxed requirements appropriate for the limited scope of the mode.
Draft Packs were broken down as follows:
- 14 Shadow cards from the Shadow Wheel
- 7 Free Peoples cards from FP Wheel 1 (containing at least 2 Premium cards)
- 1 Rare card from The Fellowship of the Ring
- 7 Free Peoples cards from FP Wheel 2 (containing at least 1 Premium card)
"Wheels" were Decipher's method for keeping draft packs semi-random, without compromising the cohesion of the included cards. Each wheel was a (looping) list of cards, which was divided into thematic sections smaller than the selection included in the pack. By carefully choosing the sizes involved, each pack received roughly 1 complete run and part of another from a different theme, which provided a foundation for further drafting the deck while also providing enough flexibility to work with a number of strategies.
The Shadow Wheel was 30 cards, and the two Free Peoples Wheels were each 30 cards, meaning that a single Uncut Sheet was enough to print enough cards for a bit less than 5 draft packs, presumably with a black Spacer Card placed between the Free Peoples wheels.
Free Peoples Wheel 1[edit]
Notice that no matter what, every consecutive group of 7 cards will include 2 copies of a Premium FOTR card, either Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
or Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364)
. Also notice that certain helper cards are positioned near their associated character card; you can't get a Ranger’s Sword (1U112)
without also getting Aragorn, for instance.
- Hobbit Intuition (1C296)
- Pippin, Mr. Took (2C110)
- Gimli, Dwarf of Erebor (1U12)
- Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
- Ranger’s Sword (1U112)
- Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
- Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311)
- There and Back Again (1C317)
- Merry, Horticulturalist (2C104)
- Boromir, Defender of Minas Tirith (3P122)
- Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364)
- Trust Me as You Once Did (3U35)
- Mysterious Wizard (1C78)
- Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364)
- Sam, Proper Poet (2C114)
- Hobbit Sword (1C299)
- Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (1C303)
- Legolas, Son of Thranduil (3P121)
- Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
- Ranger’s Sword (1U112)
- Aragorn, King in Exile (1P365)
- Pippin, Mr. Took (2C110)
- Hobbit Stealth (1C298)
- Merry, Horticulturalist (2C104)
- Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (1U51)
- Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364)
- Trust Me as You Once Did (3U35)
- Intimidate (1C76)
- Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364)
- Sam, Proper Poet (2C114)
Free Peoples Wheel 2[edit]
Although Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
is sprinkled evenly throughout this wheel, it is not guaranteed that he will show up.
- Their Halls of Stone (1C26)
- Dwarf Guard (1C7)
- Dwarven Axe (1C9)
- Farin, Dwarven Emissary (1C11)
- Cleaving Blow (1C5)
- Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
- Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97)
- Sentinels of Númenor (2C37)
- Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97)
- Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (1U51)
- Defiance (1C37)
- Haldir, Elf of the Golden Wood (1U48)
- Border Defenses (1C32)
- Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (1U51)
- Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97)
- Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
- Cleaving Blow (1C5)
- Frór, Gimli's Kinsman (2C6)
- Dwarven Axe (1C9)
- Dwarf Guard (1C7)
- Delving (1C6)
- Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
- Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97)
- Arwen, Elven Rider (3U7)
- Defiance (1C37)
- Haldir, Elf of the Golden Wood (1U48)
- Hosts of the Last Alliance (2U18)
- Arwen, Elven Rider (3U7)
- Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97)
- Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-race (2P121)
Shadow Wheel[edit]
There are 6 runs within the Shadow wheel: Sauron Trackers,
Isengard Uruks,
Sauron Exert-to-Wound, Archers, and
Isengard Orcs. Each run is punctuated with a standalone utility card, either Úlairë Lemenya, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U232)
, or Úlairë Nertëa, Messenger of Dol Guldur (1U234)
. This ensures that Shadow receives at least one power Nazgul.
- Orc Pillager (3U96)
- Orc Scouting Band (1U270)
- Orc Scout (2C89)
- Orc Assassin (1U262)
- Orc Assassin (1U262)
- Orc Scout (2C89)
- Orc Scouting Band (1U270)
- Orc Pillager (3U96)
- Goblin Flankers (2C61)
- Goblin Scavengers (1C179)
- Goblin Reinforcements (2C63)
- Goblin Wallcrawler (1C184)
- Goblin Pursuer (2C62)
- Goblin Pursuer (2C62)
- Goblin Wallcrawler (1C184)
- Goblin Reinforcements (2C63)
- Goblin Scavengers (1C179)
- Goblin Flankers (2C61)
- Uruk-hai Raiding Party (1C158)
- Uruk Shaman (1C152)
- Uruk Soldier (1C154)
- Uruk Savage (1C151)
- Uruk Brood (1C145)
- Uruk Savage (1C151)
- Uruk Soldier (1C154)
- Uruk Shaman (1C152)
- Uruk-hai Raiding Party (1C158)
- Orc Veteran (3U100)
- Orc Hunters (1U267)
- Orc Scouting Band (1U270)
- Orc Soldier (1C271)
- Orc Soldier (1C271)
- Orc Scouting Band (1U270)
- Orc Hunters (1U267)
- Orc Veteran (3U100)
- Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177)
- Moria Archer Troop (2U67)
- Goblin Runner (1U178)
- Goblin Marksman (1C176)
- Goblin Bowman (2C60)
- Goblin Bowman (2C60)
- Goblin Marksman (1C176)
- Goblin Runner (1U178)
- Moria Archer Troop (2U67)
- Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177)
- Isengard Retainer (3U57)
- Isengard Servant (3U58)
- Isengard Shaman (3C59)
- Isengard Worker (3C62)
- Saruman, Servant of the Eye (3C69)
- Isengard Worker (3C62)
- Isengard Shaman (3C59)
- Isengard Servant (3U58)
- Isengard Retainer (3U57)
An individual Fellowship Draft Pack
A sealed Fellowship Draft Pack Display Box
The bottom of a Draft Pack Display Box
- ↑ DECIPHER ANNOUNCES BOOSTER DRAFT PACK FOR THE LORD OF THE RINGS™ TRADING CARD GAME, Wayback: http://web.archive.org/web/20030404062025/http://www2.decipher.com:80/newsflash/2002/1104draftpacks.html