Uruk Savage (1C151)

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Uruk Savage (1C151) is a Isengard Minion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Uruk Savage
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 151
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Uruk-hai
Twilight Cost 2
Strength 5
Vitality 3
Site Number 5
Game Text Damage +1. (When this minion wins a skirmish, add 1 extra wound to the defender.)
Lore “‘The friendship of Saruman is not lightly thrown aside. One ill turn deserves another.... We have work to do.'”
DE - German
Card Name Wilder Uruk
Game Text Schaden +1.

(Der wilde Uruk fügt bei einem gewonnenen Kampf eine zusätzliche Wunde zu.)

Lore "Die Freundschaft Sarumans tut man nicht leichtfertig ab. Eine üble Wendung ist der anderen wert!“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Salvaje Uruk
Game Text Daño +1. (Cuando este siervo gana una escaramuza, añade 1 herida adicional al defensor.)
Lore “La amistad de Saruman no se deja de lado fácilmente. Un desdichado giro se merece otro... Tenemos trabajo que hacer.”
FR - French
Card Name Barbare Ourouk
Game Text Dégâts +1.

(Quand ce séide remporte un combat, infligez 1 blessure supplémentaire au défenseur.)

Lore “‘L'amitié de Saroumane n'est pas clairement écartée. Un changement mauvais en dessert un autre.... Nous avons du travail à faire.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Uruk Selvaggio
Game Text Danno +1.

(Quando questo servitore vince una schermaglia, aggiungi 1 ferita addizionale al difensore.)

Lore “‘L'appoggio di Saruman non si può scartare senza riflettere. Un brutto tiro merita una risposta... Noi abbiamo del lavoro da fare.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S151.0
GEMP ID 1_151
LOTRO Hex ID 47 2D F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_151


A cheap, lesser uruk that is occasionally seen in decks that need many exertions. With only 5 strength, Uruk Savage is unlikely to win any skirmishes, but its 3 vitality can be used to play cards such as Worry, Beyond the Height of Men, Saruman's Power or any [isengard] weather conditions. Against archery decks, Uruk Savage can serve as cannon fodder, taking 3 archery wounds to allow stronger uruks to skirmish unscathed.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Archery
  • Works well with cards that require exertions

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Most Free Peoples characters
  • Effects that provide bonuses for winning skirmishes (Bow of the Galadhrim; Legolas, Archer of Mirkwood; Imrahil)

See Also[edit]

  • The [uruk-hai] minion Breeding Pit Conscript shares the same card image as this minion.