Tournament Foils

From LOTR-TCG Wiki

Tournament Foils refer to a specific set of overseas cards branded with the TF rarity. These cards were printed and distributed by Decipher's international partners and thus never had any English card equivalents. Due to the variety of their distribution and the insulation of those markets from the US, they are among the rarest and most difficult cards to obtain.

TF cards were printed in German (by Universal Cards), French (by Hexagonal), and Italian (by Nexus Games). There are reports that German TF cards were all distributed as tournament prize support, with TF1 and TF2 being low-grade rewards for participation. Italian distributors apparently also handed theirs out as prize support, but also offered the complete set for purchase. In France, TF1 and TF2 were distributed as part of a purchase program (buy X packs, earn points to redeem for promos), while TF3 and TF4 were rewards proper for tournaments. In each case, 13TF5 appears to have been rarer than the others, possibly coming in at the tail end of the game's life and thus making it to individual distributors but not further disseminated among the remaining players.

The vast majority of the known information about these cards is taken from this thread on TLHH.

There were in total 9 TF cards: 4 were reprints from Black Rider and 5 were reprints from Bloodlines. They were as follows:

LOTR-TCG Product