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Mountain is an Unloaded Keyword appearing on Sites. It is not often used, but typically synergizes with Dwarves and the Gollum culture.

List of Cards with the Mountain Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Pass of Caradhras (1U348) Site Site Mountain. Shadow: Spot a minion to play a weather card from your draw deck (limit 1 per turn).
Ered Nimrais (4U343) Site Site Mountain. The twilight cost of each companion and ally played at Ered Nimrais is +3.
White Mountains (4U345) Site Site Mountain. When the fellowship moves to White Mountains, Théoden or 2 companions must exert.
Barazinbar (11S229) Site Site Mountain. At the start of your fellowship phase, you may exert a Dwarf to play a possession from your draw deck.
Crags of Emyn Muil (11S234) Site Site Mountain. If this site is in region 2 when the fellowship moves from it during the regroup phase, wound each companion.
Pinnacle of Zirakzigil (11S255) Site Site Mountain. At the start of your fellowship phase, you may exert 3 companions to play a Wizard from your dead pile.
Watch-tower of Cirith Ungol (11S262) Site Site 'Mountain.'Maneuver: Exert your minion to discard a card at random from the Free Peoples player's hand.
Emyn Muil (12S187) Site Site Mountain. Maneuver: Remove and exert your minion that is not fierce to make that minion fierce until the regroup phase.
Slopes of Orodruin (12U192) Site Site Mountain. Shadow: Remove and discard 2 Free Peoples cards from hand to draw a card.
Starkhorn (12U193) Site Site Mountain. Each time your Dwarf wins a skirmish, you may draw a card.
Redhorn Pass (13U194) Site Site Mountain. Culture tokens cannot be added, removed, or reinforced.
Mount Doom (15R193) Site Site Battleground. Mountain. Underground. Until the end of the game, sites in this region cannot be replaced.
Doorway to Doom (18U134) Site Site Mountain. When the fellowship moves to this site, each player wounds two of his or her characters.
Foot of Mount Doom (18U135) Site Site Mountain. Each card that is about to be placed into the discard pile is removed from the game instead.
Eastemnet Hills (V2_67) Site Site Mountain. When the fellowship moves from here during the regroup phase, each player may discard 2 cards to draw 2 cards.

List of Cards that Interact with the Mountain Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Axe of Khazad-dûm (11U3) Dwarven Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Dwarf.

While bearer is at a mountain site, he is Damage +1.

Mountain Homestead (11U12) Dwarven Condition • Support Area To play, spot 2 Dwarf companions.

While the fellowship is at a mountain site, each Dwarf is strength +2.

Durability (12C4) Dwarven Event • Skirmish Make a Dwarf strength +2. Then, if that Dwarf is at a battleground or mountain site, draw a card.
His Father’s Charge (12C8) Dwarven Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Dwarf strength +1 for each of the following that is true: he is at a mountain or underground site; he has resistance 3 or more; he is bearing a possession; he is skirmishing a fierce minion.
Subterranean Homestead (13R8) Dwarven Condition • Support Area To play, exert 2 Dwarves.

When you play this, add a token here for each mountain site and each underground site on the adventure path.

Skirmish: Discard this from play or remove 2 tokens from here to make a Shadow player discard the top card of his or her draw deck.

Thorin's Harp (18C3) Dwarven Condition • Support Area Tale.

Maneuver: Exert a companion to make the fellowship's current site gain mountain until the regroup phase.

Safe Passage (11R50) Gollum Condition • Support Area When you play this condition, name forest, mountain, plains, or river. Each time the fellowship moves to a site that has the named keyword, you may exert Gollum or Sméagol to remove .
Gondorian Steed (12U49) Gondor Possession • Mount Bearer must be a knight.

Bearer is damage +1.

Each time the fellowship moves from a mountain site, add .

Slippery as Fishes (9R+29) Gollum Condition • Support Area While Gollum is at a mountain, river, or underground site, he is strength +2.

Regroup: Spot Gollum to reveal your hand. Place all Shadow cards revealed beneath your draw deck. Discard this condition.

Final Strike (10U20) Gollum Condition • Support Area Any site 9 is a mountain.

Shadow: If the fellowship is at any site 9, play Gollum from your discard pile.

Response: If the Free Peoples player uses a maneuver or archery special ability, exert Gollum to cancel its effect.

No End of Wickedness (11U47) Gollum Event • Skirmish Exert Gollum to make another minion strength +2 (or +3 if Gollum is at a mountain site).
Strange and Terrible (11U52) Gollum Event • Shadow Spot a minion at a mountain site to play a minion from your discard pile.
Not Alone (12U39) Gollum Condition • Support Area Each time the fellowship moves to a mountain or underground site, you may discard a event from hand to take a minion from your discard pile into hand.
Uruk-hai Scout (14R15) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

When you play this, choose one of the following keywords: battleground, mountain, plains, or underground. The fellowship’s current site gains that keyword until the end of the turn. ​

Unloaded Keywords
Race Decipher [Raceless] • BalrogCreatureDwarfElfEntHalf-trollHobbitMaiaManNazgûlOrcSpiderTreeTrollUruk-haiWizardWraith
Player's Council CrowEagle
Hobbit Draft Game BirdDragonEagleGiantGoblin
Decipher BattlegroundDwellingForestMarshMountainPlainsRiverUnderground
General Decipher BesiegerCorsairEasterlingEngineFellowshipFortificationKnightMachine • [Mounted] • PipeweedRangerRing-boundSearchSouthronSpellStealthTaleTentacleTrackerTwilight • [Unbound] • ValiantVillagerWeatherWarg-rider
Player's Council Pony
Hobbit Draft Game BurglarCunningWise