Hand Weapon

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Anduril, a rare example of an Artifact hand weapon.

Hand Weapons are among the most common and most useful items that can be placed upon your characters. The majority of them come with strength bonuses, which is always handy, and many of them have strong abilities, some of which are strong enough to base entire decks around (such as Aiglos).

Possession Hand Weapons suffer from the same weakness to possession hate that all possessions share; fortunately, many cards that rely on weapons in a crucial manner allow you to fish them back out of the discard pile once removed.

List of Cards with the Hand Weapon Item Class[edit]

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List of Cards that Interact with the Hand Weapon Item Class[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Beneath the Mountains (2R1) Dwarven Condition Tale. Plays to your support area.

Fellowship: Discard the top 3 cards from your draw deck to play a weapon from your discard pile.

Flurry of Blows (2C5) Dwarven Event Skirmish: Make a Dwarf strength +2 (or +4 and damage +1 if bearing 2 hand weapons).
Hand Axe (2C10) Dwarven Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Dwarf.

This weapon may be borne in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Archery: Discard this weapon to make the fellowship archery total +1.

Song of Durin (3U5) Dwarven Condition Tale. To play, exert a Dwarf.

The twilight cost of each weapon is +2.

Fellowship: Discard this condition to discard up to 2 conditions.

Dwarf-lords (13U4) Dwarven Event • Skirmish You may remove from the game 4 other cards in your discard pile to play this event from your discard pile. Then remove this event from the game. Make your Dwarf bearing a hand weapon strength +3.
Knife of the Galadhrim (9R+17) Elven Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Man. If bearer is Aragorn, he may bear this hand weapon in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Skirmish: Discard this possession to wound a minion bearer is skirmishing.

Arwen's Dagger (18R5) Elven Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be an companion. Bearer may bear this hand weapon in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Maneuver: If bearer is Arwen, exert her to draw 2 cards.

Járnsmid, Merchant from Dale (2R25) Gandalf Ally • Home 3 • Man To play, spot Gandalf.

Each time you play a shield, armor, helm, or hand weapon, its twilight cost is -1.

Shadowfax (4R100) Gandalf Possession • Mount Bearer must be Gandalf. Discard any hand weapon he bears.

Gandalf may not bear a hand weapon.

At the start of each skirmish involving Gandalf, each minion skirmishing him must exert.

Shadowfax, Greatest of the Mearas (17R24) Gandalf Possession • Mount Bearer must be a Wizard.

Discard all other possessions on bearer and bearer may not bear a hand weapon.

Fellowship: Add a threat to remove a burden.

Dagger Strike (1C102) Gondor Event Skirmish: Make a or companion bearing a hand weapon strength +2 and damage +1.
Flaming Brand (2R32) Gondor Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Man.

This weapon may be borne in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Bearer is strength +2 and damage +1 while skirmishing a Nazgûl.

Shield of Boromir (2R38) Gondor Possession • Shield Bearer must be a companion.

The minion archery total is -1.

If bearer is Boromir, each minion skirmishing him does not gain strength bonuses from weapons.

Andúril, Flame of the West (7R79) Gondor Artifact • Hand Weapon Bearer must be Aragorn. Discard other weapons he bears. He is damage +1 and cannot bear other weapons.

Fellowship or Regroup: If the fellowship is at any site 2 or any site 5, play the fellowship’s next site (replacing opponent’s site if necessary).

Dagger Strike (7C84) Gondor Event • Skirmish Skirmish: Make a or companion bearing a hand weapon strength +2 and damage +1.
Tireless (12C52) Gondor Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Man strength +1 for each of the following that is true: he or she is at a battleground site; he or she has resistance 4 or more; he or she is bearing a hand weapon; he or she is skirmishing a roaming minion.
Heirs of Gondor (13C69) Gondor Condition • Support Area When you play this, add a token here.

Skirmish: Discard this from play or remove a token from here to make a companion bearing a hand weapon strength +2.

Weapon Store (4R294) Rohan Condition Fellowship: Exert a Man to play a hand weapon from your discard pile.
Éowyn's Shield (8R88) Rohan Possession • Shield Bearer must be a Man.

The minion archery total is –1.

Skirmish: If bearer is Éowyn, add a threat and discard this possession to discard a hand weapon borne by a minion she is skirmishing.

Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (1C303) Shire Companion • Hobbit While Merry bears a weapon, he is strength +2.
Hobbit Sword-play (2U103) Shire Event Maneuver: Exert a Hobbit bearing a weapon to wound a minion. That minion’s owner may remove to prevent this.
Mithril-coat (2R105) Shire Artifact • Armor Bearer must be Frodo.

The minion archery total is -1.

Each minion skirmishing Frodo does not gain strength bonuses from weapons and loses all damage bonuses.

Little Golden Flower (15R148) Shire Condition • Support Area Each Hobbit bearing a hand weapon is vitality +1.

Each Hobbit bearing a follower is resistance +1.

Each unwounded Hobbit is strength +1.

Troop of Uruk-hai (1R143) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

A character skirmishing this minion does not gain strength bonuses from weapons.

Isengard Smith (3U60) Isengard Minion • Orc Regroup: Exert this minion to discard a weapon (or all Free Peoples possessions if you can spot 5 companions).
Trapped and Alone (3U72) Isengard Condition Each character skirmishing an Orc loses all damage bonuses from weapons.
Black Shapes Crawling (5U48) Isengard Event Maneuver: Spot X Uruk-hai. The Free Peoples player may assign X wounds to your minions. Play X weapons from your discard pile.
Primitive Savage (15R87) Men Minion • Man While you can spot a companion of strength 12 or more, this minion is strength +5.

Each time this minion wins a skirmish, if he bears a hand weapon, you may take control of a site.

Henchman's Dagger (18R69) Men Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a minion.

Bearer may bear this hand weapon in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Goblin Armory (1R173) Moria Condition Each time you play a weapon, add .

Response: If a Orc is about to take a wound, discard this condition to prevent that wound.

Goblin Scavengers (1C179) Moria Minion • Orc When you play this minion, you may play a weapon from your discard pile on your Orc.
Plundered Armories (1C193) Moria Condition Response: If your weapon is discarded, play it from your discard pile (that weapon’s twilight cost is -1).
The Balrog's Sword (2R50) Moria Artifact • Hand Weapon Bearer must be The Balrog.

It is damage +1

This weapon may be borne in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Retribution (12R101) Orc Condition • Support Area Each time an minion bearing a weapon wins a skirmish, add a burden.

Shadow: Discard this condition to play an weapon from your discard pile.

Scavenging Goblins (12C102) Orc Minion • Orc When you play this minion, you may play an weapon from your discard pile on your Orc.
Morgul Blade (1R216) Ringwraith Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Nazgûl.

This weapon may be borne in addition to 1 other hand weapon.

Skirmish: Discard this possession to transfer Blade Tip from your support area or discard pile to a companion bearer is skirmishing.

Úlairë Cantëa, Lieutenant of Dol Guldur (1R230) Ringwraith Minion • Nazgul Fierce.

Skirmish: Exert Úlairë Cantëa to discard a weapon borne by a character he is skirmishing.

Stricken Dumb (2R80) Ringwraith Event Maneuver: Exert The Witch-king to discard a tale or weapon.
The Witch-king, Black Captain (8R84) Ringwraith Minion • Nazgul Enduring.

Each Man skirmishing The Witch-king loses all strength bonuses from weapons.

Morgul Vanguard (10R63) Ringwraith Minion • Orc Assignment: Assign this minion to an unbound companion bearing a hand weapon.
Orc Chieftain (1C266) Sauron Minion • Orc When you play a weapon on this minion, add (limit once per turn).
Orc Swordsman (3C98) Sauron Minion • Orc While this minion bears a weapon, he is strength +2.
Uruk-hai Troop (12R157) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1.

Each character skirmishing this minion loses all strength bonuses from weapons.

War Machine (13C176) Uruk-hai Event • Skirmish Exert your lurker minion to play an hand weapon from your discard pile on your minion.
Pikes Upon Pikes (18U121) Uruk-hai Condition • Support Area Each minion bearing a hand weapon cannot take wounds during the archery phase.

Skirmish: Discard this condition from play to make an minion bearing a possession strength +2.

Mithril Mine (1U345) Site Site Underground. Shadow: Remove to play a Shadow weapon from your discard pile.
Moria Stairway (1U347) Site Site Underground. Each companion and minion bearing a hand weapon is damage +1.
Golden Hall (4U338) Site Site Sanctuary. When the fellowship moves to Golden Hall, all Free Peoples weapons must be discarded.
Helm's Gate (4U349) Site Site Battleground. Each companion and minion bearing a hand weapon is strength +2.
Fangorn Glade (11S239) Site Site Forest. When the fellowship moves to this site, add for each Free Peoples weapon.
Helm's Gate (11S245) Site Site Battleground. Each character bearing a hand weapon is strength +2.
Moria Stairway (11S248) Site Site Underground. Each character bearing a hand weapon is Damage +1.

Loaded Keywords
Numeric Decipher Damage + XDefender + XAmbush XHunter XToil X
Non-numeric Decipher AidArcherEnduringFierceLurkerMuster • [Roaming] • SanctuaryRing-bearerUnhasty
Item Class Decipher [Classless] • Support AreaArmorBoxBracersBroochCloakGauntletsHand WeaponHelmMountPalantírPhialPipeRanged WeaponRingShieldStaff