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Rangers are largely defined by their interaction with roaming Minions

Roaming is a pseudo-loaded keyword which is automatically applied to Minions which are played to a site earlier than their Home Site. No minion is printed with that keyword, but there are plenty of effects which key off a roaming minion (or which force a minion to become roaming, to more easily be affected by the aforementioned effects).

Minions who are roaming at the time they are played must pay a Roaming Penalty of extra Twilight. Being made roaming after they are played does not incur this penalty.

Rules Entries[edit]

Each minion is normally played to a certain range of sites beginning with the minion's site number. If the minion is played to (or is currently at) a site that has a lower site number, that minion is roaming. The player must pay a roaming penalty by removing an additional two twilight tokens when playing that minion.

Block symbol has no effect on whether a minion is roaming or not.

A minion with a site number of 4 must remove 2 more twilight tokens to play at site 3 (or site 3). If that same minion plays to site 4 (or site 4), there is no roaming penalty. If he survives the fellowship’s first move to 3, he would no longer be roaming when the fellowship moves to site 4.

- roaming section

List of Cards that Interact with the Roaming Pseudo-Keyword[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Eregion's Trails (1C104) Gondor Event Maneuver: Exert a ranger to make each roaming minion strength -3 until the regroup phase.
Swordsman of the Northern Kingdom (1C117) Gondor Event Skirmish: Make a ranger strength +2 (or +4 when skirmishing a roaming minion).
What Are They? (1C119) Gondor Event Maneuver: Spot a ranger to discard a roaming minion.
Arrows Thick in the Air (4U110) Gondor Event Archery or Skirmish: Exert 2 Ring-bound Men to wound each roaming minion.
Curse Them (4C113) Gondor Event Skirmish: Exert a Ring-bound Man to cancel a skirmish involving a roaming minion.
Faramir, Captain of Gondor (4R116) Gondor Companion • Man Ring-bound. Ranger.

The twilight cost of each other Man in your starting fellowship is -1.

While skirmishing a roaming minion, Faramir is strength +2.

Faramir's Bow (4R118) Gondor Possession • Ranged Weapon Bearer must be Faramir.

He is an archer.

Skirmish: If Faramir is skirmishing a Man or a roaming minion, exert Faramir to wound that minion.

Faramir's Cloak (4R119) Gondor Possession • Cloak Bearer must be Faramir.

Each roaming minion skirmishing a Ring-bound Man is strength -1.

Henneth Annûn (4R125) Gondor Condition Plays to your support area.

While the fellowship is at site 6, each roaming minion skirmishing a Ring-bound companion is strength -2.

Skirmish: Spot a Man and discard this condition to wound a roaming minion.

Mablung, Soldier of Gondor (4U127) Gondor Companion • Man Ring-bound. Ranger. To play, spot a Ring-bound Man.

Skirmish: Exert Mablung to exhaust a roaming minion he is skirmishing.

Ranger of Ithilien (4C130) Gondor Companion • Man Ring-bound. Ranger.

When this companion is in your starting fellowship, his twilight cost is -1.

While skirmishing a roaming minion, this companion is strength +2.

Ranger's Bow (4C131) Gondor Possession • Ranged Weapon Bearer must be a Ring-bound Man.

Skirmish: If bearer is skirmishing a Man or a roaming minion, exert bearer to wound that minion.

Sword of Gondor (4C134) Gondor Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Man.

While skirmishing a Man or a roaming minion, bearer is damage +1.

War and Valor (4C135) Gondor Event Skirmish: Make a Man strength +2 (or +3 and damage +1 if skirmishing a roaming minion).
Guarded (7R101) Gondor Condition • Support Area To play, spot 3 Men.

Each time the fellowship moves, add a threat or discard this condition.

Regroup: Discard this condition to discard a minion (or all roaming minions).

Long Prepared (7U109) Gondor Condition • Support Area To play, add 2 threats.

Skirmish: Exert a Man to wound a roaming minion that Man is skirmishing.

Discard this condition at the start of the regroup phase.

Madril, Faramir's Aide (7U110) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger.

Skirmish: If you have initiative, discard 2 cards from hand to wound a roaming minion Madril is skirmishing.

Ranger of Minas Tirith (7C115) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger.

While skirmishing a roaming minion, this companion is strength +2 and damage +1.

Stand to Arms (7U120) Gondor Event • Skirmish If you have initiative, discard 2 cards from hand to wound a roaming minion skirmishing a Man twice.
While We Yet Live (7U128) Gondor Event • Skirmish Make a roaming minion skirmishing a Man strength –3.
Concealment (12C44) Gondor Event • Skirmish Make a Man strength +1. If he or she is skirmishing a roaming minion, your opponents cannot use special abilities.
Faramir's Sword (12R48) Gondor Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be Faramir.

He is damage +1.

Each minion skirmishing Faramir at a battleground or forest site is roaming.

Invigorated (12U51) Gondor Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to heal a Man (or to heal 2 Men if you can spot a roaming minion).
Tireless (12C52) Gondor Condition • Support Area Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a Man strength +1 for each of the following that is true: he or she is at a battleground site; he or she has resistance 4 or more; he or she is bearing a hand weapon; he or she is skirmishing a roaming minion.
Ithilien Blade (15C62) Gondor Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a Man.

While you can spot a roaming minion, bearer is strength +1.

Maneuver: Exert bearer twice to discard a roaming minion.

Mablung, Ranger of Ithilien (15U63) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger. Hunter 1. (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +1.)

Skirmish: Exert Mablung to wound a roaming minion he is skirmishing.

Silent Traveler (15C69) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger. Hunter 1. (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +1.)

At the start of each skirmish involving this companion and a roaming minion, you may reinforce a token.

Unyielding Ranger (15C71) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger. Hunter 1. (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +1.)

This companion is strength +1 for each roaming minion you can spot.

Faramir, Bearer of Quality (17R28) Gondor Companion • Man While Faramir is the Ring-bearer, at the start of each skirmish involving him, add 2 burdens or 2 threats.

Skirmish: While Faramir is the Ring-bearer, you may wound Faramir to make a minion skirmishing a Man roaming until the end of the turn.

Madril, Loyal Lieutenant (17S30) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger. Hunter 1.

While you can spot a roaming minion, your conditions cannot be discarded from play by Shadow cards.

Maneuver: Exert 2 rangers to make a minion site number +2 until the regroup phase.

Ranger of the White Tree (17S33) Gondor Companion • Man Ranger. Hunter 1.

When this is in your starting fellowship and you can spot an unbound companion with cost 3 or more, his twilight cost is -2.

Maneuver: Exert this companion and spot a roaming minion to make him defender +1 until the start of the regroup phase.

Valleys of the Mark (4R293) Rohan Condition Each time your opponent plays a roaming minion, you may spot a villager to exert that minion.
Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver (7R324) Shire Companion • Hobbit Skirmish: If Pippin is not assigned to a skirmish, return him to your hand to wound a roaming minion twice.
It Draws Him (18R31) Gollum Event • Shadow Spot a card to play a minion. Its twilight cost -1 (or -3 if it is roaming).
Uruk Scout (2C47) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Tracker. Damage +1.

The roaming penalty for each minion you play is -1.

Response: If an event is played that spots or exerts a ranger, exert this minion to cancel that event.

Uglúk, Servant of Saruman (4R176) Isengard Minion • Uruk-hai Tracker. Fierce.

The roaming penalty for each tracker you play is -2.

While you can spot 2 trackers, Uglúk is strength +3.

While you can spot 3 trackers, Uglúk is damage +1.

Goblin Scrabbler (2C64) Moria Minion • Orc When you play this minion, you may discard an condition.

The roaming penalty for each Orc you play is -1.

Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow (2R75) Ringwraith Minion • Man Nazgûl are not roaming.

The Free Peoples player may not assign a character to skirmish Bill Ferny. Discard Bill Ferny if underground.

Orc Ambusher (1C261) Sauron Minion • Orc Tracker.

The roaming penalty for each minion you play is -1.

Response: If a Free Peoples regroup event is played, exert this minion to cancel that event.

Orc Assassin (1U262) Sauron Minion • Orc Tracker.

The roaming penalty for each minion you play is -1.

Assignment: Spot two Hobbit companions to make the Free Peoples player assign a Hobbit to skirmish this minion.

Orc Scouting Band (1U270) Sauron Minion • Orc Tracker.

The roaming penalty for each minion you play is -1.

Skirmish: Exert this minion to wound a character it is skirmishing.

Orc Scout (2C89) Sauron Minion • Orc Tracker. The roaming penalty for each minion you play is -1.

Response: If an event is played that spots or exerts a ranger, exert or discard this minion to cancel that event.

Fires Raged Unchecked (7R269) Sauron Condition • Support Area The site number of each Orc is –1 for each threat.

While you can spot 3 threats, each Orc that is not roaming is strength +1.

Sauron's Hatred (7U310) Sauron Condition • Support Area To play, spot a Orc.

Shadow: Remove a threat to play a Orc without paying any roaming penalty.

Regroup: Spot a Orc and remove to add a threat.

Advance Captain (10R75) Sauron Minion • Orc Each roaming minion is damage +1.
Advance Marauder (10C76) Sauron Minion • Orc Skirmish: exert this minion to make a roaming minion strength +3.
Advance Regular (10C77) Sauron Minion • Orc Each roaming minion is fierce.
Advance Scout (10U78) Sauron Minion • Orc Shadow: Exert or discard this minion to make each minion you spot roaming until the regroup phase.
Flames Within (10C85) Sauron Condition • Support Area While you have initiative, each of your minions is strength +2.

Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a minion strength +2 (or +4 if it is roaming).

Mordor Fiend (10C91) Sauron Minion • Orc Shadow: If you cannot spot another minion and there are 3 or fewer twilight tokens, add (or if this minion is roaming).
Rank and File (10U96) Sauron Condition • Support Area Each time a roaming minion takes a wound, you may add a token here. Regroup: Exert an Uruk-hai or discard a minion to add a token here. Skirmish: Remove 2 tokens from here to make a minion strength +2.
White Hand Scout (17C130) Uruk-hai Minion • Uruk-hai Damage +1. Hunter 2. (While skirmishing a non-hunter character, this character is strength +2.)

The roaming penalty for each minion you play is -1.

Bree Streets (1U328) Site Site The roaming penalty for each Nazgûl you play to Bree Streets is -2.
Hollin (2C119) Site Site Plains. Uruk-hai are not roaming.
Rohirrim Camp (7U336) Site Site Plains. If the Shadow has initiative, minions are not roaming.

Loaded Keywords
Numeric Decipher Damage + XDefender + XAmbush XHunter XToil X
Non-numeric Decipher AidArcherEnduringFierceLurkerMuster • [Roaming] • SanctuaryRing-bearerUnhasty
Item Class Decipher [Classless] • Support AreaArmorBoxBracersBroochCloakGauntletsHand WeaponHelmMountPalantírPhialPipeRanged WeaponRingShieldStaff