The Return of the King/Index
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Battle Tested (7U3)
Calculated Risk (7C4)
Dark Ways (7R5)
Gimli, Faithful Companion (7C6)
Gimli, Feared Axeman (7R7)
Gimli's Armor (7U8)
Gimli's Battle Axe, Trusted Weapon (7R9)
Loyalty Unshaken (7R10)
Out of Darkness (7C11)
Preparations (7R12)
Reckless Pride (7U13)
Slaked Thirsts (7U14)
Ancient Blade (7U15)
Arwen, Fair Elf Maiden (7R16)
Asfaloth, Elven Steed (7R17)
Bow of the Galadhrim, Gift of Galadriel (7R18)
Careful Study (7U19)
Defiance (7C20)
Elrond, Elven Lord (7R21)
Hope Comes (7R22)
Into the West (7C23)
Leaving Forever (7R24)
Legolas, Fearless Marksman (7R25)
Legolas, Nimble Warrior (7C26)
Mirkwood Bowman (7R27)
Shadow Between (7R28)
Still Needed (7C29)
Uncertain Paths (7C30)
All Save One (7C31)
The Board Is Set (7R32)
Citadel to Gate (7R33)
Echoes of Valinor (7C34)
Fool's Hope (7U35)
Gandalf, Defender of the West (7C36)
Gandalf, Manager of Wizards (7R37)
Gandalf's Staff, Focus of Power (7R38)
Glamdring, Elven Blade (7R39)
Have Patience (7C40)
Intimidate (7C41)
King's Advisor (7U42)
Light the Beacons (7R43)
Moment of Respite (7R44)
Númenor's Pride (7U45)
Peace of Mind (7C46)
Sharpen Your Swords (7U47)
Stay This Madness (7R48)
Steadfast Champion (7U49)
Terrible and Evil (7R50)
Undaunted (7C51)
Wizard Staff (7C52)
Captured by the Ring (7C53)
Clever Hobbits (7U54)
Days Growing Dark (7U55)
The Dead City (7R56)
Fat One Wants It (7R57)
Gollum, Plotting Deceiver (7R58)
Gollum, Vile Creature (7C59)
Heavy Burden (7U60)
Hobbitses Are Dead (7R61)
It's Mine (7C62)
Let Her Deal With Them (7R63)
Nasty (7U64)
Never (7C65)
No Safe Places (7R66)
Plotting (7R67)
Scouting (7R68)
Secret Paths (7R69)
Serving the Precious (7R70)
Sméagol, Always Helps (7R71)
Sméagol, Hurried Guide (7C72)
Sneaking! (7R73)
So Polite (7R74)
Sweeter Meats (7C75)
Very Nice Friends (7C76)
We Hates Them (7U77)
Where Shall We Go (7U78)
Andúril, Flame of the West (7R79)
Andúril, King's Blade (7R80)
Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (7C81)
Cirion (7C82)
City of Men (7C83)
Dagger Strike (7C84)
Denethor, Steward of the City (7R85)
Denethor, Wizened Steward (7C86)
Derufin (7R87)
Dervorin (7U88)
Duty of Two (7C89)
Faramir, Stout Captain (7C90)
Faramir, Wizard's Pupil (7R91)
First Level (7C92)
Footman's Armor (7U93)
Gondor Bow (7U94)
Gondor Still Stands (7R95)
Gondorian Captain (7C96)
Gondorian Merchant (7R97)
Gondorian Sword (7U98)
Great Gate (7C99)
Greatest Stronghold (7R100)
Guarded (7R101)
Hasty Repairs (7U102)
Hearts Raised (7R103)
Hidden Knowledge (7R104)
I Will Go (7C105)
Ingold (7C106)
Iorlas (7U107)
Knight's Spear (7C108)
Long Prepared (7U109)
Madril, Faramir's Aide (7U110)
Man the Walls (7C111)
Noble Leaders (7R112)
Pippin's Armor (7R113)
Pippin's Sword (7R114)
Ranger of Minas Tirith (7C115)
Ranger of Osgiliath (7C116)
Reckless Counter (7C117)
Second Level (7C118)
Seventh Level (7R119)
Stand to Arms (7U120)
Stout Resistance (7C121)
Strong and Old (7R122)
Support of the City (7U123)
Targon (7C124)
Third Level (7U125)
Unexpected Visitor (7U126)
Vorondil (7R127)
While We Yet Live (7U128)
Aragorn, Driven by Need (7P364)
Bold Men and Grim (7R129)
Dark Tidings (7C130)
Desert Fighter (7C131)
Desert Nomad (7C132)
Desert Runner (7C133)
Desert Scout (7U134)
Desert Sneak (7C135)
Desert Soldier (7U136)
Desert Spearman (7C137)
Desert Villain (7U138)
Easterling Aggressor (7C139)
Easterling Assailant (7C140)
Easterling Attacker (7C141)
Easterling Blademaster (7C142)
Easterling Footman (7R143)
Easterling Ransacker (7C144)
Easterling Regiment (7R145)
Easterling Sergeant (7U146)
Easterling Veteran (7U147)
Fierce in Despair (7R148)
Great Beasts (7C149)
Harsh Tongues (7C150)
Hosts Still Unfought (7U151)
Mûmak Commander (7R152)
Mûmakil of the Harad (7C153)
New Strength Came Now (7C154)
Raider Bow (7C155)
Raider Halberd (7C156)
Red Wrath (7U157)
Rout (7R158)
Small Hope (7R159)
Southron Bandit (7U160)
Southron Brigand (7C161)
Southron Captain (7U162)
Southron Chieftain (7R163)
Southron Conquerer (7R164)
Southron Intruder (7R165)
Southron Leader (7R166)
Southron Marksmen (7R167)
Southron Thief (7U168)
Surging Up (7R169)
Suzerain of Harad (7R170)
Thrice Outnumbered (7U171)
Troop of Haradrim (7C172)
War Towers (7C173)
Called (7U174)
Corrupt (7U175)
Disposable Servants (7U176)
Feel His Blade (7R177)
Foul Clutches (7U178)
Ghastly Host (7R179)
Gorbag, Lieutenant of Cirith Ungol (7R180)
Held Ground (7R181)
Loathsome (7R182)
Mind and Body (7R183)
More Unbearable (7C184)
Morgul Answers (7U185)
Morgul Axe (7C186)
Morgul Brawler (7U187)
Morgul Brute (7R188)
Morgul Cur (7C189)
Morgul Destroyer (7U190)
Morgul Detachment (7R191)
Morgul Hound (7C192)
Morgul Lackey (7C193)
Morgul Mongrel (7C194)
Morgul on the March (7U195)
Morgul Predator (7C196)
Morgul Regiment (7R197)
Morgul Ruffian (7C198)
Morgul Soldier (7C199)
Morgul Spawn (7C200)
Morgul Spearman (7C201)
Morgul Whelp (7U202)
Nazgûl Scimitar (7U203)
Out of Sight and Shot (7R204)
Put Forth His Strength (7R205)
Stronghold of Minas Morgul (7R206)
Their Power Is in Terror (7U207)
There Came a Cry (7C208)
Too Late (7C209)
Úlairë Attëa, Wraith on Wings (7R210)
Úlairë Cantëa, Faster Than Winds (7R211)
Úlairë Enquëa, Faster Than Winds (7U212)
Úlairë Lemenya, Assailing Minion (7R213)
Úlairë Lemenya, Wraith on Wings (7U214)
Úlairë Nelya, Assailing Minion (7R215)
Úlairë Nelya, Black-Mantled Wraith (7U216)
Úlairë Nertëa, Black-Mantled Wraith (7U217)
Úlairë Otsëa, Black-Mantled Wraith (7U218)
Úlairë Toldëa, Wraith on Wings (7R219)
War Long Planned (7C220)
The Witch-king, Morgul King (7R221)
Déor (7C222)
Death They Cried (7R223)
Elfhelm, Marshal of Rohan (7U224)
Elite Rider (7C225)
Enraged Horseman (7C226)
Éomer, Skilled Tactician (7R227)
Éowyn, Dernhelm (7R228)
Éowyn, Restless Maiden (7C229)
Éowyn's Sword, Dernhelm's Blade (7R230)
Fey He Seemed (7U231)
Firefoot, Eomer's Steed (7R232)
Grimbold, Marshal of Rohan (7R233)
Guarded Fastness (7U234)
Guthláf, Herald (7C235)
Herugrim, Sword of the Mark (7R236)
His Golden Shield (7C237)
Knights of His House (7U238)
Léowyn (7R239)
Long Spear (7C240)
Merry's Armor (7R241)
Merry's Sword (7R242)
Morning Came (7C243)
Mustering for Battle (7U244)
Riding Armor (7U245)
Rohirrim Guard (7C246)
Rohirrim Herdsman (7C247)
Rohirrim Javelin (7C248)
Seeking New Foes (7R249)
Snowmane (7R250)
Stern People (7R251)
Strong Arms (7U252)
Swift Steed (7C253)
Théoden, Leader of Spears (7U254)
Théoden, Rekindled King (7R255)
They Sang as They Slew (7C256)
Veteran Horseman (7C257)
White Hot Fury (7U258)
Wind in His Face (7C259)
Windfola (7R260)
With Strength to Fight (7R261)
Éomer, Valiant Warchief (7P365)
Above the Battlement (7C262)
Anguish (7C263)
Army of Udûn (7U264)
Besieging Pike (7C265)
Breached (7R266)
Din of Arms (7R267)
Encirclement (7R268)
Fires Raged Unchecked (7R269)
Gorgoroth Attacker (7U270)
Gorgoroth Axeman (7U271)
Gorgoroth Engineer (7U272)
Gorgoroth Garrison (7C273)
Gorgoroth Officer (7R274)
Gorgoroth Pillager (7C275)
Gorgoroth Ransacker (7C276)
Gorgoroth Sapper (7C277)
Gorgoroth Soldier (7U278)
Gorgoroth Troop (7R279)
Great Peril of Fire (7U280)
Great Siege-towers (7U281)
Host of Udûn (7U282)
Legions of Morgul (7R283)
Mordor Assassin (7R284)
Mordor Defender (7C285)
Mordor Fighter (7R286)
Mordor Guard (7C287)
Mordor Regular (7C288)
Mordor Savage (7U289)
Mordor Soldier (7C290)
Mordor Trooper (7C291)
Mordor Veteran (7U292)
Mordor Warrior (7U293)
Orc Archer Troop (7U294)
Orc Assault Band (7U295)
Orc Brood (7C296)
Orc Butcher (7C297)
Orc Chaser (7C298)
Orc Destroyer (7C299)
Orc Fanatic (7C300)
Orc Marauder (7U301)
Orc Officer (7U302)
Orc Pursuer (7C303)
Orc Rager (7C304)
Orc Savage (7U305)
Orc Seeker (7R306)
Orc Stalker (7U307)
Rally the Host (7R308)
Rope and Winch (7U309)
Sauron's Hatred (7U310)
Siege Commander (7R311)
Siegecraft (7C312)
Some Secret Art of Flame (7C313)
Stronghold of Cirith Ungol (7R314)
Tower Walkway (7C315)
Troop Tower (7R316)
Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples (7C317)
Frodo, Wicked Masster! (7R318)
Hobbit Sword (7C319)
Merry, Rohirrim Squire (7C320)
Merry, Swordthain (7R321)
Noble Intentions (7C322)
Pippin, Sworn to Service (7C323)
Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver (7R324)
Pressing On (7R325)
Sam, Needer of Vittles (7C326)
Sam, Resolute Halfling (7R327)
Slow-kindled Courage (7U328)
Dunharrow Plateau (7U329)
Edoras Hall (7U330)
Isengard Ruined (7U331)
Rohirrim Road (7U332)
Sleeping Quarters (7U333)
Steps of Edoras (7U334)
King's Tent (7U335)
Rohirrim Camp (7U336)
West Road (7U337)
Beacon of Minas Tirith (7U338)
Hall of the Kings (7U339)
Tower of Ecthelion (7U340)
Anduin Banks (7U341)
Osgiliath Fallen (7U342)
Pelennor Plain (7U343)
City Gates (7U344)
Pelennor Flat (7U345)
Minas Tirith Fifth Circle (7U346)
Minas Tirith First Circle (7U347)
Minas Tirith Fourth Circle (7U348)
Minas Tirith Second Circle (7U349)
Minas Tirith Seventh Circle (7U350)
Minas Tirith Sixth Circle (7U351)
Minas Tirith Third Circle (7U352)
Osgiliath Crossing (7U353)
Pelennor Grassland (7U354)
Ruined Capitol (7U355)
Cross Roads (7U356)
Morgul Vale (7U357)
Morgulduin (7U358)
Northern Ithilien (7U359)
Dagorlad (7U360)
Haunted Pass (7U361)
Narchost (7U362)
Slag Mounds (7U363)