King of the Golden Hall (V2)

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King of the Golden Hall (V2)
NameKing of the Golden Hall
CreatorPlayer's Council
Release Date2024-12-06
Is Officialno

The announcement banner used by the PC.

King of the Golden Hall is the second Virtual Set (VSet) released by the Player's Council. Design was headed by Finarfin with input by Tunadan and development by ketura. It was originally spoiled in a series of blog posts leading up to its release in December 2024, and was the first set by the PC to be playtested on GEMP before its release.

Like V1 before it, V2 was a supplementary set aiming to fill in the gaps for Towers Block setting and concepts. As there is no PC-Towers format, the set was designed from the start to target PC-Movie, especially the Multipath rules that had been developed for it in the year prior. Thus, a large focus of the set was in promoting Rohan and Isengard to be competitive as a culture within the Movie Block ecosystem, which meant bolstering their power level to match what Sauron, Elven, Gondor and others had received in King Block. One of the major changes introduced was to carve out the Naith Elven subculture. To do so, all Naith companions were issued errata to add the Valiant keyword, both to tie them closer to Rohan and to more strictly define their own subculture as distinct from more general Elven mainstays.

Old concepts revisited included:

New concepts included:

Official Decipher Sets Promotional Promotional
Fellowship Block The Fellowship of the RingMines of MoriaRealms of the Elf-lords
Towers Block The Two TowersBattle of Helm's DeepEnts of Fangorn
King Block The Return of the KingSiege of GondorMount Doom
War of the Ring Block ShadowsBlack RiderBloodlines
Hunters Block The HuntersRise of SarumanTreachery & Deceit
Non-Block Sets ReflectionsExpanded Middle-earthThe Wraith CollectionAge's End
Unreleased Sets The Great EyeShelob's Lair
Unofficial Fan Sets Player's Council PC Kitchen Sink (V0)Shadow of the Past (V1)King of the Golden Hall (V2)
Hobbit Draft Game Main DeckShadow PacksSupplementary Packs
mLOTRO MLOTRO Promo CardsMLOTRO Reflections II
The Journey Continues The Journey Begins