Item Class

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The ubiquitous Hobbit Sword is a Hand Weapon.

Item Class is a loaded keyword associated exclusively with Artifacts and Possessions. In the example of Hobbit Sword (1C299) to the right, you can see its item class listed directly below the portrait picture: Hand Weapon.

Each Character may bear only one Item (Possession or Artifact) of each class at one time. In other words, a character may bear only one Hand Weapon, only one Ranged Weapon, only one Armor, only one Cloak, etc etc (however, see Flaming Brand (2R32) for an example of when this does not apply).

Some Possessions do not have a class (such as Athelas (1U94) ); there is no limit to the number of such items that a character may bear, assuming they are not unique (see Classless).

See Race for a similar Unloaded Keyword limited to Characters.

Rules Entries[edit]

Each character may bear one possession or artifact of each class at one time. For example, a character may bear only one hand weapon, only one ranged weapon, only one armor, only one cloak, and only one staff.

Some possessions and artifacts do not have a class. There is no limit to the number of cards without a class that a character may bear.

- bearer section

List of Item Classes[edit]

Loaded Keywords
Numeric Decipher Damage + XDefender + XAmbush XHunter XToil X
Non-numeric Decipher AidArcherEnduringFierceLurkerMuster • [Roaming] • SanctuaryRing-bearerUnhasty
Item Class Decipher [Classless] • Support AreaArmorBoxBracersBroochCloakGauntletsHand WeaponHelmMountPalantírPhialPipeRanged WeaponRingShieldStaff