Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals (1R288)

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Extraordinary Resilience (1C287)
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Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (1R289)

Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals (1R288) is a Shire Ally from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Farmer Maggot
Subtitle Chaser of Rascals
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 288
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Shire
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Ally
Race Hobbit
Twilight Cost 1
Strength 2
Vitality 3
Site Number 1
Game Text Fellowship: Exert Farmer Maggot to heal Merry or Pippin.
Lore “‘Old Maggot is really a stout fellow – if you leave his mushrooms alone.'”
DE - German
Card Name Bauer Maggot, Lausbubenschreck
Game Text Gemeinschaft. Strenge Bauer Maggot an, um Merry oder Pippin zu heilen.
Lore "Der alte Maggot ist wirklich ein Prachtskerl – sofern du seine Pilze in Frieden lässt.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Granjero Maggot, Perseguidor de Granujas
Game Text Comunidad: Esfuerza al Granjero Maggot para curar a Merry o a Pippin.
Lore “El viejo Maggot es realmente un buen tipo, si dejas sus setas en paz.”
FR - French
Card Name Père Maggotte, Chasseur de Garnements
Game Text Compagnie : Affaiblissez le Père Maggotte pour guérir Merry ou Pippin.
Lore “‘Le Vieux Maggotte est vraiment un brave homme – si tu ne touches pas à ses champignons.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Vecchio Maggot, Cacciatore di Birbanti
Game Text Compagnia: Sforza Vecchio Maggot per curare Merry o Pipino.
Lore “‘Il vecchio Maggot è una gran brava persona – se lasci stare i suoi funghi.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S288.0
GEMP ID 1_288
LOTRO Hex ID 40 36 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_288


An important member of the "Hobbit Hospital" strategy, Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals can heal Merry or Pippin at the cost of an exertion in the Fellowship phase. While Hobbits have access to several healing options with Pipes and Pipeweeds, events such as Hobbit Appetite (1C294) or Stout and Sturdy (1C315) , and conditional healing such as The Shire Countryside (3R113) , allies such as Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals, Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass (1U309) , and The Gaffer, Sam's Father (1R291) are popular for the ability to heal from the support area. The self-healing Hobbit Party Guest (1C297) and Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (1R289) can effectively "transfer" wounds from Shire companions to allies.

Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals is particularly important in a deck that focuses on the exertion abilities of Hobbits, such as Merry, Friend to Sam or an unbound Hobbit bearing a copy of Escape. Additionally, Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals returned to the spotlight with the release of The Return of the King base set, with the popular Merry's Sword (7R242) appearing in many Rohan decks (and the less popular Pippin's Sword (7R114) in Gondor decks). The Reflections expansion added Merry’s Dagger (9R18) and Pippin’s Dagger (9R21) as well as a support area condition, Everyone Knows (9R50) , which focuses on having healed Hobbits.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

Weak Versus...

Alternate Personas

Portrait Name Game Text
Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (11U163) While Farmer Maggot is at a dwelling or forest site, he is strength +4.

See Also


Fellowship Block Hobbit Hospital by civ4master

Ring-bearer: Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (1R289)
Ring: The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (1R1)

Free Peoples Draw Deck:
1x Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (1C303) (Starting)
1x Pippin, Friend to Frodo (1C306) (Starting)
1x Sam, Son of Hamfast (1C311) (Starting)

1x Bilbo, Well-spoken Gentlehobbit (2U96)
2x Bounder (1C286)
1x Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals (1R288)
1x Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal (2C101)
1x Hobbit Farmer (1C295)
2x Hobbit Party Guest (1C297)
1x Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass (1U309)
1x The Gaffer, Sam's Father (1R291)

3x Hobbit Sword (1C299)
1x Sting (1R313)
2x Thrór's Map (1R318)
1x Mithril-coat (2R105)

2x Power According to His Stature (1R308)
4x Hobbit Intuition (1C296)
2x Hobbit Stealth (1C298)

3x A Promise (2R112)
1x A Talent for Not Being Seen (1U316)
2x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! (2R108)
2x There and Back Again (1C317)