Extraordinary Resilience (1C287) is a
Shire Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.
DE - German
Card Name
Aussergewöhnliche Widerstandskraft
Game Text
Reaktion: Wenn der Ringträger geheilt wird, entferne stattdessen eine Lastmarke.
"Verzweifle nicht!“ sagte Streicher. "Du musst mir jetzt vertrauen. Dein Frodo ist aus härterem Holz geschnitzt, als ich vermutet hatte...“
ES - Spanish
Card Name
Resistencia Extraordinaria
Game Text
Respuesta: Si el Portador del Anillo se va a curar, en vez de eso quita una carga.
“¡No desesperes! – dijo Trancos –. Confía en mi ahora. Tu Frodo es de una pasta mas firme de lo que yo pensaba...”
FR - French
Card Name
Résistance Extraordinaire
Game Text
Réponse : Si le Porteur de l’Anneau est sur le point d’être guéri, retirez plutôt un point-fardeau.
“‘Ne désespérez pas!' dit Grands-Pas. ‘Il faut me faire confiance, maintenant. Votre Frodon est fait d'une pâte plus ferme que je ne l'avais cru....'”
IT - Italian
Card Name
Resistenza Straordinaria
Game Text
Risposta: Se il Portatore dell’Anello sta per essere curato, rimuovi invece un segnalino fardello.
“‘Non disperare!' disse Granpasso. ‘Devi aver fiducia in me, d'ora in poi. Il tuo Frodo è fatto di una pasta più dura di quanto credessi....'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
4F 35 F4
A simple response event, Extraordinary Resilience converts the removal of a wound on the Ring-Bearer to the removal of a burden. The event is of somewhat limited utility, mostly because there are many other cards that can do better (Sam, Son of Hamfast, Elf Song, Narya). This card works well with The Shire Countryside, as you can convert the heal into burden removal and then heal more wounds. It also can be triggered off of Sanctuary healing, which could be useful at site 3 in particular if the Free People's player hasn't accumulated 5 wounds on their fellowship. On the other hand, Extraordinary Resilience has a tendency to clog a hand, as it requires a heal to occur before it can trigger (And it may not even be needed), making other more versatile cards such as Not Listening or Nine-Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom more desirable.
The only benefit to Extraordinary Resilience, which could otherwise be seen as hand clog, is the ability to remove the burden during any phase via the response action.
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Strong Versus...[edit]
Weak Versus...[edit]
- Healing prevention effects, such as Black Breath, You Bring Great Evil or Steward's Tomb*
- Decks that don't wound the Ring-bearer