Uruk Shaman (1C152)

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Uruk Shaman (1C152) is a Isengard Minion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Uruk Shaman
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 152
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Uruk-hai
Twilight Cost 3
Strength 8
Vitality 2
Site Number 5
Game Text Damage +1.

Maneuver: Remove to heal an Uruk-hai.

Lore Uruk shamans know the arts of healing as well as those of battle.
DE - German
Card Name Uruk Schamane
Game Text Schaden +1.

Manöver: Verringere den Einfluss um , um einen Uruk-hai zu heilen.

Lore Uruk Schamanen kennen die Kunst des Heilens genauso wie die des Kämpfens.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Chamán Uruk
Game Text Daño +1. Maniobra: Quita para curar un Uruk-hai.
Lore Los curanderos Uruk conocen las artes de la curación así como las de la batalla.
FR - French
Card Name Chaman Ourouk
Game Text Dégâts +1.

Manœuvre : Retirez pour guérir un Ourouk-Haï.

Lore Les chamans Ourouks connaissent les arts de la guérison aussi bien que ceux de la bataille.
IT - Italian
Card Name Uruk Sciamano
Game Text Danno +1.

Manovra: Rimuovi per curare un Uruk-hai.

Lore Gli sciamani Uruk conoscono bene l'arte di curare quanto quella della battaglia.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S152.0
GEMP ID 1_152
LOTRO Hex ID 48 2D F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_152


Strong versus twilight flood or when used with Tower of Orthanc (3R71) . Can heal the exertions from playing shadow conditions such as Worry (1U162) or Saruman's Snows (1C138) . Can also heal exertions from Machines. Uruk Shaman can be useful against Free Peoples manuever wounding, and can heal minions that are still alive after a double move. Additionally, Uruk Shaman can be used to burn unwanted twilight to prevent the Free Peoples player from building up to Deep in Thought (3C30) (From Shoulder to Shoulder (1C59) or Roll of Thunder (4U99) ) and can weaken Gandalf, The White Wizard (4C90) or negate Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (4R91) or Gandalf's Staff, Focus of Power (7R38) 's bonus.

Uruk Shaman's strongest synergy comes from combining his ability with Maneuver actions that exert Uruk-hai, such as Uruk Spear (4C196) , Orthanc Berserker (3R66) and Lieutenant of Orthanc (4R158) , since he allows them to be used any number of times, twilight permitting. That benefits maneuver Isengard events too, like Cruel Caradhras (1R124) , No Dawn for Men (4R163) or One of You Must Do This (3C63) (while Saruman's Ambition (1C133) can reduce their twilight cost and make repeated play more available).

Healing during maneuver can also disrupt exerting cards like A Ranger's Versatility (1U113) , Slaked Thirsts (7U14) , Shadowplay (10U114) or Ithilien Trap (4U126) , which in turn are used to disrupt the Shadow player's own skills and plans.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]

See Also[edit]