A Ranger's Versatility (1U113) is a
Gondor Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.
DE - German
Card Name
Die zahlreichen Talente eines Waldläufers
Game Text
Manöver: Strenge einen Waldläufer an einem Fluss oder Waldan, um einen Diener zu erschöpfen.
"Wenn man einen Waldläufer bei sich hat, dann tut man gut daran, auf ihn zu hören, besonders wenn der Waldläufer Aragorn ist.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name
La Versatilidad de un Montaraz
Game Text
Maniobra: Avista un montaraz en un río o bosque para dejar exhaustos a hasta 2 siervos.
“Si traes a un Montaraz contigo , es bueno prestarle atención, y más aun si el Montaraz es Aragorn.”
FR - French
Card Name
Polyvalence de Rôdeur
Game Text
Manœuvre : Affaiblissez un rôdeur à une rivière ou une forêt pour épuiser jusqu’à 2 séides.
“‘Quand on emmène avec soi un Rôdeur, il est bon de lui prêter attention, surtout quand ce Rôdeur est Aragorn.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name
La Versatilità di un Ramingo
Game Text
Sforze: Avvista un Ramingo presso un fiume o una foresta per rendere Esausti fino a 2 servitori.
“‘Portando seco un Ramingo, è opportuno prestare orecchio alle sue parole, specialmente se quel Ramingo è Aragorn.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
41 2B F4
Despite the heavy erratum imposed on this card, A Ranger's Versatility can be a helpful card for taking out large minions, particularly when combined with wounding effects such as Aragorn's Bow; Legolas, Greenleaf or Bow of the Galadhrim. The ability to exhaust a minion is very powerful, as it can make otherwise powerful minions such as The Cave Troll of Moria, Scourge of the Black Pit very easy to kill. It's also one of few cards in Fellowship block that threatens Saruman, Keeper of Isengard or Saruman, Servant of the Eye, making the minion almost useless. With potential Rivers or Forests for every site in Fellowship Block save sites 4 and 5, the card's versatility is not restricted too much by the site path, although cards such as Pathfinder or Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood might be helpful to ensure you get the needed sites. A Ranger's Versatility can also be combined with scrying effects such as Sting or Glamdring to ascertain whether or not it is needed, and it can then be discarded or stacked on The Shards of Narsil for later if it is not needed at the current site. A Ranger's Versatility is also one of few counters to Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul in Fellowship Block, making it easier to protect large Fellowships.
In The Two Towers and Return of the King, there are few rivers and forests, so this card sees little play. Post-Shadows however, the player may have any number of rivers and forests on the path, so the card may see play in Expanded decks.
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Strong Versus...[edit]
- High vitality minions
- Unique minions
- Powerful minions
Weak Versus...[edit]
- Site manipulation (Ulaire Nelya, Lieutenant of Morgul or Paths Seldom Trodden)
- Swarms
- 1 vitality large minions (Hillman Mob, Dunlending Savage)