The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (11R1)

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The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (11S2)

The One Ring, The Ring of Rings (11R1) is a One Ring card from the Shadows set.

Collection Info
Title The One Ring
Subtitle The Ring of Rings
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 11 - Shadows
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 1
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture The One Ring
Side None
Card Type The One Ring
Game Text Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase. While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.
Lore “‘...ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.'”
DE - German
Card Name Der Eine Ring, Der Ring der Ringe
Game Text Reaktion: Wenn der Ringträger im Begriff ist, eine Wunde zu erleiden, kann er den Einen Ring bis zur Sammelphase benutzen. Solange er den Einen Ring benutzt, erhält er für jede Wunde, die ihm zugefügt wird, statt dessen eine Lastmarke.
FR - French
IT - Italian

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN11S001.0
GEMP ID 11_1
LOTRO Hex ID 61 8C 7D 0A
LOTRO Image ID 11_001


The One Ring, The Ring of Rings is one of the most popular rings in Expanded format, along with The Great Ring, and is often the best One Ring for Alternate Ring-bearers.

This Ring could be described as the safest One Ring to use; it turns every wound into a single burden, can be triggered at any time, and provides extra Resistance for the Ring-bearer. Its only shortcoming is the lack of any other beneficial stats or ability. Ring-bearers that benefit a lot from this ring need the extra resistance for their abilities, such as Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (13R33) ; Boromir, Bearer of Council (9R+31) and possibly Sméagol, Bearer of Great Secrets (9R+30) as he often adds burdens to trigger his effects. However, most alternate Ring-bearers can safely fall back on this Ring, with the exception of Ring-bearers that desperately need the strength and vitality bonuses of other rings, such as possibly Sam, Bearer of Great Need (13R156) ; Bilbo, Bearer of Things Burgled (9R+49) ; and Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom (9R+14) .

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]

Alternate Versions[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
The One Ring, Isildur's Bane (1R1) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add two burdens instead.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (1C2) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound during a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, Answer To All Riddles (4R1) While wearing The One Ring, the Ring-bearer is strength +2, and each time he is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.

Skirmish: Add a burden to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (4C2) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound during a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (7C1) Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound during a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, Such a Weight to Carry (7R2) Maneuver: Add a burden to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Binding Ring (9R+1) Fellowship: Add 2 burdens to play a ring from your draw deck.

Maneuver: Exert bearer to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While wearing The One Ring, each time the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (11S2) Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase. While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.
The One Ring, The Ring of Doom (15R1) While wearing The One Ring, the Ring–bearer gains hunter 3, and each time he or she is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.

Skirmish: Add a burden to wear The One Ring until the regroup phase.

The One Ring, The Ruling Ring (15S2) Response: If the Ring-bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish, he or she wears The One Ring until the regroup phase.

While the Ring-bearer is wearing The One Ring, each time he or she is about to take a wound in a skirmish, add a burden instead.

The One Ring, The Great Ring (19P1) While wearing The One Ring, each time bearer is about to take a wound, add a burden instead.

Maneuver: Wear The One Ring until the regroup phase. Skirmish: Add a burden to make the Ring-bearer strength +3. ​