From LOTR-TCG Wiki
- Synergy with archery and threat wounds
- Synergy with spotting burdens (shotgun and other early RWs, beasterlings, stinker, sauron lotr) and anti synergy with consuming burdens (brute, DAD, also gotta do a search lol)
- all of three new post-Shadows Shadow cultures ( Men, Orcs, and Uruk-hai) have cards that especially affect low-resistance characters.
- the small handful of -resistance effects (Undead of Angmar (16R6) , Throne of the Dark Lord (17R105) , Saruman, Master of the White Hand (17R116) )
- The Ring Is Mine!
- the two cards that autocorrupt, possibly with a brief talk about the overlap between sauron discard and burdens (irresistible shadow/beckoning shadow. despair is the bad one)
- non-nazgul wraiths
- enduring evil in sauron threats
- Nazgul RB pressure, esp with Twilights and morcs. also bill ferny with alt RBs
- there's a weaker version of Desperate Defense in one of the post-Shadows cultures (it's Sense of Obligation in RW)
- ring of savagery
- dark fell about him bomb
- wraith-world and the twilight world (and how they're kind of clogs without resistance becomes unbearable)
- Gollum stuff like heavy burden and DAD's dual edge
- northern ithilien / watcher / gollum bomb
- mocking goblin and probably a check of BTIF orc decks to see what else they use (abiding evil? tormentors?)
- worry, although Isengard is terrible at corruption
- alt ring-bearers
- the main tools to increase resistance, and how hard it is to do anything about them (reflections artifacts mainly but also the +resist ring)
- possibly some talk about the greater prevalence of frodo in expanded but also crutching on the great ring
- a light in his mind, and that stupid shire ale card from the last block that kills corruption stone dead. also shire countryside engines and pipeweed
- killing frodo to switch to sam
- Watch and Wait and the Gandalf man who removes burdens (jarnsmid)
- also narya
- Barbarous Orc (11C107)
- Bound to its Fate (11U110)
- Cutthroat Orc (11C113)
- Entrapping Orc (11C120)
- Foraging Orc (11C121)
- Hill Orc (11U124)
- Mocking Goblin (11C127)
- Mountain Orc (11C129)
- Orc Miscreant (11C131)
- Porter Troll (11R135)
- Undisciplined (11R141)
- Porter Troll (11RF10)
- Undisciplined (11RF11)
- Abiding Evil (12R81)
- The Beckoning Shadow (12R83)
- Morgul Tormentor (12U90)
- Orc Footman (12C93)
- Orc Sapper (12U94)
- Orc Tormentor (12C98)
- Retribution (12R101)
- Enemy Upon Enemy (13U106)
- Orc Crusher (13R112)
- Whatever Means (13C121)
- Orc Crusher (13RF11)
- Tower Troll (15R117)
- Orkish Sneak (18C91)
- Pit Troll (19P22)
- Morgul Tormentor (0P92)
- Alive and Unspoiled (1R120)
- Cruel Caradhras (1R124)
- Traitor's Voice (1U142)
- Uruk Spy (1R155)
- Worry (1U162)
- Goblin Spear (1C182)
- Lost to the Goblins (1R189)
- Black Breath (1U207)
- Blade Tip (1U209)
- Dark Whispers (1R210)
- Drawn to Its Power (1U211)
- In the Ringwraith's Wake (1R214)
- Nazgûl Sword (1U218)
- Threshold of Shadow (1U227)
- The Twilight World (1R228)
- Úlairë Enquëa, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U231)
- Úlairë Toldëa, Messenger of Morgul (1R236)
- Despair (1R243)
- Desperate Defense of the Ring (1R244)
- Desperate Measures (1R245)
- Enduring Evil (1R246)
- The Irresistible Shadow (1R252)
- The Ring's Oppression (1C273)
- Thin and Stretched (1R279)
- Evil Afoot (2U41)
- Must Do Without Hope (2U68)
- Troubled Mountains (2U72)
- It Wants to be Found (2U78)
- They Will Find the Ring (2U81)
- Úlairë Enquëa, Ringwraith in Twilight (2U83)
- Úlairë Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight (2R84)
- Wraith-world (2R86)
- The Eye of Sauron (2U87)
- Verily I Come (2R94)
- Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)
- Orthanc Berserker (3R66)
- Gates of the Dead City (3R81)
- The Ring Draws Them (3U83)
- Get Off the Road! (3U88)
- Gleaming in the Snow (3U89)
- Beyond All Hope (4R140)
- Beyond Dark Mountains (4C141)
- Uruk Follower (4R186)
- Desert Legion (4R218)
- Discovered (4R223)
- Easterling Axeman (4C224)
- Easterling Captain (4R225)
- Easterling Guard (4C226)
- Easterling Infantry (4C227)
- Easterling Lieutenant (4C228)
- Easterling Skirmisher (4R229)
- Easterling Trooper (4U230)
- Fearless (4U233)
- Gathering to the Summons (4C235)
- Men of Rhûn (4C239)
- New Fear (4R240)
- Rapid Fire (4R243)
- Vision From Afar (4R259)
- Gollum, Stinker (5R25)
- Look at Him (5U26)
- Eye of Barad-Dûr (5R96)
- Gate Trooper (5C98)
- Grishnákh, Orc Captain (5R100)
- Gollum, Stinker (5M1)
- Nasty, Foul Hobbitses (6C42)
- Easterling Army (6R78)
- Easterling Polearm (6U79)
- Úlairë Toldëa, Winged Sentry (6R88)
- Dead Ones (6C100)
- Wisp of Pale Sheen (6C108)
- Heavy Burden (7U60)
- Easterling Assailant (7C140)
- Easterling Footman (7R143)
- Easterling Regiment (7R145)
- Easterling Sergeant (7U146)
- Easterling Veteran (7U147)
- Small Hope (7R159)
- Surging Up (7R169)
- Morgul Brute (7R188)
- Put Forth His Strength (7R205)
- Úlairë Attëa, Wraith on Wings (7R210)
- Úlairë Nertëa, Black-Mantled Wraith (7U217)
- Above the Battlement (7C262)
- Gorgoroth Attacker (7U270)
- Orc Officer (7U302)
- Spider Poison (8C28)
- Heavy Axeman (8R62)
- Morgul Creeper (8C75)
- Called Away (8R93)
- Gorgoroth Looter (8U98)
- Gorgoroth Stormer (8C101)
- Gollum, Dark as Darkness (9R+28)
- Ring of Rancor (9R44)
- Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (9R+48)
- Gollum, Mad Thing (10R21)
- Reclaim the Precious (10U22)
- Easterling Pillager (10C41)
- Dark Swooping Shadows (10R58)
- Úlairë Enquëa, Thrall of the One (10R68)
- Úlairë Nelya, Thrall of the One (10U70)
- The Ring is Mine! (10U97)
- Not Yet Vanquished (11R48)
- Bound to its Fate (11U110)
- Mocking Goblin (11C127)
- Orc Miscreant (11C131)
- Porter Troll (11R135)
- Drawn to its Power (11S209)
- Keening Wail (11R211)
- The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame (11R214)
- Úlairë Attëa, Second of the Nine Riders (11R219)
- Porter Troll (11RF10)
- The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame (11RF17)
- Abiding Evil (12R81)
- The Beckoning Shadow (12R83)
- Morgul Tormentor (12U90)
- Orc Tormentor (12C98)
- Retribution (12R101)
- Dark Temptation (12R163)
- In the Ringwraith’s Wake (12U165)
- Lingering Shadow (12U166)
- Sense of Obligation (12U170)
- Trap Is Sprung (13R57)
- Wild Light of Madness (13R58)
- Enemy Upon Enemy (13U106)
- Orc Crusher (13R112)
- Whatever Means (13C121)
- Dark Fell About Him (13R178)
- Orc Crusher (13RF11)
- Lying Counsel (15U85)
- Wandering Hillman (15U94)
- Barrow-wight Stalker (16R1)
- Covetous Wisp (16R3)
- Spirit of Dread (16R5)
- Úlairë Enquëa, Duplicitous Lieutenant (17R140)
- Úlairë Otsëa, Duplicitous Specter (17R141)
- Ring of Savagery (17R142)
- Úlairë Otsëa, Duplicitous Specter (17RF16)
- Ring of Savagery (17RF17)
- Úlairë Otsëa, Duplicitous Specter (17O7)
- Ring of Savagery (17O8)
- Shelob, Menace (18R34)
- Orkish Sneak (18C91)
- Lurtz, Halfling Hunter (18R118)
- Pull of the Ring (18R133)
- Shelob, Menace (18RF6)
- Pull of the Ring (18RF18)
- Pull of the Ring (18O9)
- Úlairë Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight (0P43)
- Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (0P54)
- Úlairë Attëa, Second of the Nine Riders (0P83)
- Morgul Tormentor (0P92)
- Keening Wail (0P96)
- Úlairë Attëa, Second of the Nine Riders (0P109)
- Morgul Patrol (0D24)
- The Nazgûl (0W10)
- Easterling Pillager (0W29)
- Lurtz, Halfling Hunter (0W35)
- Fell to Its Power (V1_44)
- Gaze of the Eye (V1_45)
- I See You (V1_46)
- It Betrayed Isildur (V1_47)
- A Shadow of the Past (V1_49)
- Despair (1R243)
- Desperate Defense of the Ring (1R244)
- Desperate Measures (1R245)
- Enduring Evil (1R246)
- The Irresistible Shadow (1R252)
- The Ring's Oppression (1C273)
- Thin and Stretched (1R279)
- The Eye of Sauron (2U87)
- Verily I Come (2R94)
- Get Off the Road! (3U88)
- Gleaming in the Snow (3U89)
- Eye of Barad-Dûr (5R96)
- Gate Trooper (5C98)
- Grishnákh, Orc Captain (5R100)
- Dead Ones (6C100)
- Wisp of Pale Sheen (6C108)
- Above the Battlement (7C262)
- Gorgoroth Attacker (7U270)
- Orc Officer (7U302)
- Called Away (8R93)
- Gorgoroth Looter (8U98)
- Gorgoroth Stormer (8C101)
- Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (9R+48)
- The Ring is Mine! (10U97)
- Throne of the Dark Lord (17R105)
- Throne of the Dark Lord (17RF15)
- Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (0P54)
- Morgul Patrol (0D24)
- Fell to Its Power (V1_44)
- Gaze of the Eye (V1_45)
- I See You (V1_46)
- It Betrayed Isildur (V1_47)
- A Shadow of the Past (V1_49)
- Frenzied Attack (11U41)
- Horribly Strong (11R43)
- Archer of Harad (11U67)
- Axeman of Harad (11U69)
- Detachment of Haradrim (11U74)
- Fearsome Dunlending (11C79)
- Invading Haradrim (11C86)
- Patroller of Haradrim (11C93)
- Squad of Haradrim (11U99)
- Throng of Harad (11C102)
- Barbarous Orc (11C107)
- Cutthroat Orc (11C113)
- Entrapping Orc (11C120)
- Foraging Orc (11C121)
- Hill Orc (11U124)
- Mountain Orc (11C129)
- Army of Uruk-hai (11R177)
- Brawling Uruk (11R179)
- Intimidating Uruk (11U189)
- Overpowering Uruk (11U197)
- Patrol of Uruk-hai (11C198)
- Ruthless Uruk (11C200)
- Squad of Uruk-hai (11C202)
- Úlairë Attëa, Second of the Nine Riders (11R219)
- Úlairë Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (11S221)
- Neekerbreekers’ Bog (11S249)
- Brawling Uruk (11RF15)
- Corrupted Spy (12R57)
- Crazed Hillman (12C60)
- Dunlending Zealot (12U62)
- Easterling Banner-bearer (12U63)
- Trail of Terror (12U76)
- War Trident (12C77)
- Orc Footman (12C93)
- Orc Sapper (12U94)
- Broken Heirloom (12U138)
- Merciless Uruk (12C142)
- Shingle in a Storm (12C145)
- Suppressing Uruk (12U147)
- Tempest of War (12U148)
- Uruk Desecrator (12S151)
- Uruk Dominator (12S152)
- Uruk Pikeman (12C153)
- Uruk Zealot (12R155)
- Úlairë Cantëa, Black Assassin (12R174)
- Unimpeded (12C182)
- Hill of Sight (12S188)
- Uruk Zealot (12RF13)
- Úlairë Cantëa, Black Assassin (12RF16)
- Úlairë Cantëa, Black Assassin (12O7)
- Driven From the Plains (13C87)
- Assault Commander (13R158)
- Endless Assault (13C161)
- New Enemy (13U166)
- Uruk Aggressor (13C168)
- Uruk Blitz (13R169)
- Uruk Invader (13R171)
- Úlairë Nertëa, Servant of the Shadow (13C184)
- Uruk Blitz (13RF17)
- Undead of Angmar (16R6)
- Throne of the Dark Lord (17R105)
- Saruman, Master of the White Hand (17R116)
- Úlairë Cantëa, Duplicitous Assassin (17R139)
- Throne of the Dark Lord (17RF15)
- Pull of the Ring (18R133)
- Pull of the Ring (18RF18)
- Pull of the Ring (18O9)
- Úlairë Attëa, Second of the Nine Riders (0P83)
- Úlairë Attëa, Second of the Nine Riders (0P109)
- Úlairë Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (0P112)
- Neekerbreekers’ Bog (0D4)