
From LOTR-TCG Wiki
  • Synergy with archery and threat wounds
  • Synergy with spotting burdens (shotgun and other early RWs, beasterlings, stinker, sauron lotr) and anti synergy with consuming burdens (brute, DAD, also gotta do a search lol)
  • all of three new post-Shadows Shadow cultures ( Men, Orcs, and Uruk-hai) have cards that especially affect low-resistance characters.
  • The Ring Is Mine!
  • the two cards that autocorrupt, possibly with a brief talk about the overlap between sauron discard and burdens (irresistible shadow/beckoning shadow. despair is the bad one)
  • non-nazgul wraiths
  • enduring evil in sauron threats

  • Nazgul RB pressure, esp with Twilights and morcs. also bill ferny with alt RBs
  • there's a weaker version of Desperate Defense in one of the post-Shadows cultures (it's Sense of Obligation in RW)
  • ring of savagery
  • dark fell about him bomb
  • wraith-world and the twilight world (and how they're kind of clogs without resistance becomes unbearable)

  • Gollum stuff like heavy burden and DAD's dual edge
  • northern ithilien / watcher / gollum bomb
  • mocking goblin and probably a check of BTIF orc decks to see what else they use (abiding evil? tormentors?)
  • worry, although Isengard is terrible at corruption

  • alt ring-bearers
  • the main tools to increase resistance, and how hard it is to do anything about them (reflections artifacts mainly but also the +resist ring)
  • possibly some talk about the greater prevalence of frodo in expanded but also crutching on the great ring
  • a light in his mind, and that stupid shire ale card from the last block that kills corruption stone dead. also shire countryside engines and pipeweed
  • killing frodo to switch to sam
  • Watch and Wait and the Gandalf man who removes burdens (jarnsmid)
  • also narya