Frodo's Cloak (4R303)

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Frodo's Cloak (4R303) is a Shire Possession from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Frodo's Cloak
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 303
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Shire
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Possession
Item Class Cloak
Twilight Cost 2
Game Text Bearer must be Frodo.

Skirmish: At sites 1 to 4, add a burden and discard this possession to cancel a skirmish involving Frodo. At any other site, discard this possession to remove a burden and heal Frodo.

Lore Neither weather nor searching eyes found Frodo.
DE - German
Card Name Frodos Umhang
Game Text Muss auf Frodo gespielt werden. Kampf Lege eine Lastmarke auf den Ringträger und diese Ausrüstung ab, um an den Orten 1 bis 4 einen Kampf, an dem Frodo beteiligt ist, aufzuheben. Lege diese Ausrüstung an allen anderen Orten ab, um eine Lastmarke zu en beilen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name La Capa De Frodo
Game Text El portador debe ser Frodo. Escaramuza: En los sitios 1 al 4, añade una carga y descarta esta posesión para cancelar una escaramuza en la que participe Frodo. En cualquier otro sitio, descarta esta posesión para quitar una carga y curar a Frodo.
Lore Ni el clima ni los ojos inquisitivos encontraron a Frodo.
FR - French
Card Name La Cape de Frodon
Game Text Le détenteur doit être Frodon. Combat : Aux sites 1 à 4, ajoutez un point-fardeau et défaussez cette possession pour annuler un combat qui implique Frodon. À tout autre site, défaussez cette possession pour retirer un point-fardeau et guérir Frodon.
Lore Ni le temps, ni les yeux scrutateurs ne trouvèrent Frodon.
IT - Italian
Card Name Mantello di Frodo
Game Text Il possessore deve essere Frodo.

Schermaglia: Ai siti dall’1 al 4, aggiungi un segnalino fardello e scarta questo bene per cancellare una schermaglia che coinvolga Frodo. Presso ogni altro sito, scarta questo bene per rimuovere un segnalino fardello e

Lore Né il maltempo, né occhi alla sua ricerca insidiavano Frodo.

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S303.0
GEMP ID 4_303
LOTRO Hex ID 6F A2 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_303


Gameplay Strategy[edit]

In Fellowship block, there were two ways to remove burdens in a skirmish: Stout and Sturdy (1C315) + Extraordinary Resilience (1C287) or, at a river or forest, Voice of Nimrodel (3C28) can be played with Songs of the Blessed Realm (1C61) out. The main reason for doing this would be trigger The Shire Countryside (3R113) so Boromir, Son of Denethor (1U97) and Merry, Friend to Sam (1R302) can use their abilities more than their vitality would otherwise allow. This often a sight to behold, buffing a companion to astronomical levels (particularly for Fellowship block). However, after all the required setup, seeing how high a companion's strength can get is often the only reward -- by the time it all comes together, opponents will have had plenty of opportunities to race far ahead on the adventure path.

Frodo's Cloak can be used at (almost) any site to remove a burden by itself and doesn't take up hand space, alleviating all of these issues. Without The Shire Countryside, Sting, Baggins Heirloom (5R116) and Sméagol, Slinker (5R29) can go a little further and Easterlings can be robbed of the gains they make. With The Shire Countryside, combos open up across all sorts of strategies to rearm a Free Peoples in the middle of a turn. The aforementioned Boromir and Merry, Trust Me as You Once Did (3U35) decks, Ring-bound Ranger decks leaning on Ranger's Bow (4C131) ... the possibilities span wide. Some are more reliable than others and all of them still depend on The Shire Countryside, but none of them were really worth considering until Frodo's Cloak.

That it cancels skirmishes early on the Towers site path, then, can be a blessing or a curse since it deprives the Free Peoples of how it fits into the rest of the deck. Site 4T is when the Shadow player is usually able to make their first big move: against some strategies (particularly swarms) cancelling the skirmish will work just as well, but for others (namely Easterlings) the burden it adds will only make matters worse.

Deckbuilding Strategy[edit]

For all its benefits, its uniqueness makes it better for a fallback than the primary mechanism for The Shire Countryside (3R113) . Brace of Coneys (4C298) is cheaper and can be stacked on Frodo until needed -- if you want more that 2 copies of Frodo's Cloak, you're often better off maxing out Brace of Coneys first and rationing your skirmish use a little more lest you wind up clogging your hand with them. Not Listening (6C43) is more effective in skirmish phases where possible, though of course you'll have to wait until the end of the skirmish which may not be enough for certain combos.

In Movie Block and later it is completely replaced by Nine-fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom (10C112) which doesn't have the same deckbuilding concerns, doesn't give the opponent any extra twilight, and can be constantly recursed by Birthday Present (10R104) .

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]

Relatively expensive, which can make playing it benefit the Shadow side more than the Free Peoples in the last sites


On any adventure path other than Towers, this card will always remove a burden and heal a wound regardless of site number.