Gollum, Nasty Treacherous Creature (5C24)

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Gollum, Stinker (5R25)

Gollum, Nasty Treacherous Creature (5C24) is a Gollum Minion from the Battle of Helm's Deep set.

Collection Info
Title Gollum
Subtitle Nasty Treacherous Creature
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 5 - Battle of Helm's Deep
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 24
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Gollum
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Twilight Cost 2
Strength 5
Vitality 4
Site Number 3
Game Text Regroup: Discard Gollum to exert a companion or ally.
Lore “‘...we won't let you go, either. You're full of wickedness and mischief, Gollum.'”
DE - German

Game Text Sammeln: Lege Gollum ab, um einen Gefährten oder Verbündeten anzustrengen.
Lore "... wir werden dich auch nicht laufen lassen. Du bist voller Bosheit und Schlechtigkeit, Gollum.“
ES - Spanish

Game Text Reagrupación: Descarta a Gollum para esforzar un compañero o un aliado.
Lore “Pero tampoco te soltaremos. Eres todo maldad y malicia, Gollum.”
FR - French

Game Text Ralliement : Défaussez Gollum pour affaiblir un compagnon ou un allié.
Lore « “... nous ne vous laisserons pas non plus partir. Vous êtes rempli de perversité et de malice.” »
IT - Italian

Game Text Raccolta: Scarta Gollum per sforzare un compagno o un alleato.
Lore “‘...ma nemmeno ti lasceremo libero. Sei un covo di malvagità e malizia, Gollum.'”

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN05S024.0
GEMP ID 5_24
LOTRO Hex ID 68 B5 C4 04
LOTRO Image ID 05_024


Gollum, Nasty Treacherous Creature is largely overshadowed by Gollum, Dark as Darkness (9R+28) in formats like Movie Block where both are legal. He's very annoying, since he's hard to kill before the Regroup Phase without an overwhelm, but exerting a character can't kill them. He's moderately useful in decks that can apply wounds in Regroup, like Isengard Orcs, but Gollum-focused decks like Ninja Gollum usually prefer Dark as Darkness's ability to wound the Ring-bearer, or versions of Gollum that can win skirmishes, like Gollum, Stinker (5R25) .

His ability to exert allies is fairly marginal, since he can't kill allies to prevent them from being healed. Shire ally decks like Hobbit Hospital run Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (1R289) and Hobbit Party Guest (1C297) . Elven ally decks run very strong healing in cards like Elrond, Lord of Rivendell (1R40) , Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad (3R13) , Galadriel, Lady of Light (1R45) , and Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood (3R17) . He's occasionally useful against allies of other cultures, like Thrarin, Dwarven Smith (1U27) and Ottar, Man of Laketown (1R80) , as long as they don't just use their exertion ability the turn they come into play.

Like all Gollums, he can soak archery wounds for other minions with his high vitality. However, playing him solo against an Archery deck will mean he'll die without doing anything.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Any deck with strong skirmishers
  • Decks with lots of healing or vitality
  • Ents have both strong skirmishers and high vitality

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Gollum, Stinker (5R25) Gollum is strength +1 for each burden. Each time Gollum wins a skirmish, you may add a burden.
Gollum, Old Villain (6C40) Skirmish: Discard a card from hand to make Gollum strength +1 (or +2 if skirmishing a Ring-bound companion).
Gollum, Plotting Deceiver (7R58) If you have initiative during the Shadow phase, you may play this minion from your discard pile.
Gollum, Vile Creature (7C59) Skirmish: Exert Gollum twice or remove a threat to make him strength +2.
Gollum, Dark as Darkness (9R+28) Shadow: Exert Gollum twice to exert the Ring-bearer.

Shadow: Remove a burden to add . Skirmish: Remove a burden to add . Regroup: Remove a burden to add .

Regroup: Exert Gollum twice to wound the Ring-bearer.

Gollum, Mad Thing (10R21) To assign Gollum to a skirmish, the Free Peoples player must make Gollum strength +3 until the regroup phase or add a burden.
Gollum, Skulker (11R42) Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.)

Skirmish: Exert Gollum twice to make another minion strength +2.

Gollum, Her Sneak (13U50) While a card titled Déagol is removed from the game, Gollum is strength +2 and fierce.

Shadow: Remove a card titled Déagol in your discard pile from the game to play this minion from your discard pile.

Gollum, Hopeless (15R43) At the start of each skirmish involving Gollum, he is strength +X until the end of that skirmish, where X is the Ring-bearer’s strength.
Gollum, Threatening Guide (19P10) Gollum is strength +1 for each threat you can spot.

Each time Gollum wins a skirmish, you may add a threat. ​