Starter Decks/WOTR Block
From LOTR-TCG Wiki
Here are the Starter Deck lists for each of the starter boxes released in War of the Ring Block, which is to say sets 11-13: Shadows, Black Rider, and Bloodlines.
For a more complete discussion about what these decks are and what they are for, please see Starter Decks.
All decks shown below represent the versions used in the Lord of the Rings Online TCG, which made additions to the decklists to bring them into full legal use. The additions made by World's Apart have been added to the end of each list in bold to differentiate them. When importing into GEMP, make sure to include these sections to make a legal deck.
SH Aragorn Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x The Prancing Pony (11S256)
- 1x North Undeep (11S250)
- 1x Cavern Entrance (11S232)
- 1x Window on the West (11S265)
- 1x West Gate of Moria (11S263)
- 1x Moria Stairway (11S248)
- 1x Crags of Emyn Muil (11S234)
- 1x Expanding Marshland (11S238)
- 1x Watch-tower of Cirith Ungol (11S262)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 2x Aragorn, Guide and Protector (11S53) (starting)
- 2x Madril, Ranger of Ithilien (11C62)
- 4x Ranger of Westernesse (11S65)
- 1x Sam, Steadfast Friend (11U172)
- 2x Armor of the Citadel (11U55)
- 4x Gondorian Blade (11U59)
- 2x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 3x Pledge of Loyalty (11S64)
- 4x Battle Cry (11S56)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 4x Denizen of Khazad-dûm (11S115)
- 4x Denizen of Moria (11S116)
- 3x Denizen of the Black Pit (11S117)
- 2x Marauding Orcs (11S126)
- 4x Skulking Goblin (11S138)
- 4x Unyielding Goblin (11S142)
- 2x Orc Hammer (11S130)
- 2x Conquered Halls (11S112)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
SH Eowyn Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Flats of Rohan (11S240)
- 1x Harrowdale (11S243)
- 1x Pelennor Flat (11S254)
- 1x Osgiliath Reclaimed (11S252)
- 1x Stables (11S259)
- 1x Slag Mounds (11S258)
- 1x Fortress of Orthanc (11S241)
- 1x Rohan Uplands (11S257)
- 1x Trollshaw Forest (11S260)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 2x Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (11S146) (starting)
- 2x Éomer, Guardian of the Eastmark (11U145) (starting)
- 1x Hrothlac, Man of Rohan (11C148)
- 4x Riddermark Soldier (11S152)
- 2x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 4x Rider's Spear (11S153)
- 3x Rohirrim Mount (11U156)
- 3x Rally Cry (11S150)
- 3x War Now Calls Us (11S160)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 4x Bloodthirsty Uruk (11S178)
- 4x Hounding Uruk (11S188)
- 4x Lookout Uruk (11S193)
- 4x Feral Uruk (11S183)
- 2x Invincible Uruk (11S190)
- 3x Brutality (11S180)
- 4x Furor (11S187)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
SH Gandalf Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Westemnet Village (11S264)
- 1x Valley of the Silverlode (11S261)
- 1x Green Dragon Inn (11S242)
- 1x East Road (11S236)
- 1x Buckland Homestead (11S230)
- 1x Woody-End (11S266)
- 1x Caras Galadhon (11S231)
- 1x Neekerbreekers’ Bog (11S249)
- 1x Pinnacle of Zirakzigil (11S255)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 2x Gandalf, Leader of the Company (11S33) (starting)
- 2x Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (11U163)
- 2x Merry, Loyal Companion (11C168)
- 2x Sam, Steadfast Friend (11U172)
- 4x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 3x G for Grand (11S32)
- 3x Concerning Hobbits (11S161)
- 3x Sworn Companion (11S174)
- 3x Unharmed (11S176)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 4x Úlairë Cantëa, Fourth of the Nine Riders (11S220)
- 4x Úlairë Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (11S221)
- 4x Úlairë Nelya, Third of the Nine Riders (11S222)
- 2x Úlairë Nertëa, Ninth of the Nine Riders (11S223)
- 4x Úlairë Toldëa, Eighth of the Nine Riders (11S225)
- 2x Drawn to its Power (11S209)
- 3x Moving This Way (11S213)
- 2x Riders in Black (11S215)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
- 2x Dark Wings (11U208)
- 1x Hatred Stirred (11U210)
- 1x Riders in Black (11S215)
- 1x Úlairë Nertëa, Ninth of the Nine Riders (11S223)
SH Legolas Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Old Forest Road (11S251)
- 1x Anduin Confluence (11S228)
- 1x Fangorn Glade (11S239)
- 1x Ettenmoors (11S237)
- 1x Chamber of Mazarbul (11S233)
- 1x Pelennor Fields (11S253)
- 1x Moria Guardroom (11S247)
- 1x Helm's Gate (11S245)
- 1x Barazinbar (11S229)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 2x Legolas, Companion of the Ring (11S21) (starting)
- 2x Farin, Emissary of Erebor (11C7) (starting)
- 4x Elven Scout (11S18)
- 2x Woodland Sentinel (11C27)
- 1x Axe of Khazad-dûm (11U3)
- 4x Blade of Lindon (11U16)
- 2x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 1x Farewell to Lórien (11C19)
- 4x The Lady's Blessing (11S20)
- 2x Sworn Companion (11S174)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 4x Footman of Dunland (11S82)
- 4x Elder of Dunland (11S77)
- 4x Harad Standard-bearer (11S84)
- 4x Man of Bree (11S90)
- 2x Raging Dunlending (11S97)
- 4x Poleaxe (11S95)
- 3x Overrun (11S92)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
- 1x Farin, Emissary of Erebor (11C7)
- 1x Axe of Khazad-dûm (11U3)
- 1x Farewell to Lórien (11C19)
- 2x Dwarven Embassy (11C5)
- 1x Fallen Lord (11U6)
BR The Mouth of Sauron Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Fortress of Orthanc (11S241)
- 1x Emyn Muil (12S187)
- 1x Pelennor Fields (11S253)
- 1x Pelennor Flat (11S254)
- 1x Northern Pelennor (12S190)
- 1x Helm's Gate (11S245)
- 1x Flats of Rohan (11S240)
- 1x Stables (11S259)
- 1x Harrowdale (11S243)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 1x Éomer, Guardian of the Eastmark (11U145) (starting)
- 1x Merry, Loyal Companion (11C168) (starting)
- 4x Éored Warrior (12S113)
- 1x Théoden, King of the Eorlingas (11U159)
- 4x Rider's Spear (11S153)
- 3x Rohirrim Mount (11U156)
- 2x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 2x For the Mark (12C114)
- 2x Measure of Comfort (12S125)
- 4x War Now Calls Us (11S160)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 2x The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of Mordor (12S73)
- 3x Corps of Harad (11C73)
- 3x Raging Dunlending (11S97)
- 3x Brutal Easterling (12S55)
- 2x Crooked Townsman (12C61)
- 3x Frenzied Dunlending (12S65)
- 2x Long Battle Bow (11C89)
- 4x Poleaxe (11S95)
- 3x Overrun (11S92)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
BR Saruman Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Hill of Sight (12S188)
- 1x Hobbiton Market (12S189)
- 1x Caras Galadhon (11S231)
- 1x Fortress of Orthanc (11S241)
- 1x Green Dragon Inn (11S242)
- 1x Helm's Gate (11S245)
- 1x Slag Mounds (11S258)
- 1x Trollshaw Forest (11S260)
- 1x The Prancing Pony (11S256)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 1x Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (11U163) (starting)
- 1x Merry, Loyal Companion (11C168) (starting)
- 1x Tolman Cotton, Farmer of Bywater (12S133) (starting)
- 2x Ranger of Westernesse (11S65)
- 2x Sam, Steadfast Friend (11U172)
- 4x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 4x Hope is Kindled (12C123)
- 2x The More, The Merrier (11C169)
- 4x No Worse for Wear (12S126)
- 3x Sworn Companion (11S174)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 2x Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (12S144)
- 2x Intimidating Uruk (11U189)
- 3x Patrol of Uruk-hai (11C198)
- 4x Squad of Uruk-hai (11C202)
- 3x Uruk Desecrator (12S151)
- 3x Uruk Dominator (12S152)
- 3x Weapon of Opportunity (12C159)
- 2x Furor (11S187)
- 3x Our Foes Are Weak (11C196)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
BL Arwen Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Caves of Aglarond (13S186)
- 1x Crossroads of the Fallen Kings (13S189)
- 1x Shores of Nen Hithoel (12U191)
- 1x Caras Galadhon (11S231)
- 1x Old Forest Road (11S251)
- 1x West Gate of Moria (11S263)
- 1x Moria Stairway (11S248)
- 1x East Road (11S236)
- 1x Fangorn Glade (11S239)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 2x Arwen, Reflection of Luthien (13S9) (starting)
- 1x Rúmil, Brother of Haldir (12C22) (starting)
- 2x Lórien Protector (13S20)
- 1x Orophin, Brother of Haldir (12C20)
- 2x Shrouded Elf (13C23)
- 4x Blade of Lindon (11U16)
- 2x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 3x Attunement (12C16)
- 2x Farewell to Lórien (11C19)
- 3x Final Shot (13C14)
- 2x Measure of Comfort (12S125)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 3x Prowling Orc (11C136)
- 4x Orc Skulker (12C95)
- 3x Orc Strategist (12U97)
- 3x Scavenging Goblins (12C102)
- 2x Howling Orc (13S109)
- 3x Orc Plains Runner (13S114)
- 2x Picket Denizen (13S118)
- 3x Orc Spear (12C96)
- 2x Strength in Shadows (11C140)
LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]
- 1x Woodland Sentinel (11C27)
- 1x Attunement (12C16)
- 1x City of the Trees (13C12)
- 1x Final Shot (13C14)
- 2x Standing Tall (13C25)
BL Boromir Starter Deck[edit]
Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]
Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]
- 1x Fords of Isen (13S191)
- 1x The Great Gates (13S192)
- 1x Anduin Banks (11U227)
- 1x Valley of the Silverlode (11S261)
- 1x Trollshaw Forest (11S260)
- 1x Window on the West (11S265)
- 1x Helm's Gate (11S245)
- 1x North Undeep (11S250)
- 1x Northern Pelennor (12S190)
Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]
- 2x Boromir, Doomed Heir (13S62) (starting)
- 1x Merry, Loyal Companion (11C168) (starting)
- 1x Tolman Cotton, Farmer of Bywater (12S133)
- 4x Tradesman From Lebennin (13C77)
- 1x Armor of the Citadel (11U55)
- 4x Gondorian Blade (11U59)
- 3x Hobbit Sword (11S166)
- 2x Measure of Comfort (12S125)
- 3x Heirs of Gondor (13C69)
- 3x Rally the Company (13S74)
Shadow (25 cards)[edit]
- 3x Column of Easterlings (11C72)
- 3x Easterling Shield Wall (11C76)
- 4x Rampaging Easterling (11C98)
- 3x Crooked Townsman (12C61)
- 3x Cruel Dunlending (13S85)
- 3x Vicious Dunlending (13S100)
- 2x Worn Battleaxe (13C102)
- 4x Stragglers (13S99)