Starter Decks/WOTR Block

From LOTR-TCG Wiki

Here are the Starter Deck lists for each of the starter boxes released in War of the Ring Block, which is to say sets 11-13: Shadows, Black Rider, and Bloodlines.

For a more complete discussion about what these decks are and what they are for, please see Starter Decks.

All decks shown below represent the versions used in the Lord of the Rings Online TCG, which made additions to the decklists to bring them into full legal use. The additions made by World's Apart have been added to the end of each list in bold to differentiate them. When importing into GEMP, make sure to include these sections to make a legal deck.

SH Aragorn Starter Deck[edit]

Gondor / Orc

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

SH Eowyn Starter Deck[edit]

Rohan / Uruk-hai

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

SH Gandalf Starter Deck[edit]

Gandalf / Wraith

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

SH Legolas Starter Deck[edit]

Elven / Men

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

BR The Mouth of Sauron Starter Deck[edit]

Rohan / Men

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

BR Saruman Starter Deck[edit]

Shire / Uruk-hai

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

BL Arwen Starter Deck[edit]

Elven / Orc

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]

BL Boromir Starter Deck[edit]

Gondor / Men

Ring-bearer (2 cards)[edit]

Adventure Deck (9 cards)[edit]

Free Peoples (24 cards)[edit]

Shadow (25 cards)[edit]

LOTRO Additions (11 cards)[edit]