Frodo, Son of Drogo (1C290)

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Frodo, Son of Drogo (1C290) is a Shire Companion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Frodo
Subtitle Son of Drogo
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 290
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Shire
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Companion
Race Hobbit
Twilight Cost 0
Strength 3
Vitality 4
Resistance 10
Signet Frodo
Game Text Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

Fellowship: Exert another companion who has the Frodo signet to heal Frodo.

Lore “‘I think you'll find there's more to this Hobbit than meets the eye.'”
DE - German

Game Text Ringträger (Resistenz 10). Gemeinschaft. Strenge einen anderen Gefährten mit dem Frodo Siegel an, um Frodo zu heilen.
Lore "Ich denke, es steckt mehr in diesem Hobbit, als man sieht.“
ES - Spanish

Game Text Portador del Anillo (resistencia 10).

Comunidad: Esfuerza otro compañero que tenga el sello de Frodo para curar a Frodo.

Lore “Creo que descubrirás que hay mas en este Hobbit de lo que se ve a simple vista.”
FR - French
Card Name Frodon, Fils de Drogon
Game Text Porteur de l’Anneau (résistance 10). Compagnie : Affaiblissez un autre compagnon qui a le sceau Frodon pour guérir Frodon.
Lore “‘Je pense que vous trouverez qu'il y a davantage en ce Hobbit qu'il n'y paraît à première vue.'”
IT - Italian

Game Text Portatore dell’Anello (resistenza 10).

Compagnia: Sforza un altro compagno che abbia il sigillo di Frodo per curare Frodo.

Lore “‘Penso che troverai che c'è molto più in quest'Hobbit di quanto non colpisca la vista.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S290.0
GEMP ID 1_290
LOTRO Hex ID 42 36 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_290


In Fellowship Block, the ability of this Frodo is useful against only a few shadow decks. It's generally quite situational, as many decks prefer to wound other companions and to simply overwhelm Frodo. The fact that it requires the Frodo signet can also restrict what companions the Free Peoples player may use. It is however quite effective against The Witch King, Lord of the Nazgul and Isengard Warrior.

Son of Drogo's ability has some wound shuffling utility, which can be relevant for pipe decks using Aragorn's Pipe or Frodo's Pipe. Pipeweed cards can be used more efficiently by spreading out wounds or concentrating them on a single character as needed.

With the release of The Two Towers base set, Son of Drogo gains new utility with the unbound hobbits Merry, Learned Guide and Pippin, Woolly-Footed Rascal. Since these companions tend to be discarded during the skirmish phase, wounds that they possess are somewhat inconsequential, as the hobbits can be replayed with full vitality at subsequent sites. This also synergises with the ability of Learned Guide, who needs to exert Frodo to be discarded.

In Return of the King, Sam, Resolute Halfling also makes an appearance. This version of Sam has an extremely cheap method of healing himself, and can heal Frodo too when combined with Son of Drogo. Son of Drogo's ability can also prove useful against the new Morgul Orcs, many of whom pressure the Ring-bearer and monopolise on their wounds and burdens.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Frodo wounding decks
  • Wounding and Archery (When combined with Learned Guide, Woolly-Footed Rascal or Resolute Halfling)
  • You Bring Great Evil

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Beatdown, Swarm or Corruption

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (1R289) Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

At the start of each of your turns, you may heal a Hobbit ally.

Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (2C102) Ring-bound. Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

The cost of each artifact, possession, and tale played on Frodo is -1.

Frodo, Courteous Halfling (4R301) Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

While you can spot 3 unbound companions, Shadow cards may not discard cards from your hand or from the top of your draw deck.

Frodo, Tired Traveller (4C302) Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

Fellowship: Play a Ring-bound companion to remove a burden.

Frodo, Master of the Precious (5U111) Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

Fellowship: Add a burden to play Sméagol from your discard pile.

Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples (7C317) Ring-bearer (resistance 10).


Each time the fellowship moves, you may add to remove a threat.

Frodo, Wicked Masster! (7R318) Ring-bearer (resistance 10).


Skirmish: At sites 6 to 8, add 4 burdens to wound a minion skirmishing Frodo.

Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (10P121) Ring-bearer (resistance 12).
Frodo, Protected by Many (11S164) Ring-bearer. Ring-bound. At the start of the regroup phase, you may exert Frodo to make him gain muster until the end of the regroup phase. (At the start of the regroup phase, you may discard a card from hand to draw a card.)
Frodo, Frenzied Fighter (13R149) Ring-bound.

While you can spot more minions than companions, Frodo cannot be overwhelmed unless his strength is tripled.

Skirmish: If Frodo is not assigned to a skirmish, exert Frodo to have him replace a Ring-bound companion skirmishing a minion.

Frodo, Weary From the Journey (15C144) Ring-bearer. Ring-bound.

While skirmishing a minion of strength 8 or less, Frodo is strength +2.

Frodo, Little Master (19P28) Fellowship. Ring-bearer. Ring-bound.

While you cannot spot 4 threats, Shadow cards cannot discard cards from your hand or from the top of your draw deck.

Frodo, Mr. Underhill (0P67) Ring-bound. Ring-bearer (resistance 10).

The cost of each artifact, possession, and tale played on Frodo is -1. ​