Saruman, Servant of the Eye (0P11)

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Saruman, Servant of the Eye (0P11) is a Isengard Minion from the Promotional set. It was distributed in May/June 2002 as a promotional magazine insert. Inserts were included in Scrye Magazine, InQuest Magazine, Codex (in Sweden), Starlog (in the UK), Gamer's Sideboard (in Malaysia), Oracolo (in Italy), Kartefakt (in Germany), and Lotus Noir (in France).[1]

"They began to call him well-preserved, but unchanged would have been nearer the mark."
This card is a reprint of Saruman, Servant of the Eye (3C69) . Gameplay is identical to that card, whose strategy article is shown below.
Collection Info
Title Saruman
Subtitle Servant of the Eye
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Premium
Card Number 11
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Collection Info
Title Saruman
Subtitle Servant of the Eye
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Premium
Card Number 11
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Collection Info
Title Saruman
Subtitle Servant of the Eye
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Promotional
Card Number 11
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Collection Info
Title Saruman
Subtitle Servant of the Eye
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 0 - Promotional
Rarity P - Promotional
Card Number 11
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Wizard
Twilight Cost 4
Strength 8
Vitality 4
Site Number 4
Game Text Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Assignment: Exert Saruman to assign an minion to a companion (except the Ring-bearer). That companion may exert to prevent this.

DE - German

Game Text Saruman darf in der Fernkampfphase keine Wunde erleiden und darf keinem Kampf zugewiesen werden.

Zuweisung: Strenge Saruman an, um einem Gefährten (außer dem Ringträger) einen Diener zuzuweisen. Dieser Gefährte darf sich anstrengen, um dies zu verhindern.

ES - Spanish

Game Text Saruman no puede recibir heridas durante la fase de arquería y no puede ser asignado a una escaramuza. Asignación: Esfuerza a Saruman para asignar un siervo a un compañero (excepto al Portador del Anillo). Ese compañero se puede esforzar para prevenir eso.
FR - French
Card Name Saroumane, Serviteur de l'œil
Game Text Saroumane ne peut pas prendre de blessure pendant la phase d’archerie et ne peut pas être affecté à un combat. Affectation : Affaiblissez Saroumane pour affecter un séide à un compagnon (excepté le Porteur de l’Anneau). Ce compagnon peut s’affaiblir pour empêrche l'affectation.
HU - Hungarian
IT - Italian

Game Text Saruman non può subire ferite durante la fase degli arcieri e non può essere assegnato a una schermaglia.

Assegnazione: Sforza Saruman per assegnare un servitore a un compagno (tranne il Portatore dell’Anello). Quel compagno può sforzarsi per prevenirlo.

PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S011.0
GEMP ID 0_11
LOTRO Image ID 03_069
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S011.0
GEMP ID 0_11
LOTRO Image ID 03_069
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S011.0
GEMP ID 0_11
LOTRO Image ID 03_069
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN00S011.0
GEMP ID 0_11
LOTRO Image ID 03_069


Saruman SoTE is a deadly version of Saruman, although he isn’t too fearsome in the format he’s released in. In Fellowship Block, SoTE is overshadowed by KoI, and there is usually too much archery and too little twilight for him to be effective. Even then, a well-timed SoTE can easily assign a tough minion to a support companion such as Legolas, which could result in easy kill. He can also put pressure on Merry, Friend to Sam or Sam, Son of Hamfast, each of whom must exert 3 times to prevent SoTE’s assignment attempts. Or assure the vitality of Isengard Smith at regroup phase in order to discard Free Peoples weapons (by assigning the Smith to a companion with low strength or no damage bonus, while Isengard Warrior can prevent directed and massive archery).

In Towers Standard, Saruman, SoTE becomes extremely dangerous due to the introduction of Saruman's Staff. This allows him to assign himself to a companion. A strength 10 Damage + 1 Fierce minion will usually clean out your opponent’s support companions with ease, and cards like Saruman's Snows make the process even easier. Use Men Will Fall (or Bill Ferny, SSF) if you’re struggling with Saruman’s base strength being too low, but remember he will usually not beat the opponent’s tank (E.g. Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark; Gandalf, Mithrandir). Don’t forget he can assign other minions too; there is more twilight in Two Towers than Fellowship, so it may be possible to play Saruman in conjunction with Lurtz, another strong Uruk or a mounted Warg-rider.

His skill is especially strong against companions with 3 or less vitality, so exerting cards like One of You Must Do This, Orthanc Berserker, No Dawn for Men, Unferth or splashed Southron archers can pave the road for much easier kills. Such skill can also stack with the assignment abilities of other [Isengard] cards, like Orthanc Champion or Many Riddles, so the skirmishes are arranged exactly as you want.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Support Companions
  • Low Vitality Companions
  • Self-exerting Companions

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Maneuver Wounding (in FOTR block, only Betrayal of Isengard and Hobbit Sword-play)
  • Archery Wounding (If using Saruman's Staff)
  • Foul Creation and A New Light (can discard Saruman from your hand)
  • Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (If using Saruman's Staff)
  • Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Uruk-hai are fierce.

Response: If an Uruk-hai is about to take a wound, exert Saruman to prevent that wound.

Saruman, Rabble-rouser (4R33) Saruman may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Each time the fellowship moves, the Free Peoples player must exert a companion for each Man you can spot. Skirmish: Exert Saruman to make a Man strength +2.

Saruman, Black Traitor (4R173) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

When you play Saruman, you may discard a condition.

Shadow: Exert Saruman to play Saruman’s Staff from your discard pile.

Saruman, Master of Foul Folk (5R56) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Each time the fellowship moves, you may heal each Orc twice.

Shadow: Exert Saruman to play an possession from your discard pile.

Saruman, Of Many Colours (12R54) Damage +1. Fierce. Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.) When you play Saruman, name a culture. Each companion of the named culture is strength –1.
Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (12S144) Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.)

Skirmish: Exert Saruman to make an  minion strength +2.

Each time a companion is killed, you may heal Saruman.

Saruman, Instigator of Insurrection (17R37) Saruman cannot be assigned to a skirmish.

While you can spot 6 companions, each minion gains hunter 2.

Response: If a hunter minion is about to take a wound, exert Saruman to prevent that.

Saruman, Servant of Sauron (17R38) Aid - . (At the start of the maneuver phase, you may remove to transfer this to a minion.)

Each time bearer wins a skirmish, you may exert a companion.

Saruman, Coldly Still (17S48) Each minion bearing a possession is strength +2.

Skirmish: Exert Saruman to play a possession from your discard pile.

Saruman, Curunir (17S115) Each time an hunter wins a skirmish, heal a different minion.

Skirmish: Exert Saruman twice to make a companion lose the hunter keyword until the start of the regroup phase.

Saruman, Master of the White Hand (17R116) Each companion is resistance -1.

Skirmish: Exert Saruman to discard a condition borne by a companion skirmishing an minion.

Saruman, Fell Voice (V1_30) While you cannot spot a weather, Saruman may not take wounds in the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

While at a site bearing a weather, each minion is strength +2.

Response: If the fellowship moves from a site bearing a weather, discard this minion to exert each companion. ​


  1. Wayback Machine: [1]