Saruman, Rabble-rouser (4R33)

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Saruman, Rabble-rouser (4R33) is a Dunland Minion from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Saruman
Subtitle Rabble-rouser
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 33
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Dunland
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Wizard
Twilight Cost 4
Strength 8
Vitality 4
Site Number 4
Game Text Saruman may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Each time the fellowship moves, the Free Peoples player must exert a companion for each Man you can spot. Skirmish: Exert Saruman to make a Man strength +2.

DE - German

Game Text Saruman darf keinem Kampf zugewiesen werden. Jedes Mal, wenn sich die Gemeinschaft bewegt, muss der Freie Völker Spieler einen Gefährten für jeden Menschen, den du entdecken kannst, anstrengen. Kampf: Strenge Saruman an, um einem Menschen Stärke +2 zu gerben.
ES - Spanish

Game Text Saruman no puede ser asignado a una escaramuza. Cada vez que la comunidad se mueve, el jugador de Gentes Libres debe esforzar un compañero por cada Hombre que puedas avistar. Escaramuza: Esfuerza a Saruman para darle a un Hombre fuerza +2.
FR - French
Card Name Saroumane, Agitateur
Game Text Saroumane ne peut pas être affecté à un combat. Chaque fois que la compagnie se déplace, le joueur des Peuples Libre doit affaiblir un compagnon pour chaque Homme que vous pouvez désigner. Combat : Affaiblissez Saroumane pour donner +2 en force à un Homme .
IT - Italian

Game Text Saruman non può essere assegnato a una schermaglia. Ogni volta che la compagnia si muove, il giocatore dei Popoli Liberi deve sforzare un compagno per ogni Uomo che puoi avvistare. Schermaglia: Sforza Saruman per aggiungere +2 alla forza di un Uomo .

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S033.0
GEMP ID 4_33
LOTRO Hex ID 61 92 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_033


Standing behind the Dunlendings and urging them ever to greater battles is Saruman. His words are so powerful that a tiny exertion on his part will raise the strength of a Dunlending Man by +2. He plans not just to raze the plains of Rohan though, but to hinder the Fellowships move to Mordor, forcing them to exert when they move for each Dunland Man in play. If you are worried about your opponent double moving from site 7 to 9, you can play Saruman with several Dunlending men at site 7. Use Saruman's ability to exert to make a Dunlending strength +2 to keep those minions alive and stop you opponent in his tracks.

But stopping a double move is not the only use for Saruman, Rabble-Rouser. All of the major strategies of the culture: fierce fights, site control and possession removal are keyed off their winning skirmishes. In two of these strategies, single fights can make or break a game. It's that first possession removal that is the hardest. Your opponent has his possessions on the table, beefing up his companions. You MUST win the skirmish to remove them. Saruman can help ensure that win.

Site control is the other big battle. Only four Dunlending minions grant site control and in three cases you need two minions on the table to get the site. The Dunlending Ransacker can grant control of a site only if after he wins the skirmish, you can spot another Dunlending Man. At only a 7 strength, the Ransacker is a difficult minion to win skirmishes with. Even an Iron Axe only pumps him up to 10. But with Saruman on the table you can get him to at least a 13. The Hillman Tribe is a little better off, at a base strength of 9, but you can be sure your opponent will be trying all the tricks they can to beat him. The other site control minion, Wulf, needs to see another Dunlending win a skirmish and be able to exert to take control of a site. Once again, Saruman comes in handy. This time, exert him to keep Wulf free of wounds and then again if necessary to allow another minion to win. >by Cynthia Hart

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

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Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Saruman, Keeper of Isengard (3R68) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Uruk-hai are fierce.

Response: If an Uruk-hai is about to take a wound, exert Saruman to prevent that wound.

Saruman, Servant of the Eye (3C69) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Assignment: Exert Saruman to assign an minion to a companion (except the Ring-bearer). That companion may exert to prevent this.

Saruman, Black Traitor (4R173) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

When you play Saruman, you may discard a condition.

Shadow: Exert Saruman to play Saruman’s Staff from your discard pile.

Saruman, Master of Foul Folk (5R56) Saruman may not take wounds during the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Each time the fellowship moves, you may heal each Orc twice.

Shadow: Exert Saruman to play an possession from your discard pile.

Saruman, Of Many Colours (12R54) Damage +1. Fierce. Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.) When you play Saruman, name a culture. Each companion of the named culture is strength –1.
Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (12S144) Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.)

Skirmish: Exert Saruman to make an  minion strength +2.

Each time a companion is killed, you may heal Saruman.

Saruman, Instigator of Insurrection (17R37) Saruman cannot be assigned to a skirmish.

While you can spot 6 companions, each minion gains hunter 2.

Response: If a hunter minion is about to take a wound, exert Saruman to prevent that.

Saruman, Servant of Sauron (17R38) Aid - . (At the start of the maneuver phase, you may remove to transfer this to a minion.)

Each time bearer wins a skirmish, you may exert a companion.

Saruman, Coldly Still (17S48) Each minion bearing a possession is strength +2.

Skirmish: Exert Saruman to play a possession from your discard pile.

Saruman, Curunir (17S115) Each time an hunter wins a skirmish, heal a different minion.

Skirmish: Exert Saruman twice to make a companion lose the hunter keyword until the start of the regroup phase.

Saruman, Master of the White Hand (17R116) Each companion is resistance -1.

Skirmish: Exert Saruman to discard a condition borne by a companion skirmishing an minion.

Saruman, Mind of Metal and Wheels (V2_29) Saruman may not be assigned to a skirmish.

Companions skirmishing <symbol>Isengard</symbol> Orcs lose all damage bonuses.

Response: If an Orc is about to take a wound, exert Saruman to prevent that wound.

Saruman, Fell Voice (V1_30) While you cannot spot a weather, Saruman may not take wounds in the archery phase and may not be assigned to a skirmish.

While at a site bearing a weather, each minion is strength +2.

Response: If the fellowship moves from a site bearing a weather, discard this minion to exert each companion. ​

See Also[edit]

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