Anger (4C3)

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Anger (4C3) is a Dunland Event from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Anger
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 3
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Dunland
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Skirmish: Spot 3 minions or a site you control to make a Man fierce until the regroup phase.
Lore Rage filled the hearts of the Dunlending attackers.
DE - German
Card Name Zorn
Game Text Kampf Entdecke 3 Diener oder einen Ort, den du kontrollierst, um einen Menschen bis zur Sammelphase Erbittert zu machen.
Lore Rasender Zorn erfüllte die Herzen der Angreifer aus dem Dunland.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Rabia
Game Text Escaramuza: Avista 3 siervos o un sitio que controles para dar a un Hombre fiero hasta la fase de reagrupación.
Lore La furia llenó los corazones de los atacantes Dunlendinos.
FR - French
Card Name Colère
Game Text Combat : Désignez 3 séides ou un site que vous contrôlez pour rendre un Homme acharné jusqu’à la phase de ralliement.
Lore La rage emplissait le coeur des attaquants de Dun.
IT - Italian
Card Name Collera
Game Text Schermaglia: Avvista 3 servitori o un sito che controlli per rendere Feroce un Uomo fino alla fase di raccolta.
Lore La rabbia riempì i cuori degli assalitori Dunlandiani.

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S003.0
LOTRO Hex ID 63 90 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_003


Gameplay Strategy[edit]

A very niche event, Anger has a mild spot requirement to force a Free Peoples player to deal with a minion twice. As you must spot 3 Dunland minions rather than Men, Saruman, Rabble-rouser (4R33) will count towards this total and make it more attainable if the Shadow Player hasn't managed to take a site yet. A similar event, War Cry of Dunland (4C37) , costs 1 twilight and requires a minion to win a skirmish, but makes that minion fierce and Strength +4. Since Dunland has a strong capacity for winning skirmishes and doing so is often the precursor to controlling a site in the first place, Anger is typically less useful and rarely finds its way into a deck.

That said, Anger isn't without any use at all. While Dunland excels at skirmishing, the Free Peoples are often equipped to win at least a handful of skirmishes, usually doing everything they can against minions such as Hillman Tribe (4C25) or Dunlending Pillager (4U13) . Coupled with Hides (4R19) to keep minions alive, Anger can make a defeated (or soon to be defeated) minion fierce and force a skirmish the Free Peoples aren't prepared for after using everything to beat that minion the first time.

Because the effect lasts until the regroup phase, Anger can be used during another minion's skirmish phase and catch the Free Peoples off guard (especially if he or she has just used an event to beat a non-essential minion, believing all skirmishes to be over). This may be necessary if a Shadow player won't be able to meet the spot requirement after a less essential minion dies. Naturally, Anger can also be used on a minion which is going to win its skirmish, though if you often find yourself using the card for this purpose consider using War Cry of Dunland for the job instead. Remember, the event must be used before the last regular skirmish ends to allow a minion to participate in fierce skirmishes.

Deckbuilding Strategy[edit]

In general, War Cry of Dunland (4C37) is a better card for most Dunland decks. Anger may be a worthwhile consideration for decks centered around playing minions in the skirmish phase with Dunlending Arsonist (4U9) and his kin after hitting the 4 copy limit of War Cry of Dunland. This is an extremely twilight-efficient strategy (4 minions of 10 strength could be played for 8 twilight and dish out a combined 8 wounds), particularly effective against choke and archery strategies which stress the twilight pool and may otherwise clog your hand with Shadow cards. However, it requires 3 cards in hand for every 2 minions played and therefore may lack against other Free Peoples strategies which give up more twilight and are better equipped to handle each skirmish -- it would often be better to have 3 minions or 2 minions and a pump for those instances. Expensive cards (for example, Hill Clan (6R6) or Over the Isen (4U31) ) may be worth including for this strategy to take advantage of every twilight token on the table when there is plenty, and Anger in turn may help you get the use you need out of those expensive cards in times where you have more need for twilight than there is available.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Comparatively worse than War Cry of Dunland (4C37) most of the time
  • Fellowships with stronger skirmish capabilities than the Shadow Player, when pumps are required to win skirmishes
  • Fellowships with damage bonuses, which may prevent the Shadow Player from keeping a defeated minion alive


A minion must be in play and fierce at the start of the fierce assignment phase to participate in a fierce skirmish.

- Fierce_2 section