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Arod, Rohirrim Steed (13R1)
Awkward Moment (13C2)
Deep Hatred (13U3)
Dwarf-lords (13U4)
Gimli, Lord of the Glittering Caves (13R5)
Honoring His Kinfolk (13C6)
Sorrow Shared (13C7)
Subterranean Homestead (13R8)
Arwen, Reflection of Luthien (13S9)
Asfaloth, Swift Blossom (13R10)
Celeborn, The Wise (13R11)
City of the Trees (13C12)
Crashing Cavalry (13C13)
Final Shot (13C14)
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (13R15)
Inside a Song (13C16)
Kindreds Estranged (13U17)
Legolas, of the Grey Company (13R18)
Let Fly (13U19)
Lórien Protector (13S20)
Many Miles (13C21)
Secluded Homestead (13R22)
Shrouded Elf (13C23)
Spring Forth Nimbly (13C24)
Standing Tall (13C25)
Take Up the Bow (13R26)
Wells of Deep Memory (13U27)
Celeborn, The Wise (13RF1)
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (13RF2)
Legolas, of the Grey Company (13RF3)
Celeborn, The Wise (13O1)
Galadriel, Sorceress of the Hidden Land (13O2)
Legolas, of the Grey Company (13O3)
Alatar, Final Envoy (13U28)
Dasron, Merchant from Dorwinion (13C29)
Fear and Great Wonder (13C30)
The Flame of Anor (13U31)
For a While Less Dark (13C32)
Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (13R33)
Look to My Coming (13U34)
No Colour Now (13C35)
The Palantír of Orthanc, Recovered Seeing Stone (13R36)
Pallando, Far-travelling One (13R37)
Radagast, Tender of Beasts (13R38)
Return to Us (13C39)
Shadowfax, Roaring Wind (13R40)
Strange Meeting (13C41)
Traveler’s Homestead (13R42)
Vapour and Steam (13U43)
Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (13RF4)
Pallando, Far-travelling One (13RF5)
Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (13O4)
Pallando, Far-traveling One (13O5)
Chasm’s Edge (13R44)
Cunningly Hidden (13U45)
Déagol, Fateful Finder (13R46)
Duality (13C47)
Fishing Boat (13R48)
Gladden Homestead (13R49)
Gollum, Her Sneak (13U50)
It’s My Birthday (13C51)
Little Snuffler (13U52)
Naked Waste (13U53)
Out of All Knowledge (13C54)
Sméagol, Simple Stoor (13U55)
Softly Up Behind (13U56)
Trap Is Sprung (13R57)
Wild Light of Madness (13R58)
Déagol, Fateful Finder (13RF6)
Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (13R59)
Away on the Wind (13U60)
Banners Blowing (13U61)
Boromir, Doomed Heir (13S62)
Brego, Loyal Steed (13R63)
Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (13R64)
Elendil, High-king of Gondor (13R65)
Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (13C66)
Guard of the White Tree (13U67)
Guarded City (13C68)
Heirs of Gondor (13C69)
Hope Renewed (13U70)
Isildur, Heir of Elendil (13U71)
Kings’ Legacy (13U72)
Kingsfoil (13C73)
Rally the Company (13S74)
Stewards’ Legacy (13U75)
Storied Homestead (13R76)
Tradesman From Lebennin (13C77)
Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (13RF7)
Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (13RF8)
Aragorn, Isildur's Heir (13O6)
Denethor, Last Ruling Steward (13O7)
Alatar Deceived (13R78)
Pallando Deceived (13U79)
Radagast Deceived (13R80)
Staff of Saruman, Fallen Istar's Stave (13R81)
Bring Down the Wall (13C82)
Caravan From the South (13C83)
Corsair Champion (13R84)
Cruel Dunlending (13S85)
Desert Wind (13R86)
Driven From the Plains (13C87)
Dunlending Patriarch (13U88)
Dunlending Trapper (13U89)
Easterling Runner (13C90)
Fires Brightly Burning (13U91)
Gríma, Footman of Saruman (13U92)
Harmless (13R93)
Howdah (13U94)
Lying in Wait (13U95)
Merciless Dunlending (13C96)
Pirate Cutthroat (13C97)
Southron Murderer (13U98)
Stragglers (13S99)
Vicious Dunlending (13S100)
Voice of the Desert, Southron Troop (13R101)
Worn Battleaxe (13C102)
Voice of the Desert, Southron Troop (13RF9)
Always Threatening (13U103)
Chamber Patrol (13R104)
Defiled (13U105)
Enemy Upon Enemy (13U106)
Expendable Servants (13C107)
Forced March (13R108)
Howling Orc (13S109)
Isengard Informant (13U110)
Massing Strength (13C111)
Orc Crusher (13R112)
Orc Line-breaker (13C113)
Orc Plains Runner (13S114)
Orc Raid Commander (13R115)
Orc Reaper (13C116)
Ordnance Grunt (13R117)
Picket Denizen (13S118)
Underdeeps Denizen (13C119)
Unforgiving Depths (13C120)
Whatever Means (13C121)
Chamber Patrol (13RF10)
Orc Crusher (13RF11)
Bitter Tidings (13U122)
Éomer, Heir to Meduseld (13R123)
Éowyn, Restless Warrior (13U124)
Ferthu Théoden Hal (13C125)
Firefoot, Mearas of the Mark (13R126)
Freely Across Our Land (13C127)
Háma, Captain of the King's Guard (13U128)
Hamstrung (13C129)
Hurried Barrows (13U130)
King’s Board (13U131)
Merchant of Westfold (13C132)
Riddermark Tactician (13C133)
Ride With Me (13C134)
Rider’s Bow (13U135)
Snowmane, Noble Mearas (13R136)
Théoden, The Renowned (13R137)
Théodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (13R138)
Wind-swept Homestead (13R139)
Éomer, Heir to Meduseld (13RF12)
Théoden, The Renowned (13RF13)
Éomer, Heir to Meduseld (13O8)
Théoden, The Renowned (13O9)
Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor (13R140)
Sceptre of the Dark Lord (13R141)
Sauron, Dark Lord of Mordor (13RF14)
Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (13R142)
Bill the Pony, Dearly-loved (13R143)
Daddy Twofoot, Next-door Neighbor (13U144)
Don’t Let Go (13C145)
Everything but My Bones (13U146)
Faith in Friendship (13C147)
Fates Entwined (13U148)
Frodo, Frenzied Fighter (13R149)
Frodo Gamgee, Son of Samwise (13U150)
The Gaffer, Master Gardener (13U151)
Humble Homestead (13R152)
Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail (13R153)
New Chapter (13U154)
Phial of Galadriel, The Light of Earendil (13R155)
Sam, Bearer of Great Need (13R156)
Westfarthing Businessman (13C157)
Frodo, Frenzied Fighter (13RF15)
Sam, Bearer of Great Need (13RF16)
Assault Commander (13R158)
Assault Denizen (13C159)
Cavern Denizen (13C160)
Endless Assault (13C161)
Enemy Without Number (13C162)
Entranced Uruk (13C163)
Fearless Approach (13C164)
Isengard Infiltrator (13U165)
New Enemy (13U166)
Signs of War (13U167)
Uruk Aggressor (13C168)
Uruk Blitz (13R169)
Uruk Distractor (13U170)
Uruk Invader (13R171)
Uruk Outrider (13C172)
Uruk Reserve (13C173)
Uruk Rogue (13R174)
Uruk Tactician (13C175)
War Machine (13C176)
Weapons of Control (13U177)
Uruk Blitz (13RF17)
Uruk Rogue (13RF18)
Dark Fell About Him (13R178)
From Hideous Eyrie (13U179)
Shadow in the East (13R180)
They Came From Mordor (13U181)
Úlairë Enquëa, Sixth of the Nine Riders (13R182)
Úlairë Lemenya, Servant of the Shadow (13U183)
Úlairë Nertëa, Servant of the Shadow (13C184)
Abandoned Mine Shaft (13U185)
Caves of Aglarond (13S186)
City of Kings (13U187)
Courtyard Parapet (13U188)
Crossroads of the Fallen Kings (13S189)
Doors of Durin (13U190)
Fords of Isen (13S191)
The Great Gates (13S192)
Isenwash (13U193)
Redhorn Pass (13U194)