Goblin Flankers (2C61)

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Goblin Bowman (2C60)
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Goblin Pursuer (2C62)

Goblin Flankers (2C61) is a Moria Minion from the Mines of Moria set.

Collection Info
Title Goblin Flankers
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 2 - Mines of Moria
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 61
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Moria
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Orc
Twilight Cost 5
Strength 11
Vitality 3
Site Number 4
Game Text When you play this minion, you may add if the fellowship has moved more than once this turn.
Lore “‘There are Orcs, very many of them.... And some are large and evil....'”
DE - German
Card Name Goblin Flankenläufer
Game Text Wenn sich die Gemeinschaft in diesem Spielzug mehr als einmal bewegt hat, darfst du den Einfluss um erhöhen, wenn du diesen Diener ausspielst.
Lore "Das sind Orks, und zwar sehr viele... Und manche sind groß und böse...“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Flanqueadores Goblin
Game Text Cuando juegas este siervo, puedes añadir si la compañía se ha movido más de una vez este turno.
Lore “Hay Orcos, muchos de ellos... y algunos son grandes y malignos...”
FR - French
Card Name Tirailleurs Gobelins
Game Text Lorsque vous jouez ce séide, ajoutez si la compagnie s’est déplacée plus d’une fois pendant ce tour.
Lore « “Il y a des orques, en grand nombre... Et certains sont grands et mauvais...” »
IT - Italian
Card Name Fiancheggiatori Goblin
Game Text Quando giochi questo servitore, puoi aggiungere se la compagnia si è mossa più di una volta in questo turno.
Lore “‘Sono Orchi, e sono una moltitudine... Alcuni grossi e malvagi...'”
PL - Polish

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN02S061.0
GEMP ID 2_61
LOTRO Hex ID 6D 4B E8 01
LOTRO Image ID 02_061


Gameplay Strategy

This minion is largely confined to a Moria Beatdown deck, taking advantage of its high vitality with Moria Axe (1R190) to get up to 17 strength (as much as The Balrog) for just 6 twilight. The text reduces the net cost of playing them to if the Free Peoples player doubles, an incredible deal for the Shadow player. While still difficult to utilize for swarm strategies (which typically get a stop or pose no threat in future moves with little in between), this makes it a great boon to beatdown decks which might only be able to play one or two minions otherwise.

It is able to win skirmishes and get stacked on Goblin Swarms (1R183) with relative ease, which may make utilizing its text a little easier and may discourage the Free Peoples from attempting to move when they otherwise would. Although it may be tempting to reserve this minion for if an opponent doubles, the trademark recursion of Moria makes this unnecessary: if it is played and survives to the regroup phase, getting two sites of use out of it instead of just one is almost always the best value it can bring. If it doesn't survive, the built-in rebate will guarantee its affordability so that the Shadow player can get two sites of use out of it anyway. Holding onto it will only weaken your ability to get through your deck. However, when there's only enough twilight to play this minion or another one, the potential of an opponent doubling should be a contributing factor.

Deckbuilding Strategy

This minion primarily wrestles with Moria Scout (1C191) , Troll’s Keyward (1R199) , and Goblin Patrol Troop (1C177) for deck space, with Ancient Chieftain (1R163) occasionally in the mix. Moria Axe (1R190) is a necessity to justify the twilight cost, and if you have to use Relics of Moria (1R195) or Goblin Scavengers (1C179) to pull it then there may not be enough twilight to play another strong minion. If you're only going to play one minion it may as well be your best, giving Goblin Patrol Troop an edge in those instances -- you are more likely to have an extra for a better minion than potentially to play Moria Scout and another Axe.

On the other hand, when you are given enough twilight to play several minions counting twilight will often matter more than the extra 2 strength that the Patrol Troop offers. You want to put as many Axes on the table as possible and ensure that the smallest minions are still strong enough to win. Because the Keyward is unique and often deprioritized to avoid drawing multiples of it at once, this minion is the closest thing to balance between the weak Moria Scout and the expensive Patrol Troop that there is. As always, Goblin Armory (1R173) does much to ease any twilight concerns.

With the abundant recursion of Moria, its text gives Moria beatdown a unique edge over more straightforward beatdown decks such as Uruk-hai. After all, clearing the table isn't an invitation to move again when the Free Peoples player knows that you'll be able to play two or three 11 strength minions from the discard pile, potentially all bearing axes, and likely with twilight to spare. This should be a consideration when deciding the exact makeup of minions. If you are in need of more stopping power, putting all 4 copies of this minion in the deck will keep opponents from racing away without a sufficient beating.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Synergizes With...

Strong Versus...

  • Generally well-rounded minion that can survive most things the Free Peoples throws at it

Weak Versus...

See Also

Fellowship Block Sample Decklist (36 cards)