Ancient Chieftain (1R163) is a
Moria Minion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.
DE - German
Card Name
Erfahrener Häuptling
Game Text
Für jeden weiteren Ork, den du entdecken kannst, erhält der erfahrene Häuptling Stärke +1.
...sprang ein riesiger Orkhäuptling, fast mannshoch, von Kopf bis Fuss in einen schwarzen Panzer gehüllt, in die Kammer; hinter ihm rotteten sich seine Gefolgsleute an der Tür zusammen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name
Caudillo Antiguo
Game Text
Por cada otro Orco que puedas avistar, el Caudillo Antiguo es fuerza +1.
“...Un enorme jefe Orco, casi de la altura de un Hombre, vestido con malla negra de la cabeza a los pies, entro de un salto en la cámara; lo seguían otros, que se apretaron en la puerta.”
FR - French
Card Name
Ancien Chef de Clan
Game Text
Pour chaque autre Orque que vous pouvez désigner, l’Ancien Chef de Clan a +1 en force.
“...un énorme chef Orque presque de la taille d'un homme, vêtu de la tête aux pieds de mailles noires, bondit dans la chambre ; derrière lui, ses suivants se pressaient dans l'embrasure de la porte.”
IT - Italian
Card Name
Capo Anziano
Game Text
Per ogni altro Orco che puoi avvistare, Capo Anziano aggiunge +1 alla forza.
“...un enorme capo-Orco, di dimensioni quasi umane, ricoperto dalla testa ai piedi di una armatura di maglia nera, saltò nella stanza; alle sue spalle, gli assalitori affollavano il vano della porta.”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
43 2E F4
Like the Uruk Lieutenant in [Isengard] or Morgul Warden of [Sauron], Ancient Chieftain is a minion who gets stronger with company. Despite being unique, Ancient Chieftain is an incredibly popular addition to [Moria] swarm strategies, which often generate plenty of twilight to account for his [4] cost. With 2 vitality, Ancient Chieftain is an option to absorb archery or bear the Moria Axe, making the minion even more dangerous.
Ancient Chieftain is usually easy to stack on Goblin Swarms, and with They Are Coming or Host of Thousands to tutor the minion from the discard pile, more than one or two copies is not necessary to a swarm-based deck, where the minion thrives.
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Strong Versus...[edit]
- Dangerous minion in Moria Swarm
- Rare [Moria] Orc with multiple vitality
- Possibility of being biggest minion in [Moria] culture
- Is unique, and can thus get a strength benefit from Dark Places (Or Durin's Tower)
Weak Versus...[edit]
- Directed wounding, such as Legolas, Greenleaf or Defend It and Hope
- Curse Their Foul Feet
- A small swarm, where smaller minions are killed before focusing on this minion