Mount Doom/Index
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Aegnor, Elven Escort (10U4)
Arwen, Echo of Luthien (10U5)
Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men (10R6)
Celeborn, Lord of the Galadhrim (10R7)
Círdan, The Shipwright (10R8)
Elrond, Venerable Lord (10R9)
Fleet-footed (10C10)
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed (10R11)
Glimpse of Fate (10U12)
Phial of Galadriel, Star-glass (10R13)
Borne Far Away (10R14)
Brooding on Tomorrow (10U15)
Gathering Wind (10C16)
Out of the High Airs (10R17)
Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood (10R18)
A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)
Final Strike (10U20)
Gollum, Mad Thing (10R21)
Reclaim the Precious (10U22)
Shelob, Her Ladyship (10R23)
Unabated in Malice (10C24)
Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (10R25)
Cursed of Erech (10U26)
Dead Man of Dunharrow (10C27)
Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith (10R28)
Drawing His Eye (10R29)
End of the Game (10C30)
Every Little is a Gain (10C31)
Fifth Level (10U32)
Hardy Garrison (10U33)
Last Throw (10C34)
Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar (10M1)
Cast Unto the Winds (10C36)
Corsair Boatswain (10C37)
Corsair Brute (10R38)
Corsair Ruffian (10U39)
Easterling Berserker (10R40)
Easterling Pillager (10C41)
Far Harad Mercenaries (10C42)
Field of the Fallen (10U43)
High Vantage (10U44)
Mûmak Chieftain (10R45)
Quelled (10R46)
Rallying Call (10U47)
Seasoned Leader (10R48)
Southron Fanatic (10C49)
Southron Savage (10C50)
Stampeded (10R51)
Under Foot (10C52)
Black Marshal (10U53)
Cirith Ungol Scavenger (10U54)
Cirith Ungol Soldier (10C55)
Cirith Ungol Warrior (10C56)
Cirith Ungol Watchman (10U57)
Dark Swooping Shadows (10R58)
Gorbag, Covetous Captain (10R59)
Gorbag's Sword (10R60)
Houses of Lamentation (10C61)
Morgul Banner-bearer (10C62)
Morgul Vanguard (10R63)
Stooping to the Kill (10C64)
Swarming Like Beetles (10C65)
Ten Times Outnumbered (10C66)
Úlairë Cantëa, Thrall of the One (10R67)
Úlairë Enquëa, Thrall of the One (10R68)
Úlairë Lemenya, Thrall of the One (10U69)
Úlairë Nelya, Thrall of the One (10U70)
Úlairë Toldëa, Thrall of the One (10R71)
Advance Captain (10R75)
Advance Marauder (10C76)
Advance Regular (10C77)
Advance Scout (10U78)
Barren Land (10C79)
Beaten Back (10C80)
Cirith Ungol Guard (10C81)
Cirith Ungol Patroller (10U82)
Cirith Ungol Sentinel (10U83)
Cirith Ungol Sentry (10C84)
Flames Within (10C85)
Gorgoroth Keeper (10C86)
Gorgoroth Swarm (10C87)
Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul (10R88)
Gothmog's Warg (10R89)
Mordor Brute (10C90)
Mordor Fiend (10C91)
Mordor Pillager (10U92)
Mordor Wretch (10U93)
Orc Ravager (10R94)
Orc Slaughterer (10R95)
Rank and File (10U96)
The Ring is Mine! (10U97)
Ruinous Hail (10U98)
Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol (10R99)
Speak No More to Me (10R100)
Troll of Cirith Gorgor (10R101)
Uruk Axe (10C102)
Window of The Eye (10C103)
Birthday Present (10R104)
Brave and Loyal (10U105)
Chance Observation (10C106)
Great Heart (10C107)
A Light in His Mind (10U108)
Make Haste (10C109)
A Marvel (10C110)
Narrow Escape (10U111)
Nine-fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom (10C112)
Orc Armor (10C113)
Shadowplay (10U114)
Slunk Out of Sight (10U115)
The Tale of the Great Ring (10U116)
Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (10P121)
Sam, Great Elf Warrior (10P122)
Base of Mindolluin (10U117)
Pelennor Prairie (10U118)
Steward's Tomb (10U119)
Watchers of Cirith Ungol (10U120)