Dunlending Ravager (4C15)

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Dunlending Ravager (4C15) is a Dunland Minion from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Dunlending Ravager
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 15
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Dunland
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Man
Twilight Cost 1
Strength 5
Vitality 1
Site Number 3
Game Text While skirmishing a Man, this minion is strength +2.

Assignment: Spot an ally to make that ally participate in skirmishes and assign this minion to skirmish that ally.

Lore “‘They will not give way now for dusk or dawn, until Théoden is taken, or they themselves are slain.'”
DE - German
Card Name Dunland Vandale
Game Text Solange dieser Diener gegen einen Menschen kämpft, erhält er Stärke+2. Zuweisung: Entdecke einen Verbündeten, um diesen zu zwingen am Kampf teilzunehmen. Der Dunland Vandale wird diesem Verbündeten zugewiesen.
Lore "Sie werden nicht zurückweichen, ob nun die Abend – oder Morgendämmerung kommt, bis Théoden gefangengenommen ist oder sie selbst erschlagen sind.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Devastador Dunlendino
Game Text Mientras esté en una escaramuza contra un Hombre , este siervo es fuerza +2.

Asignación: Avista un aliado para hacer que ese aliado participe en escaramuzas y asignar este siervo contra ese aliado.

Lore “No los detendrán las luces del alba ni las sombras del crepúsculo, hasta que hayan tomado prisionero a Théoden, o ellos mismos hayan sucumbido.”
FR - French
Card Name Ravageur Dun
Game Text Lorsqu’il combat un Homme , ce séide a +2 en force. Affectation : Désignez un allié pour faire participer cet allié aux combats et affecter ce séide au combat de cet allié.
Lore « “Ils ne fléchiront pas maintenant, que ce soit le crépuscule ou l'aube, tant que Théoden ne sera pris ou eux-mêmes tués.” »
IT - Italian
Card Name Distruttore Dunlandiano
Game Text Mentre schermaglia con un Uomo , aggiungi +2 alla forza di questo servitore.

Assegnazione: Avvista un alleato per far parteci-pare quell’alleato alle schermaglie e assegnare questo servitore a schermagliare con quell’alleato.

Lore “‘Alba e crepuscolo non li faranno indietreggiare se prima non avranno fatto prigioniero Théoden, o non si saranno fatti tutti uccidere.'”

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S015.0
GEMP ID 4_15
LOTRO Hex ID 6F 90 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_015


The Dunlending Ravager is a 1 cost, 5 strength minion whose versatility is often overlooked. This card should be a natural for inclusion in every Dunlending deck you make because of the many ways it can destroy allies and aid in various Dunlending strategies.

Teaming the Dunlending Ravager with the Dunlending Warrior is a good counter for anyone who winds up facing Rohan Fellowships day in and day out. Kill off the annoying villagers who heal and pump strength and you've crippled the Rohan companions. But the Ravager can also win skirmishes against almost any unpumped ally, not just the Rohan ones. The only allies who can triumph over the Ravager without some kind of weapon or pump card are Elrond, Celeborn and Treebeard.

And how many times have you watched Frodo in an open format tournament "Filibert" out of a fierce skirmish that would have otherwise killed a companion? The Dunlending Ravager can easily overwhelm Filibert and solve that problem. Hate the Bounder? Let the Ravager play with him.

The Dunlending Ravager is also the perfect complement for a number of Dunlending deck strategies. Are you running Dunlending possession removal? Slap a War Club on the Dunlending Ravager and point him at an ally. Do that and you can remove Aragorn's sword and Gandalf's horse without even skirmishing a companion! And if your opponent has two allies out, use War Cry of Dunland to make the Ravager fierce and remove even more possessions.

Using Dunlending site control? Put down Wulf and the Dunlending Ravager. The Ravager wins and Wulf takes control of a site. It doesn't matter how much your opponent beefs up his companions; with the Dunlending Ravager you can still win skirmishes. Ever notice how many of the pump cards cannot be used to pump up allies? And any pump card that is used on an ally is once less card that is available for a companion.

The only Dunlending strategy the Ravager doesn't have a major part in is the fierce swarm. He doesn't get stronger when he wins a skirmish (unless you play a card on him that helps him do so) and he doesn't allow you to play another minion for a minus 2 twilight cost. But he's still a low cost minion who can soak up a point of archery for you before you get your Hides out; thereby helping to keep the others alive to do the real fighting.

So there you have it, the Dunlending Ravager; a versatile 1 cost minion who tears through allies and supports possession removal and site control. >by Cynthia Hart

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

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Strong Versus...[edit]

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Weak Versus...[edit]

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  • Also put quotes if a particular rule commonly affects the outcome of a card in a subtle manner (such as quoting the Rule of 4 for Saved From the Fire (8R20) )
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See Also[edit]

  • Add links to the wayback machine (or wiki archival links) for official Decipher articles regarding the card
  • Link to decks that use this card