Goblin Archer (1R172)

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Goblin Archer (1R172) is a Moria Minion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Goblin Archer
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 172
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Moria
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Orc
Twilight Cost 5
Strength 4
Vitality 3
Site Number 4
Game Text Archer. While you can spot another Orc, the fellowship archery total is -6.
Lore “An arrow whistled over Frodo's head.”
DE - German
Card Name Goblin Bogenschütze
Game Text Bogenschütze.Solange du einen anderen Ork entdecken kannst, reduziert sich der Fernkampfwert der Gemeinschaft um 6.
Lore Ein Pfeil schwirrte über Frodos Kopf.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Arquero Goblin
Game Text Arquero. Mientras puedas avistar otro Orco , el total de arquería de la comunidad es -6.
Lore “Una flecha silbó por encima de la cabeza de Frodo.”
FR - French
Card Name Archer Gobelin
Game Text Archer.

Tant que vous pouvez désigner un autre Orque , le total d’archerie de la compagnie est de -6.

Lore “Une flèche siffla au-dessus de la tête de Frodon.”
IT - Italian
Card Name Arciere Goblin
Game Text Arciere.

Finché puoi avvistare un altro Orco , sottrai -6 al totale degli arcieri della Compagnia.

Lore “Una freccia passò sibilando sulla testa di Frodo.”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S172.0
GEMP ID 1_172
LOTRO Image ID 01_172


Goblin Archer is the most expensive [moria] archer, aside from Moria Archer Troop, but its strength is extremely low, even for an archer, and its ability is effective only against certain deck types. It can essentially negate all Fellowship archery, as it is highly unlikely that the fellowship archery total will get above six. As such, Goblin Archer is effective against cards such as The Splendor of Their Banners or Gondor Bowmen, and can help protect moria swarms, as the smaller goblins typically lack vitality. The high vitality of Goblin Archer also makes it difficult to assassinate with Aragorn's Bow or Greenleaf. In spite of this, Goblin Archer is of no use against non-archery decks due to its expensive cost and poor strength, so the decision of whether or not to include it will likely depend on what decks you are currently playing against. The combination of Archer Commander and Moria Axe can make this minion's strength respectable, but Moria Archer Troop would typically a better candidate for this strategy. Pinned Down is another alternative for moria decks that struggle with archery.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Archery decks
  • Directed Wounding (Has 3 vitality)

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Choke
  • Strength-based fellowships