Uruk Camp (4U335)

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Rohirrim Village (4U334)
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Wold of Rohan (4U336)

Uruk Camp (4U335) is a Towers Block Site from the The Two Towers set.

Collection Info
Title Uruk Camp
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 4 - The Two Towers
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 335
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Site
Side None
Card Type Site
Site Style Standard
Site Number 2
Block Towers
Shadow Number 1
Arrow Direction Left
Sanctuary No
Game Text Plains. Battleground. Each time an Uruk-hai is played, that minion must exert.
DE - German
Card Name Uruklager
Game Text Ebene. Schlachtfeld.Jedes Mal, wenn ein Uruk-hai gespielt wird, muss dieser Diener angestrengt werden.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Campamento Uruk
Game Text Llanura. Campo de batalla. Cada vez que se juega un Uruk-hai, ese siervo debe esforzarse.
FR - French
Card Name Campement Ourouk
Game Text Plaine. Champ de bataille. Chaque fois qu’un Ourouk-Haï est joué, il doit être affaibli.
IT - Italian
Card Name Campo Uruk
Game Text Pianura. Campo di Battaglia. Ogni volta che viene giocato un Uruk-hai, quel servitore deve sforzarsi.

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN04S335.0
GEMP ID 4_335
LOTRO Hex ID 6F A4 D0 03
LOTRO Image ID 04_335


!Uruk Camp is both good and bad for uruks. Its main ability is to exert uruks as they are played, which weakens them and makes them susceptible to archery. Thus, this site can be used as a counter to uruks, which may be of use to fellowships that exerted two people at site 1, who may be vulnerable to the damage + 1 bonus of uruks.

On the other hand, uruks do derive some benefits from Uruk Camp. It is the only Battleground version of site 2. This can help uruks that get bonuses from battlegrounds such as Uruk Rear Guard and Uruk Vanguard (it is of no use to Uruk Defender without healing). It is also important for uruks that want to control battlegrounds (Advance Uruk Patrol and Uruk Assault Band), as it saves having to wait until the later sites 4 and 5. Uruk Camp is also good for berserkers, since they receive a strength boost from the exertion.

See Also[edit]

  • Is featured in the Theoden starter for set 4, despite being predominantly a negative feature for the uruks within.