Ulaire Lemenya, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U232)

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Ulaire Nelya, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U233)

Ulaire Lemenya, Lieutenant of Morgul (1U232) is a Ringwraith Minion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Úlairë Lemenya
Subtitle Lieutenant of Morgul
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 232
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Ringwraith
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Nazgul
Twilight Cost 4
Strength 9
Vitality 2
Site Number 3
Game Text Each companion or ally who bears a condition is strength -2.
Lore “‘Do you wish them to find you? They are terrible!'”
DE - German

Game Text Jeder Gefährte oder Verbündete auf dem ein Effekt liegt, erhält Stärke -2.
Lore "Wollt ihr, dass sie euch finden? Sie sind entsetzlich!“
ES - Spanish

Game Text Cada compañero o aliado que lleve una condición es fuerza -2.
Lore “¿Permitirá que le den alcance? ¡Son terribles!”
FR - French

Game Text Chaque compagnon ou allié qui porte une situation a -2 en force.
Lore “‘Voulez-vous qu'ils vous trouvent ? Ils sont terribles !'”
IT - Italian

Game Text Ogni compagno o alleato che porti una condizione sottrae -2 alla forza.
Lore “‘Volete che essi vi trovino? Sono terribili!'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S232.0
GEMP ID 1_232
LOTRO Hex ID 48 32 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_232


Ulaire Lemenya is not very good at winning skirmishes by himself, but when combined with one or two other heavy-hitting Nazgul he can be a force to be reckoned with. His ability allows any currently skirmishing minion to take advantage of the [Wraith] condition you've managed to attach to your opponent's companions, which at -2 can be decisive.

Of the available cards that can be used to activate his ability, Sauron's Gaze is the cheapest and can ensure the companion in question holds still long enough for the strength difference to take its toll. Black Breath on the other hand is usable in most formats and has a long lasting ability which can suffocate companions outside skirmishes. The other conditions are more situational but can of course be taken advantage of whenever it's convenient.

While it can be satisfying to make your opponent squirm after you've carpet-bombed his Fellowship with [Wraith] conditions, Lemenya is unfortunately lacking the Lurker keyword and thus is often sniped or skirmished first to mitigate his effect on the other skirmishes' outcome. Your best defense is to have Archery protection (such as Wreathed in Shadow) and perhaps an All Blades Perish or two to prevent Greenleaf or Aragorn's Bow sniping.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Fellowships with no condition removal

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Archery
  • Damage+1 companions
  • Flaming Brand

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Úlairë Lemenya, Winged Hunter (6U86) Regroup: Exert Úlairë Lemenya and discard 3 cards from hand to return a companion (except the Ring-bearer) to owner’s hand.
Úlairë Lemenya, Assailing Minion (7R213) Úlairë Lemenya is strength +1 for each other minion you spot.

While you can spot 3 minions Úlairë Lemenya is fierce.

While you can spot 4 minions Úlairë Lemenya is damage +1.

Úlairë Lemenya, Wraith on Wings (7U214) Regroup: If you have initiative, discard Úlairë Lemenya to discard a possession.
Úlairë Lemenya, Thrall of the One (10U69) Enduring. Fierce.

Shadow cards cannot exert Úlairë Lemenya during a skirmish phase.

Skirmish: Heal Úlairë Lemenya to wound up to 3 other minions.

Úlairë Lemenya, Fifth of the Nine Riders (11S221) Each character skirmishing Úlairë Lemenya who has resistance 5 or less is strength –3.
Úlairë Lemenya, Black Enemy (12U176) When you play Úlairë Lemenya, you may play a mount from your discard pile.
Úlairë Lemenya, Servant of the Shadow (13U183) Fierce.

Shadow: Exert Úlairë Lemenya and discard a Nazgûl from your hand to discard a condition from play.

Úlairë Lemenya, Eternally Threatening (15R185) Fierce.

When you play Úlairë Lemenya, you may remove to add a threat for each Free Peoples culture you can spot.

Úlairë Lemenya, Dark Enemy (19P37) Fierce.

Úlairë Lemenya is strength +1 for each possession in your discard pile. ​

Usable Cards[edit]

  • Black Breath
  • Blade Tip
  • Black Dart
  • Feel His Blade
  • Too Late
  • Lingering Shadow
  • Sauron's Gaze
  • Sense of Obligation