Gandalf, Friend of the Shirefolk (1R72)

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Gandalf, Friend of the Shirefolk (1R72) is a Gandalf Companion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Gandalf
Subtitle Friend of the Shirefolk
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 72
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Gandalf
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Companion
Race Wizard
Twilight Cost 4
Strength 6
Vitality 4
Signet Frodo
Game Text Gandalf is strength +1 for each of these races you can spot in the fellowship: Hobbit, Dwarf, Elf, and Man.
Lore “‘Among the Wise I am the only one that goes in for hobbit-lore: an obscure branch of knowledge, but full of surprises.'”
DE - German

Game Text Gandalf erhält Stärke +1 für jede dieser Rassen, die du in der Gemeinschaft entdecken kannst: Hobbit, Zwerg, Elb und Mensch.
Lore "Unter den Weisen bin ich der einzige, der sich mit Hobbitkunde befasst: ein unbekannter Wissenszweig, aber voller Überraschungen.“
ES - Spanish

Game Text Gandalf es fuerza +1 por cada una de estas razas que puedas avistar en la comunidad: Hobbit, Enano, Elfo y Hombre.
Lore “Entre los Sabios soy el único que estudia la ciencia hobbit: una oscura rama del conocimiento, pero colmada de raras sorpresas.”
FR - French

Game Text Gandalf a +1 en force pour chacune des races suivantes que vous pouvez désigner dans la Compagnie : Hobbit, Nain, Elfe et Homme.
Lore “‘Parmi les Sages, je suis le seul qui s'intéresse à la tradition hobbite: branche obscure de la connaisance, mais pleine de surprises.'”
IT - Italian

Game Text Gandalf ha +1 alla forza per ognuna di queste razze che puoi avvistare nella Compagnia: Hobbit, Nani, Elfi, e Uomini.
Lore “‘Tra i Saggi sono l'unico ad interessarmi della tradizione hobbit:, un campo estremamente oscuro ma pieno di sorprese.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S072.0
GEMP ID 1_72
LOTRO Hex ID 48 28 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_072


Gandalf, FotS is a powerful version of Gandalf who is only really usable in Fellowship Block, as subsequent sets released many cards that punish multi-cultural/multi-racial fellowships, such as Grima, Chief Counselor. Also, new versions of Gandalf were released that could obtain strength bonuses from other sources, such as Gandalf, The White Wizard and Gandalf, Mithrandir. Nonetheless, this is the strongest Gandalf available in Fellowship block and works well as a good tank, as he can get up to 13 strength with Glamdring and Wizard Staff. Even if you can't spot all the specified races, spotting 3 is still enough for this Gandalf to be a strong choice (if you have less than 3 you should consider The Grey Pilgrim). Note that you will always be able to spot a Hobbit, so his base strength is actually 7. As this is the best choice of Gandalf for fighting, good cards to use with him are Trust me as you once did (With a Gandalf signet fellowship) and Mysterious Wizard as a large pump, although Servant of the Secret Fire may be preferable due to its increased versatility.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Uruk-hai
  • Nazgul
  • Orc Pillager
  • Troop of Uruk-hai

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Too Great and Terrible (Perhaps more so than other versions of Gandalf, as he is the main fighter)
  • Multiculture Hate (Two Towers onwards) and hate to a specific culture or race (the opponent will have often an [Elven] Elf, a [Gondor] Man and a [Dwarven] Dwarf to spot and target)
  • Multirace Hate (Massing in the East, One of You Must Do This, Old Differences)
  • Wounding and Archery decks, against which his high strength is generally overkill.

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Gandalf, The Grey Wizard (1P364) Fellowship: Exert Gandalf to play a companion who has the Gandalf signet. The twilight cost of that companion is -2.
Gandalf, The Grey Pilgrim (2P122) At the start of each of your turns, you may draw a card.
Gandalf, Greyhame (4R89) Fellowship: If the twilight pool has fewer than 2 twilight tokens, add to play a character from your discard pile.
Gandalf, The White Wizard (4C90) While you can spot 3 twilight tokens, Gandalf is strength +3.
Gandalf, Mithrandir (6R30) Damage +1. Each time the fellowship moves, wound Gandalf.
Gandalf, Defender of the West (7C36) While you cannot spot 3 companions of the same culture, Gandalf is strength –2.
Gandalf, Manager of Wizards (7R37) Skirmish: Place 3 cards from hand on top of your draw deck to make a minion skirmishing an unbound companion strength –3. Any Shadow player may place 3 cards from his or her hand on top of his or her draw deck to prevent this.
Gandalf, Leader of Men (8R15) When Gandalf is in your starting fellowship, his twilight cost is -2.
Gandalf, Leader of the Company (11S33) While Gandalf is in region 1, each other companion is strength +2. While Gandalf is in region 2, each companion is strength +1. While Gandalf is in region 3, he is strength +2.
Gandalf, The White Rider (12R27) Skirmish: If Gandalf is not assigned to a skirmish, exert him and another unbound companion skirmishing a minion to make Gandalf strength +3 and have him replace that companion in that skirmish.
Gandalf, Bearer of Obligation (13R33) While Gandalf is the Ring-bearer, each time the fellowship moves, add 3 burdens unless you spot 2 other companions and discard 2 cards from hand.
Gandalf, Powerful Guide (15R29) To play, spot 2 Hobbits.

Each time you play a spell, you may add a burden to wound a minion.

At the start of each skirmish involving Gandalf, you may draw a card and then discard a card from your hand.

Gandalf, Returned (17R17) When you play Gandalf (except in your starting fellowship), you may play a possession on him from your draw deck or discard pile.

Each time Gandalf wins a skirmish, you may reinforce a Free Peoples token.

Gandalf, Wise Guide (19P8) Fellowship.

Response: If an event is played, exert Gandalf twice to cancel that event.

Gandalf, Stormcrow (0P64)
Gandalf, Lathspell (V2_13) Each mounted companion gains valiant.

Response: If a minion's special ability is used (except during a skirmish), spot 3 valiant companions and exert Gandalf to prevent that and wound that minion.

Gandalf, Olorin (V1_14) At the start of your fellowship phase, you may spot 2 allies and exert Gandalf to shuffle a or card from your discard pile into your draw deck.

While you can spot 3 allies, Gandalf is strength +2.

While you can spot Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn, Gandalf is strength +2. ​