Gate Troll (AI) (6R128)

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Isengard Mechanics (AI) (6R127)
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Gate Troll (AI) (6R128) is a Sauron Minion from the Ents of Fangorn set.

Collection Info
Title Gate Troll
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Notes Alternate image.
Set 6 - Ents of Fangorn
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 128
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Sauron
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Troll
Twilight Cost 8
Strength 13
Vitality 4
Site Number 6
Game Text Fierce. While you can spot a Troll, Gate Troll’s twilight cost is –4. For each other minion you can spot, this minion is strength +1.
Lore “‘...what the plague did you bring us here for?'”
DE - German
Card Name Morannon-Troll
Game Text Erbittert. Solange du einen Troll entdecken kannst, reduzieren sich die Kosten dieses Dieners um 4. Dieser Diener erhält Stärke +1 für jeden weiteren Diener, den du entdecken kannst.
Lore “Warum zum Henker hast du uns dann hierher gebracht?”
ES - Spanish
FR - French
IT - Italian

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN06S128.0
GEMP ID 6_128
LOTRO Hex ID 60 E0 B8 05
LOTRO Image ID 06_128

This card is an alternate image of Gate Troll. Please refer to that card for strategy and clarifications.

Alternate Personas[edit]

See Also[edit]

For the Battle of Helm's Deep and Ents of Fangorn releases, Decipher altered how the 3 rares in each starter deck were chosen. Instead of selecting random rares for each starter deck, they preselected three specific rare cards that actually fit the culture and strategy of the deck they were a part of, and gave the selected cards an alternate image. As a result, these rares aren't actually "rare", since every starter deck included them.