Data:Thandronen, Veteran Protector (4C85)/Collection

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As a card from the The Two Towers set, Data:Thandronen, Veteran Protector (4C85) was primarily gained through [standard booster packs | as a card in the XXX starter deck | direct purchase from the XXX product | explanation of promotional distribution], or sometimes as [a random rare in a starter deck]. It is a [brief description of usage], so its demand is [enormous | relatively high | average | relatively low | nonexistent].

  • As a Common, Veteran Protector has a 7 in 121 (~5.8%) chance of being in any TTT booster pack.
  • Foil versions of Movie-era Common cards were randomly selected to be inserted into booster packs at a rate of 1 out of 13 packs (~7.7% of packs). This means any given TTT booster pack had a 1 in 1,573 (~0.064%) chance of containing a foil Veteran Protector.
  • The Two Towers was printed (both standard and foil) in 3 languages other than English: German, French, and Italian.

All known card variants (including those listed above) are below:

Card Image Identifier Notes
English • Nonfoil
English • Nonfoil
English • Foil
German • Nonfoil
German • Foil
French • Nonfoil
French • Foil
Italian • Nonfoil
Italian • Foil
Spanish • Nonfoil
Spanish • Foil