Thin and Stretched (1R279)

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Thin and Stretched (1R279) is a Sauron Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Thin and Stretched
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 279
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Sauron
Side Shadow
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text To play, exert a Orc. Plays on the Ring-bearer.

Add a burden at the end of each turn during which bearer was not assigned to a skirmish (and another companion was).

Lore “‘I am old, Gandalf. I don't look it....'”
DE - German
Card Name Dünn und ausgemergelt
Game Text Strenge einen Ork an, um diese Karte auf den Ringträger zu spielen. Lege eine Lastmarke am Ende jedes Spielzuges auf den Ringträger, wenn ein anderer Gefährte einem Kampf zugewiesen wurde und er nicht.
Lore "Ich bin alt, Gandalf. Man sieht es mir nicht an...“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Flaco y Estirado
Game Text Para jugarla, esfuerza un Orco . Se juega sobre el Portador del Anillo. Añade una carga al final de cada turno en el que Portador del Anillo no fue asignado a una escaramuza (y otro compañero lo fue).
Lore “Estoy viejo, Gandalf; no lo parezco...”
FR - French
Card Name Maigre et Détiré
Game Text Pour jouer, affaiblissez un Orque . Jouable sur le Porteur de l’Anneau.

Ajoutez un point-fardeau à la fin de chaque tour au cours duquel le détenteur n’a pas été affecté à un combat (alors qu’un autre compagnon l’a été).

Lore “‘Je suis vieux, Gandalf. Je ne le semble pas....'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Magro e Teso
Game Text Per giocarla, sforza un Orco . Giocala sul Portatore dell’Anello.

Aggiungi un segnalino fardello alla fine di ogni turno in cui il possessore non è stato assegnato a una schermaglia (e lo è stato un altro compagno).

Lore “‘Sono vecchio, Gandalf. Non dimostro i miei anni....'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S279.0
GEMP ID 1_279
LOTRO Hex ID 47 35 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_279


A powerful burden adding card, Thin and Stretched is often used in conjunction with Desperate Defense of the Ring to take advantage of the fact that the ring-bearer rarely wants to skirmish, while all of his companions do. By playing Thin and Stretched on the Ring-bearer and Desperate Defense of the Ring on strong companions such as Aragorn, the Free Peoples player will be acquiring a lot of burdens or assigning stronger minions to weaker characters, both of which work in the shadow player's favour. Another option is to play both this and Desperate Defense of the Ring on the Ring-bearer, guaranteeing one of the effects either way. As Thin and Stretched triggers at the end of the turn, it is less effective against players who often move again during the Regroup phase, and it may even encourage the Free Peoples player to do so, in order to avoid burdens. Be wary of condition discard when using this strategy, especially as cards such as Athelas can discard this condition. This card is also ineffective against Mass ally/Horn of Boromir decks, as it triggers only if Frodo didn't skirmish and another companion did; as allies are not companions, this is another way of getting around this effect.

Thin and Stretched is also effective against the alternate Ring-bearers of Reflections, many of whom have negative penalties for skirmishing anyway. This card is least effective against Gandalf, BoO who rarely has any issues with skirmishing.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Strength based Fellowships
  • Slow Fellowships
  • Fellowships with no burden removal

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Burden Removal (Sam, Son of Hamfast; Narya)
  • Condition discard (Secret Sentinels, Sleep Caradhras)
  • Players who double-move often
  • Mass Archery decks (As there will then be no skirmishes)
  • Mass ally/Horn of Boromir decks

See Also[edit]
