View table: Languages

From LOTR-TCG Wiki

Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Code - String
  3. SortOrder - Integer (mandatory)
  4. Notes - String

This table has 13 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Code SortOrder Notes
Languages (edit) Chinese ZH 9 Set 1 only.
Languages (edit) English EN 1 Display version of English, including accents.
Languages (edit) French FR 4 Sets 1-14. Sourced from the LOTR-O client.
Languages (edit) German DE 3 Sets 1-14. Sourced from the LOTR-O client.
Languages (edit) German-Tengwar TG 2 Various sets
Languages (edit) Greek EL 10 Only a few promos exist in this language.
Languages (edit) Hungarian HU 11 Only a few promos exist in this language.
Languages (edit) Italian IT 5 Sets 1-14. Sourced from the LOTR-O client.
Languages (edit) Polish PL 7 Sets 1-3 only.
Languages (edit) Portuguese PT 8 Set 1 only.
Languages (edit) Spanish ES 6 At least sets 1-6. Sourced from the LOTR-O client.
Languages (edit) Swedish SV 12 Only a few promos exist in this language.
Languages (edit) Tengwar TW 2 Various sets