Simbelmyne (4R289T)

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Simbelmyne (4R289)
Back to The Two Towers Index
Supplies of the Mark (4R290)

Set: The Two Towers
Kind: Free Peoples
Culture: Rohan
Twilight: 1
Card Type: Event • Fellowship
Game Text: Fellowship: Spot 2 [ROHAN] Men (or 1 valiant [ROHAN] Man) to play a [ROHAN] character or [ROHAN] possession from your draw deck.
Lore: “‘How fair are the bright eyes in the grass! Evermind they are called... for they blossom in all seasons of the year, and grow where dead men rest.'”
Rarity: R
Notes: Tengwar

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This card is a [[1]] reprint of another card, Simbelmyne. Please refer to that card for strategy and clarifications.

Extra Information[edit]

Other Prints of Simbelmyne[edit]