Sharku's Warg (5R59) is a Isengard Possession from the Battle of Helm's Deep set.
DE - German
Card Name
Sharkus Warg
Game Text
Muss auf einen Wargreiter gespielt werden. Wenn Sharku der Reiter ist, erhält er Schaden +1. Reaktion: Wenn eine spezielle Kampffähigkeit in einem Kampf eingesetzt wird, an dem der Reiter beteiligt ist, strenge ihn an, um dies zu verhindern.
Der Anführer der Wargreiter wählte das schnellste und stärkste Reittier für sich aus.
ES - Spanish
Card Name
El Huargo de Sharku
Game Text
El portador debe ser un Jinete de huargo. Si el portador es Sharku, él es daño +1.
Respuesta: Si se usa una habilidad especial de escaramuza en una escaramuza en la que participe el portador, esfuerza al portador para cancelar esa acción.
El capitán de los huargos eligió la montura más fuerte y rápida.
FR - French
Card Name
Le Ouargue de Sharkou
Game Text
Le détenteur doit être un chevaucheur de ouargue.
Si le détenteur est Sharkou, il inflige des dégâts +1.
Réponse : Si une capacité spéciale de combat est utilisée dans un combat qui implique le détenteur, affaiblissez le détenteur pour annuler cette action
Sharkou prend la monture la plus rapide et la plus puissante.
IT - Italian
Card Name
Mannaro di Sharku
Game Text
Il possessore deve essere un Cavalcalupi. Se il possessore è Sharku, ha Danno +1.
Risposta: Se un’abilità speciale di schermaglia è usata in una schermaglia che coinvolga il possessore, sforza il possessore per cancellare quell’azione.
Il capitano dei Mannari s'impadronì della cavalcatura più veloce e più potente.
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
6B B7 C4 04
Gameplay Strategy[edit]
In this section, describe:
- General usage
- Unorthodox or subtle usage
- Common pitfalls of using this card
Deckbuilding Strategy[edit]
In this section, describe:
- Cards and strategies this card works well with
- Cards and strategies this card works particularly well or poorly against
- Alternate cards you might consider picking instead of this one, depending on the situation, including alternate version of characters
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Synergizes With...[edit]
- List friendly cards that work well with this card
Strong Versus...[edit]
- List enemy cards this card does well against
Weak Versus...[edit]
- List enemy or friendly cards to avoid playing this card with
In this section:
- Put quotes from the CRDs and Comprehensive Rules here that reference this card specifically by name
- Also put quotes if a particular rule commonly affects the outcome of a card in a subtle manner (such as quoting the Rule of 4 for Saved From the Fire (8R20)
- Link to rules discussions on TLHH
See Also[edit]
- Add links to the wayback machine (or wiki archival links) for official Decipher articles regarding the card
- Link to decks that use this card